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2� 1 ��7��� <br /> If the power of sale is in�oked,Trustee shall record a n�ti�e af default in ea�h Count�in which any <br /> part of the Property is loc��e�and shall�copies of such notice in the manne�prescribed by <br /> AppYicab�e Law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by App�icable Law.After the time <br /> require�d b�Applicable Law,Truste�shall give pub��c not�ce of�ale ta the pers4ns and in the manner <br /> prescri�ed��Appli�able Law.Trustee,vr����ut demand on��rrvv�er,shall sell the Prnperty at public <br /> auctian t�the highest bidder at�he time and place and under the terms designated in the notic�of sa�e <br /> in one or more parcel�and in any order�'rustee de�termines.Trust�e m�y postpone sale af all or any <br /> �arcel Qf the Property b�publi�announcement at��e time an�place of any previ�usly scheduled sale. <br /> Lender vr its designee may purchase the Prap�rty at any sale, <br /> Upon receipt of payment af the priGe bid,Trustee shall d�liver ta th�pu.rchaser Tru�tee's dee�l <br /> con�eying the Property.�'he reCitals�n the Trustee's deed shall be prima fa�ie e�idenCe of the truth of <br /> the sta�ements made therein.Trus#e�shail appi��he pro�eeds of the sale in th�follv�ving tirder: �a}#o <br /> all costs a�nd expenses�f�xercising�he power of sale,and the sale,inclu�ing the payment of the <br /> Trustee's fees actually inCurred and reason�ble attorneys'fees as permit��d b�Applicabie Law; �b}to <br /> all sums secured�y this Security Instrument; and�c}any excess to the person�r persons legally <br /> entitled to it. <br /> �3. Reeon�eyar�ee.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security In�trumentA Lender shat�request <br /> Trustee to reconvey the Pr�perty and shai�surrender this�ecuri�Instrument and a11 nates evidencing debt <br /> secured by this Security Ins�ru.ment to Trustee. Trustee sha11 reconvey the Propert��v�thout warranty ta the <br /> person or persons�egal��e�titled to it. Such.p�rson or perso�as sha11 pay any recordation cos�s.Lender ma� <br /> charg�such person or persons a f�e fflr recon�re�ing t�he�'�4�e�,h�t anly if the fee is paid to a third party <br /> (such as the Trustee}for services rendered and�he charging of the fee is permitted under Applicable Law. <br /> 24. SubstituteT�`us#ee.Lender, at its option, may from time to time renlflve Trustee and appo�nt a successor <br /> trust�e t�any Trustee app�inted hereun.der by an instrument recorded in the eounty in which this Security <br /> Instrument is recorded. Without conveyance of�he Prop�rty,the suceessar trustee sha11 succeed to al�the <br /> title,power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein and by Applicable Law. <br /> �5. Requestfor Nt�t�ces.Boxrower requests that cop�es af the notice af defau�t and sale be sent�o Borrower's <br /> address wh��h is the Property Address. <br /> q�3363614665 4233 515 1517 <br /> hIE9RASKA-Single Fami#y-Fannie MaelFrecidie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Farm 3428 1141 <br /> VMP� VMPfiAtNE}(1302}.44 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 35 of 17 <br />