2� 1 ���9�5
<br /> Items at any t�me.Any su�h wai�er may only be in wr�tin�. In the e�ent vf such wai��r,Barrower
<br /> shall pay directly,wh�n and where payable,th�amounts due for any Escrvw�terr�s for which
<br /> payment�f Funds has been wa��ed b3�Ler�d�r and, if Lender r�quires, shall furnish to Lender receipts
<br /> ��idencing such payment within such time p�riod as Lender ma�r require. Borrow�r's�b�igation to
<br /> make such payrnents and to pra�idz�ec�ipts si��ij f�r all purposes b�deemed to b�a co�enant and
<br /> agre�ment contair�ed in this Security Instrument, a5 the phr�se "�o�enant and agre�ment" is u5ed in
<br /> Section 9. if Borrow�r is�bligated t�pa��scr�vrT Items direct��,pursuant�a a wai�er,and Bc�rrow�r
<br /> fa�ls to pay the�mount due for an�scrow Item, Lender may exercis�its r��hts under Section 9 and
<br /> pay su�h amaun#a.nd Barrower shall t�en be abl igate�under Se�tian 9 to repay ta Lender any su�h
<br /> amount.Lend�r m�.y re�oke the wai��r as to an�ar a�t Escrow I�ems at an�time by a notice gi�en in
<br /> accordance with Sect�an 15 and, �p�n such re�acat�on,Ba�-row�r shall pay ta Lend�r all Funds,and ir�
<br /> su�h am ounts,that are then requ ir�d und�r�h�s Sect ion 3.
<br /> Lender may,at any time,co�ject and h4id Funds in an amou�t�a}su�"icien�t�perm�t Lender to app��
<br /> the Funds at the time specified under R�SP��,a�d �b}not ta�x�eed th�maxirnu�n amaunt a iender
<br /> ca.n r�quire un�er R�SPA. Lend�r sh�.Il e�t�r�ate the�mo��nt�f�'unds du�on the basis of current d�#a
<br /> ar�d reas�n�b�e estimate�a��a�pe�ditur�s of fu�ure�s�ro�It�ms�r�therwyse in accardan�e w�th
<br /> App�icable Law.
<br /> The Funds shal]he held �n an insti�utiofl whos�depasits are ir�sured by a federal agency,
<br /> �x�strumentality,or entity�inc�ud�n�L�nde�, i�Lend�r�s�n institution wh�se d�posit�are so insured�
<br /> ar in any Fed�ral H�me Loan Bank.�er�d�r sha�l ap��y the�unds to pay the Es�row�tems n�later
<br /> than the time speci�ed under RESPA. Ler���r si�all�3ot char�e Bt�rrower for ha��ing and applyin�the
<br /> Fund�,annually analyzing the e��row a��our�t,�r��rifying th�E�crovv�t�rns,un�ess L�nder pays
<br /> Borrower interest on the Funds and Appl�ca�je Lau�permit��ender to jnake such�charge. Un�ess an
<br /> agreem�nt is made in wr�ting or Appiicable Law requ�res intere�t to be paid on the Funds,Lender sha�l
<br /> not be required to pay Borrower�.ny interest Qr earnin�s or�t�e Funds. Borr�wer and Lender can agree
<br /> in writing,howe�er,that interest shall be pa�d on the Funds.Lender shall gi�e ta Borrower,without
<br /> char�e,an annuai accountin��f the Funds as r�yuired by RESPA.
<br /> If th�re i�a�urp�us of Funds he�d in escr�w,as d�fn�d under 1�E�PA, Lender shal�a�count to
<br /> �o�ow�r for the excess funds in accord�x���t�ith f�E�P�.. �f�here�s a�horta��o�Funds held in
<br /> escrow,as defined ur�d�r R�S�'A,Ler�der�h��.�� r�ot��'y Bvrrc����r�s requir�d by�ESPA,and Borrower
<br /> sha�� pay ta Lender the amount necessar�to make up the shortag�ir�accordance�vith RESPA,but
<br /> in no more than 1�monthly payments. Xf there is�defici��cy�f Funds h�ld in escrow,as def ned
<br /> under RESPA,Lender sha1�notify Bnrrvv►��r a�r��uired���ESPA,and Barra�wer shall pay tn Lender
<br /> the amount necessary ta make up the def�i���cy an accorda�c�wit�RESFA,but in no mor�than 12
<br /> rri�nthly payments.
<br /> LJpon paymer�t ir�fu���f ali sums s�cur���by����s Se�ur��y Ir�strument,Le�der��al�promptly r��'un�ta
<br /> Borrr��wer at�y Funds held by Lerider.
<br /> 4. Gh�rges; L�ens. B�rrower sha�l�ay a�� t�h�s,assessmen�s,�har�e5,fines,and imp�sitjons
<br /> attrib�tal�le t�the Prc�p�rty wh�ch can��.tain prior;t��a��r t�iis���ucity �n�trum�nt, ��aseho�d payments
<br /> or ground rents on the Property, if�ny,a�d C:o�nmunity�s��c�at�an �]ue�, Fees,and Assessments, if
<br /> HCFG-0n359
<br /> NEBRASi�{A-Sir�gle Family-Fat�ni�11,1�e1Freddie Ni�c UNlFQRM INSTi�l3M��VT �vcm 3Q28 i1Q1
<br /> y�p� �41'!fi
<br /> WWters Kiuwe►Financial Services 2a3�1Gu���fi�2BY Page 5 oi 37
<br /> �� � t
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