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2� 1 ��7�88 <br /> , • ' +� . <br /> � � i <br /> i <br /> 1 <br /> other martgage ass�stance that the Borrvwer previously entered into with Lender. <br /> P. In cases where the Loan has been registered with Mortgagee who has anly legal title to the interests <br /> granted by the Borrower in the Loan Documents, Mortgagee has the right to exercis� any or aIl of <br /> those interests, inc�udingy but not limited to,the right to foreclose and sell the Froperty and to take <br /> any ac�ion required of Lender including,but nnt limited tn,releasing and canceling the Loan. <br /> Q. If the Laan I�acum�nts goWern a h4me equity loan or line af credit,then Barrower agrees tha�as of <br /> the Modif�catian Effecti�e Dat�, �he right to borr�w new funds under the hame eyuity loan or�ine <br /> af credit is termina#ed.This means tha�Borr�wer cannat abtain additianal ad�ances and must make <br /> payments accvrding to this Agreement. Lender may ha�e pre�iously terminated or suspended the <br /> right�o vb� additional ad►vances under the home equi�y taan or�ine of cr�di�,and if sa,Borravwer <br /> canfrms and acknowled�es�hat n�additi�na�ad�ances may he aatained. <br /> R. Unless this Agreement �s execu�ed without alteration.and is sign�d and returned along with �he <br /> following documents with the payment,if required,within 15 days from the date of this letter in the <br /> enclosed, prepaid oWernight en�elape, it wi�1 be �f no force or effect and the Loa,n wi I1 remain <br /> subj ect to all existing terms a.nd conditions pro�ided in �he Loan Documents. Upon receipt of a <br /> prvperly executed Agreement,this Agreement wil�become efFectiv�on��TQBER 1,2416. <br /> S. I agre�that this Agreemen�will be null and void if the Lender is unable to receive all necessary title <br /> endorsement�s},titl�insurance pr�duG��s}andl or subordination Agreement(s}. <br /> T. Borrower must deli�er to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage a properly signed modifcation Ageement <br /> by U�TUBER 4,201G.If Borrower daes nat reri�r�a prvperly signed madification Agreement by <br /> this date and mak� all payments pursuant ta the trial plan Agreement or any other requir�d pre- <br /> modification payments,Wet�s Fargo Home Mortgage may deny or cancet the mod�ficativn.If the <br /> Borrower returns praperly signed modification Agreement by said date, payments pursuanfi to �he <br /> loan madif cativn Agreement are due as outlined in this modif cation Agreement. �Velis Fargo <br /> Home Mortgage may deny or cancel this Ioan modification Agreement if Borrower fails tv make <br /> th�first payment due pursuant�o�his laan madifieation Agreement. <br /> All Barrowers are reauired to sign aad date this Agreement in blue or black ink only as the�orrowers' <br /> name appears be�ow. If signed us�ag any other color�r method,the document wi�� not be accepted and <br /> another��py of the Agre�ment wili be sent to the Borrower to be signed. <br /> By signing below,al� Borrawers�ertify the�have read this Agreement in its entirety,that alt Borrowers <br /> know and understand the meaning and intent of this Agreement aad that all Borrowers enter into this <br /> Agreement knowingly and�oluntarily.By signing belaw,alI B�rrowers agree to all terms and eanditions <br /> described on e�ery Page af this Agreement. <br /> VVells Farga Custom Non HAMP�82bZ01 b 368 936 I������������ <br /> Page 7 <br />