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, ; � . � <br /> 2� 1 ��7�88 <br /> . � , <br /> , <br /> deli�ered or mailed wi�hin which Borrower must pay all sums seGured by the Loan Documents. If <br /> Borrawer fails to pay these sums prior ta the expiration of this period, I.ender may inWuke any <br /> remedies permitted by th�Loan I]acuments withaut fur�her notice or demand on Borrawer. <br /> H. �f Borr�wer has a pay Qption adjustable rate m�rt�age Loan, upon modific�tion, �,he minimum <br /> monfhly payment apti�n, the interest-only or�any�ther payrnen�options will no longer be offered <br /> and that the monthly payments descr�bed in the abo�e payment schedule for my modified Loan wi�l <br /> be the minimum paymen�that will be due each month for the remaining term of the Loan. <br /> I. If Barrawer fails ta pay Lender the amount due and owing or to pay any manthty payment an the <br /> dates above, Borrower shall surrender th� Property to Lender, �f Borrower fails ar�refuses to <br /> surrender the Property ta Lender,Lender may exercise any and a11 remedies to reco�er the Property <br /> as may b� a�ailable t� Lender pursuan�to its security interest and lien and applicable law. These <br /> remedies may include the recovery of reasonable attorney's fees actually incurred, plus iegal <br /> expenses and expenses for entering on the Froper�y to make repairs in any farectosure action filed <br /> to enforce�he Lender lien.Lender's rights a.nd r�medies extend only to�he Praperty,and any action <br /> r�Iated tv the Prvperty i�setf and not t� reco�ery of any amount owed to Lender under the Nate as <br /> modif ed herein,which has been discharged in bankruptcy. <br /> J. If inciuded, the undersign�d Borrower�s} acknovrr�edge receipt and acceptance of the I-4 Family <br /> Modification Agreement Rider Assignment of Rents. <br /> K. If included, the undersigned B�rrower�s� acknawledge receipt and acceptance of the Notice of <br /> Special Flood Hazard disclosure. <br /> L. C�RRE�TIaN A�REEMENT: The undersigned Borrower�s}, far and in consideration of the <br /> approval,closing and fiunding of this Modification,hereby gran�s Wells Fargo Home Mortgage,as <br /> Iender, limited pawer of a�tarney to correct andlor initial all typographical ar clerical errors <br /> discQ�ered in the Modification Agreemen�reauired �o be signed. In the eWent this limi�ed power of <br /> attorney is exer.cised,the und�rsigned will be notified and recei��a copy of the document execut�d <br /> or initialed on their b�half. This pro�ision may nQt be used to modify the interest rate, modify the <br /> tetm, modify the outstanding principal balance ar modify the undersigned's manthly princip�l and <br /> in�erest payments as mpdified by this Agreement.Any of these specified changes must be executed <br /> directly by the undersigne�l. This limited pawer of attarney shall aut�ma�ically terminate in 1�4 <br /> days from the closing date❑f the undersigned's Modific�tion.Borrower agrees to make and execute <br /> such other documents or papers as necessary or required ta efFectuate the ter�ns and conditions of <br /> this Agreement which, if approved and acc�pted by Lender, shall bind a,nd inure to their heirs, <br /> executors,admin�stratvrs,and assigns af the Borrovver. <br /> M. If the BorrQvr�er's Loan is currently in foreGlosure, �he Ler�der will attempt to suspend or cancel the <br /> fnrec�osure actron upan receipt of the first payment according�o this Agre�ment.Lender agrees to <br /> suspend further col�ection efforts as long as Borrowers eflntinue rnaking the required paym�nts <br /> und�r this Agreem�nt. <br /> N. All the rights and remedies, stipulat�ons, and condi#ions c�ntain�d in the Loan Documents relating <br /> tv default in the making of payments under the Loan Documents shall also apply�o default in the <br /> making�f the madifi�d payments hereunder. <br /> Q, This Agr�em�nt shall supersede the terms of any modifcation, forbeasance, irial period ptan or <br /> �Vells Farga Custom Nan HAMP 0$262�16 368 �3������1�������� <br /> Page b <br />