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2� 1 ���9�5 <br /> Section �5. Lender may return any payment or part�al payment if the payment or partial payments are <br /> �nsuffici�nt to bring the L�an current. Lender may accept any payment ar partial payment�nsuffic�ent <br /> ta�r�ng the Loan current,�vithout�vaiver of ax�y r�ghts hereunder�r preju��ce to its rights to refuse <br /> su�h pay�nent or parti��payments in the future,but Lend�r is nat�b��gated to apply such payment�at <br /> the time such payment�are ac��pted.If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its scheduled due date, <br /> then Lend�r n�ed not pay� int�rest on unappXied funds. Lender ma�hold such unapplied funds unti� <br /> B�rrawer makes payments to bririg the Loan current. If B�rrower does not do sa within a reasanab�e <br /> periad of time,L�nder sha��either�pp�y su�h�unds ar re�urn them to Borrower.If n�t applied earlier, <br /> such funds will be applied to the outstand�r�g prin��pal ba�ance under the l�ote�mmed�ately pr�or <br /> to foreclosure.No of�set or claim which Barrowe�mi�ht ha��n��uv or in the future agains#Lend�r <br /> shall relie�e Barr�wer firom making paymen#s due under the Note and this Security Instrument or <br /> perf�rm rng the co�ena.�ts and agree�n�nts sec ured by th i�Sec urit��Instrum�nt. <br /> 2. Appi�cation of P�yrr��nts or Pro�e�d�. Ex�ept as otheY-vvi�e described in this Sect�on 2, <br /> all payments acc�pted and applied by Lender sh�.�l�e applied in the foll�wix��order of pri�rity: <br /> (a�interest due under the Nate;�b}princip��du�under the l�ote;(��am�unts due under Sectio�3. <br /> Such payments sha�l be app�ied to ea�h Periodic Payment in the vrder in which it became due.Any <br /> remaining amounts shall be applied f�rst to late charges,se�ond t�any ather amounts due under this <br /> Security Instrument,and th�n to re�uce the principal balanc�of th�Note. <br /> If Len�er receives a payment firc�m Barr�wer f�r�de�inqueri�P��i�dic Payment which includes a <br /> sufficient amount to pay any �ate charg�due,the payment may�e applied to the delinquent p�yment <br /> and the�ate charge. If mor�than on�Periodi�Payment is outstand�ng,L�nder may apply any payment <br /> received from Borrow�r to the repayment of t�e Perindic Paym�n�:s if,and to th�extent that,each <br /> payment can be pai� �n fu��. To the extent that any�xcess exists after the payment��app�ied�o th� <br /> fuil paymen#of�ne or more Periodic Payment�, su�h excess may be applied t�any late charges d�e. <br /> Voluntary prepayments shal� be appl�ed f rst to any prepaym�nt charges and then as described in the <br /> Iyote. <br /> Any appli�ation of payments, ins�ranc�proc�eds,ar M�scellaneous Proceeds to principal due under <br /> the�ot�shal�not extend ar pastpone th�du�date, �r change�Me amoun�,of the Periadic Payments. <br /> 3. Fund�for Eser�w ltems. Borrnwer shali pay to Lend�r an the day P�riodi�Payments are <br /> due under the N�#e,unt�1 t�ie Note is paid in fiil�,a sum (�he "Funds"}to provide for payment�f <br /> amnunts due f�r: (a}tax�s and�ssessmen�s and other it�ms which �ar�attain prio�ity o�er this Se�urity <br /> Instrument as a l ien or encumhr�nc�on the Properiy;�t����asehald payments�r ground rents on <br /> the Property, if any;�c}premium�fo�any and all�nsuranc�required by Lender u�nder Sectio�S; <br /> and�d}Mor�gage Insuran��premiums, if any,or ar�y sum�payabie by B�rr�vver ta Lend�r in l�eu <br /> of the payment of Mor�ga�e Insurance premiums in accord�nG�with the pro�isi�ns nf Section I�. <br /> These items are�al�ed "E�crov��It�ms."At�r�ginati�n�ar at any t�me during t�e terxn of the L�an, <br /> Lender may re�uire that�arr�munity Associat��n Dues, Fees,a��A►ssessments, �f any,be�scrowed <br /> by Borrower,and such dues, fe�s and assessments shall be an Es�row�tem.B�rrawer shall promptly <br /> furnish ta Lender all notic�s af amounts to be paid under this Section. Borrav�rer sha�l pay Lender the <br /> Fund�for Escrow�tems unless Lender wa��es Borrawer's�h�igat�on to pay the Funds for�ny or al� <br /> Escraw Items. Lender may waiWe Borr�wer's abligation to pay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow <br /> HCFG-0�35� <br /> NEBRASFtA-Single F�mily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFQRM iNSTR[1MENT Fa�3D7811U1 <br /> VMPQ�3 4411 fi <br /> Watiers Kluwer Financial5ervices 2�'ffi3UUB15.3.2.35�9-.f2diB0426Y Page 4 oi 17 <br /> . . <br />