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2� 1 ��7��� <br /> S, �ccupancy.�arrawet sh�.11 occupy, es�ablish, and use the pro�erty as Borrower's principal residenee <br /> within 6�days aft�r the execution of th�s Securi��n�trurnent and sha11 c�ntinue to occ�py the Property as <br /> Borrower's principal residenc�for at least one year after the date of occupanc�,unless Lender other�rise <br /> agrees in writing,which consent sha11 not be unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuating circurrYsta.nces <br /> exi�t w�hich are be�ond�ar�rower'S cont�-o�. <br /> 7. Preservation,Maint�nance and Prvte�t�on of the Property;Inspectivns.Borra�er shall not destro�, <br /> damag�or impa�r the Property,a11o�v the Property to deteriora��or commit�as�e on th�Property. �hether <br /> or not Borrov��r is res�d�ng in the Prop�rty,Borro�ver shall rnaintain the Proper�in order to pre�ent th� <br /> Property from deteri�ra�ing or decreasing in�alue due to its condition. Un.less�t is determined pursuant�o <br /> Sect��rn�that�epai�o��estorat�on�s nat eca�om��a���f�as�b��, Borro��r s�a���romgt�y repai�the�'ro�e�y <br /> if darnaged ta avoid fur�her deterioratian or damage.If insurance or condemna�ion proceeds are pa�d in <br /> connection with damage toA or the taking of,the Propert�, Bonov�er shall be responsib�e for repai.r�ng or <br /> restorin�the Property only if Lender has releas�d proceeds for such purposes, Lender may disb�.rse proceeds <br /> for the repairs and restoration in a single payment ar in a series af pro�ress paymen.ts as th�wark�s <br /> complet�d. If the xnsurance�r condemnation proceeds are n�t suffcien.t ta repair or restore the Property, <br /> Borrower is not relieved of Bonotiver's obligatian f�r t�ae completion of suc�i repair or restoratian. <br /> Lender or its agent may make reasonable en�tries upfln and inspections of the�'rop�rt�r, If it has rea�anable <br /> cause,Le�der may inspect the in�erior of the improvements an the Property. Lender sha11 give Barrower <br /> notice at�he time of ar prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonab�e cause. <br /> 8. Borrvv�rer�'s Loan Appl�cat�vn.Borrower sha11 be in default if, dur�ng the Loan application process, <br /> Borr�yver or any persans or entities acting at the direction of Borro�er ar�vith Borrawer's 1�nowledge or <br /> cons�nt ga�e materially false,m.isleading,or inaccurate information or sta.tements to Lender�or faile�to <br /> provide Lender�vith material inforrnation}in connection with the Loan. Materia�representations include,but <br /> are not limited to,r�pr�senta�ions�oncerning Borrower's occupanc�of the Property as F3orrawer's principal <br /> res�dence. <br /> 9. P�otectionof Lender's Interest in�he Propertyand Rights Under thi�Security Instrument.If�a} <br /> Borrawer fai�s ta perfarrn the covenants and agreements c�ntained in this Security Instrument, �b}there is a <br /> 1ega1 proceeding that might significantly affect Lender's interest ir�the Propert�ancllor rights under this <br /> Security Instrument(such as a proce�d�ng�n ban�ruptcy,proba�e, for condemnation or forfe�ture, for <br /> enforcement of a lien which may attain priarity over th�s Security Instrument ar to enforce laws or <br /> regulations),or�c}Borr�wer has abandoned the Praper�,then Lender ma�r do and pay for v�h�.tever is <br /> reasonabl�ar apprapriate t�protect Lencier's interest in the Property and rights under this Secu.rity <br /> Instrum�nt,including protecting andlnr assessing the�a�ue of the Property, and securing andlor repairing <br /> the Prope�r. Lender's actions�an include,but are no���mited to: (a)pa�ing an�sums secured by a lien <br /> which has priority over this SeGurity Instrument; (b}app�ar�ng in c�urt;and(c}paying reasonabl�at��rneys' <br /> fees ta protect its interest in the Property andlor righ�s under this Securi�Instrument, including its secured <br /> pasit�on��.a bankruptcy pr�eeedrng. Securing the pr�pert�Ync�udes,�ut is�at�rmited to,ente�r�ng t�.e <br /> Property�o make repairs,change�ocl�s,replace�r board up doors and windaws,drain water from p�pes, <br /> eliminate building or other cnde violations or danger�us conditions,and have utilrties turned on or off. <br /> Although Lender may take action un�er thi�Section�,Lender does not have to do so and is not under any <br /> dut�or obligation to do sa, It is agreed th�.t Lender incurs no liability for not taking any or all action.s <br /> authorized under this Se�tion 9. <br /> q�3363614665 ��33 5l5 Q817 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mae{Freddie Mac L1NIF�RM IMSTRUMENT i�VITH MERS Farm 3428 1141 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA(NE}(1342}.44 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 8 of 17 <br />