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2� 1 ��7��� <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Secti�n 9 sha��become additional debt of Borrower secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. These amaunts shall bear int�rest at the Note ra.te from the da�e of disbursement <br /> and sha11 be payableA with such interest,upon n�tice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. <br /> If this Security Instrument is on a leaseha�d,Bonower�hall earnp�y with a11 the pro��sions of the�ease, If <br /> Borrower acquires f�e title to the Pro�erty,the Ieas�hold and the fe�title sh�.11 not merge unless Lend�r <br /> agrees to the rnerger in�vriting. <br /> 1�. Mo�tgage Insurance.If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a c�ndition of making the Loan, Borro�er <br /> sha11 pay the premiums required to ma�ntain the Mortgage Insurance in effect. If, for any reason,the <br /> Mortgage Insurance co�erage required by Lender ceases to lae available from the mortgage insurer that <br /> previously provided such insurance and Borrawer was req�.�red to make separately des�gnated payme�.ts <br /> toward the premiums for M�rtgage Insurance, Borr�wer sha11 pay the premiums requir�d to obtain cav�rage <br /> substant�all�equ�va�en�ta the Mor�gage In�urance previousl�in�ffect,at a cns�substa.ntially equivalent to <br /> the cast to Borro�uer�f the Mortgage Insurance previously in effec�, from an alternate mnrtgage�ns�rer <br /> se�ected by Lender. If substantially�quiva�ent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not availabt�,Borrower shatl <br /> con�inue to pay to Lender�he amount�f the separa�ely designat�d payments that�rere due when the <br /> insurance co�erage ceased to be in effect. Lender wi11 accept,use and retain these payments as a <br /> non-refundable loss reser�e in lieu of Mortgage Insurance, �uch�oss reser�e sha�l b�non-refundable, <br /> notvvithstanding the fact that the Loan is u���matel�paid in fu11,and Lend�r sha�1 not be required to pay <br /> Borrower an�interest or earning�on such lass r�serve. Lender can no�anger re�uire 1os�reser�e payn�ents <br /> if Mortgage Insurance coverage(in the amount and for�he periad that Lender requires)provided by an <br /> insurer s���ct�d by Lender again becomes available,is�btained, and Len�ler requires separa�ely designated <br /> payments toward the premiums for M�rtgage Insurance. If Lender required Mor�gage Insurance as a <br /> cond�tion af making the Loaa and Borrower was requued to make separat�ly designated payments toward the <br /> premiums for Martgage Insurance,Borra�ver sha11 pay the�rem�ums required t�mainta�n IIElortgage <br /> Insura�ace in effect,��r to gro�ide a non-r�fu�.dable Ioss reserve,until Lender's requir�ment far 1Vlortgage <br /> Insurance ends in accordance w�th any written agreement between Bonower and Lender praviding for such <br /> termination or until termination is required by Applicab�e La�r.Nothing in this Section 1�affects <br /> Borrower's obligatian to pay interest at the rate provided in the Note. <br /> Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender�or any ent��that purchases the Note}for c�rtain losses it may incur <br /> �f Borrow�r does nat repay the Loan as agre�d. Bnrrower i�not a party to the Mortgage Insurance. <br /> Mort�age insurers e�a�uate�heir tota.l risk on a11 such insuranee in force fram time to t�me,and may enter <br /> into agreements with oth�r parties that share ar madify theu-risk,or reduce losses. Th�se agreements are or� <br /> terms and conditions that are sati�fac�ory to the mortgage ir�su.rer and the other party(or parties}to these <br /> agreements. These agreements may requir�the martgage�nsurer t�make payments using any sa�.r�e of funds <br /> that the martgage�.nsurer may have ava�lable�which may inelude funds obtained from Mor�gage Insurance <br /> premiums). <br /> As a result of these agreements, Lender,any purchaser of the Nate,ana�her insurer,any reinsuarer,any <br /> other entity,or any affi�iate of any of the foregoing, may re��ive�directly or indire�t�y]amo�.nts that <br /> �lerive from(ar might be chara�terized as}a�or�ion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insuarance, in <br /> exchang�for sharing or modif}�ing�he mortgage insurer's ris1�,or reduc�ng Iosses. If such agreem�n� <br /> provides that an aff���ate of Lender ta.kes a share of the�nsurer's risk in exchange for a share of tl�e <br /> prerniums�aid to the insurer,the arrangement is of�en termed"captiv�r�in�urance." Fu.rther: <br /> q�33635145G5 0�33 515 ��17 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac IJNIF�RM INSTRUMENT iIVETH MERS Form 3028 1141 <br /> VAIIP� VMPfiA(NE}�1342}.44 <br /> Walters Ki�nnrer Financial 5ervices Page 9 of 97 <br />