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2� 1 ��7��� <br /> �'i. HazardvusSubstance�.As used in this Section2�: (a� "Hazardo�s,Sul�,sta�rcce.s"ar�thos�substances <br /> defined as toxic or hazardous substances,pa��uta.nt�,or�va�tes by En�irvnmental Lav�and the fo�tv�ring <br /> substa.nces: gasaline,kerose�.e,other flammable or toxic petroleum products,�oxic pest�cides and herbicides, <br /> volatile salvents, materials eonta�ning asbestos or formaldehyd�, and radi�activ�materials; �b} <br /> "���irvr��ent�l�,a�w"r��eans federalla�vs and laws of�.��jurisdict�on where the Property is located that <br /> relate to health, safety or environmenta�pro�ectian; (c) "Ercviro�crrtenta��`lea��p"inctudes any resp�nse <br /> action, remedial action, or remova�action, as defined in En�ironment�.1 La�u; and(d}an ".��varonrner�tal <br /> Carcditiorc"means a c�ndition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup. <br /> Borrovver sha11 not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal, storage,or release af any Hazardous <br /> Substances,or threaten t�re�ease any Ha�ard�us Substa.nces�on ar in the Property. Borrov���shall not do, <br /> nor a11ow anyone e��e to do,anything affecting the Property(a)that i�in vialation of any Environmental <br /> La�, �b}which creates an Environmental�onditi��,or�c}tivh�ch,due to the presence,use,or release af a <br /> Hazardous�,cr�ates a conditiora that adversely affe�ts the value of�he�'roperty. The preceding�vo <br /> sentences sha11 not apply�o the presence,u�e,or st�rage on the Pr�perty of small quantities of Hazardous <br /> Substances that are generally recognized to be approgr�ate to normal residential uses and to maintenanc�of <br /> the Praperty�,'but not limited to,hazardous substances in consumer products). <br /> Borrower sha11 promptly give Lender�ritten no�ice of(a}any investigationA claim,demand, �awsuit or other <br /> action by any governmental or regulatory agency or priva�e party rn�olving the Property and any Hazardous <br /> Substance or En�uonmen�a.1 Law af which Borr�wer has actua�kno�vledge, (b}any Enviranmental <br /> Condition, �ncluding but not�imited to,any spilling, leaking,discharge,release or threa�af release of any <br /> Hazardaus�ubstance,anc��c}a��co�dition caused by the presence,use�r release of a Ha�ardous Substan�e <br /> which adversely affects the value of the PrQperty. If Borrower learns,or is notified by any go�ernmental or <br /> r�gulatory au�hor��y,ar any private part�,that any r�moval or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance <br /> affect�ng the Pr�perty is ne�essary,Borrower sha11 promptly all necessary rem�dial actions in <br /> accordance with Environmental Law.Nothing herein sha�I create any obligation on Lender for an <br /> Environm�ntal��eanup. <br /> Non-tJn�form Ca�enants.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> Z�. Accelerat�fln;Remed ies.Lender shall give nvti�e to Bvrrower prior to a�celeration following <br /> Borr�wer's brea�h af any�ovenant or agre�ment in this Security Instrument{but not privr�a <br /> acceleration under�e��io�a 18 unless App��cable Law prvvides otherwise�, The notice shall specify; �a3 <br /> the default; �b}the action required to cure the default; �c�a date,not less than 3U days fram the date <br /> the noti�e i�given to Barrawer,by�vhich the default must be cure�; and�d}that failure to cu�e the <br /> default�n or before�he date specified�n the n�tice may reSult in acce�er�ation af the sums secure�d by <br /> this Securit�Instrument and sale of the Property. The noti�e shall further inform Borrower of the <br /> right ta reinstate after ac�el�r�t�an and the right ta bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a <br /> default or an�other defense of Borrower to acc�Yeration and sale.If the defau�t is nat cured an or <br /> bef�re th�cia��spe�cif�e�.in the nvtice,�e��er a�t its option may requ.ire�rn.m.ediate pa�ment in full of <br /> a��sums secured by this Security Instrument vrith�ut further demand and may invoke the p�wer of sale <br /> and any o�her remedie�permitted by Applicable Law.Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses <br /> inCurred in pursuing the r�medies pr�vided in this Secti�n 22,includ�ng,but not��mited#o,reasonabie <br /> attorneys'fees and c�sts of title evidence. <br /> q�33G3514G65 �233 515 1417 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIFflRM lNSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3428 1i�1 <br /> VMP� VMPBA(NE}[13�2}.�� <br /> Vllalters Kluwer Financial Services Page 14 of 17 <br />