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2� 1 ���927 <br /> ❑�E� o� -rRusT <br /> �C�nt��lu�d} Page � <br /> and �lec�ivn to �au�e Trust�r's interest in�he Property�o be soId,which notice Trus�ee shaI1 cause to be <br /> du�y filed�o�record in�he appropri��e offices of�he County in which the Property is located; and <br /> _ <br /> {d} With respect t� aII or any park of the Personal Prope�yr L�nder�shall have ai!the rights and remedies <br /> �f a secured party under�he Nebraska Uniform �ommer-cial Code, <br />� Foreclvsure by Power❑f SaIe. ��Lender elec�s to fareciose by ex�r�ise a�the Power o�Sale herein contained, <br />� Lender shaII noti�}r Trustee and sha�i depasif wi�h Trustee this Deed o�Trust and the Credit Agreement and <br /> such r�ceip�s and evidence of exp�nditures made and secured by�his Deed o�Trust as Trus�ee may require. <br /> (a� �pon receipt of suGh no�ice from Lender,T�-us�ee shall cause to be recorded, published and de�i�ered <br /> to Trustor such NQ�ice ❑t Defau�t and Na�ice v�SaIe as then required by law and by�his Deed af Trust. <br /> Trustee shafl, withvut demand ❑n Trustor, after such time as may then b� required by !aw and af-ter <br /> re�ordation o�such Notice vt De�auIt and a�ter Na-�ice o�Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required by Iaw, selI <br /> �he Praperty at the �ime and p[ace ❑f sal� �ixed by it in such No�ice of Sa�e, either as a whole, or in <br /> separa�e io�s or�parcels ar items as Trustee shali deem expedien�, and in suc� order as it may dete�-mine, <br /> a� public auction t❑ the highest bidder fo�cash in Iawfu� money of�he Uni�ed 5ta�es payabE� at the time <br /> of sale. Trustee shall de�i�er to such pur�haser or purchasers the�eof its good and sufficient deed or <br /> deeds can�eying �he praperty sa so�d, bu� without any co�enan� ar warran�y. exp�ess or implied. The <br /> reci�a�s in such deed afi any matters or facts shaI1 he cnncIusive proa�of the �ruth�ulness thereof, Any <br /> person, including wi�hout limitation Trustor-,Trustee,❑r Lend�r, may purchase a�such sale. <br /> �b} As may be permitted by law, after deducting ai! �osts, fees and expenses af Trusfee and a� this <br /> Trust� including costs❑f e�iden�e of�i�1e in connection with sale�Tru�tee shall appIy the p�oceeds o�sale <br /> �o payment of �i� all sums expended under the ter-ms ❑f this Deed of Trusf or unde�-the te�ms of the <br /> C�edi�I�greement no�then repaid, includ�ng but not Iimited t❑ accrued interest and late charges, {ii} aII <br /> a�her sums�hen se�ured hereby, and �iii} the �emainder, if any, �o the persan or p�rsons IegalIy entitIed <br /> fihereto. <br /> {c} Trustee may in the manner p�-avided by law pos�pone saIe o�all or any portion ❑f the Property, <br />, <br /> I Remedies No�f ExcIusi�e. T�ustee and Lender, and each o� themr shall be en���ied t❑ en�For�e payment and <br /> perfarmanc�of any indeb�edness or ob��gations secured by�his Deed of Trus�and to �xercise aII righ�s and powers <br />� under this Deed o�Trust. under�he Credi� Ag�-eement, under any of the Rela�ed Documents, ar under any o�her <br />� agreement or any iaws now or hereafter in �orce; nofwiths�anding, some ar aIl o� such indebtedness and <br /> obliga�tions secured by this Deed of Tr'ust may now vr�ereafter be ❑�herwise secured, whether by martgage, deed <br /> j o�trust, pledge, lien, assignment ar❑therwise. Nei�her the acceptance af�his Deed of Trust nor i�s enforcement, <br /> whether by �ourt ac�ion or pursuant to the power of sale ot- other powe�rs cantained in �his Deed of Trust, �half <br /> pre�udice ar in any manner affect Trustee's ar Lender's right to rea�ize upon ��'en�or�e any other security naw or <br /> hereafter heid by Trustee or Lender, it being agreed�ha�Trus�ee and Lender, and each of them, shali be entitied to <br /> enfo�ce this Deed of Trust and any other secu�ity now or hereafter heId by Lender or Trus�ee in such order and <br /> manner as they or e"rther ❑� �het-n may in their abso�ute discr-etion determine. N❑ remedy con�erred upan vr <br /> reser��d t❑ Trustee o� Lender, is in�ended to be ex�lusi�e of any other remedy in �his Deed af Trust ❑r hy Iaw <br />, pro�ided or permitt�d� but each shall be cumulati�e and shaIl be in additio� fo e�ery other remedy gi�en in �his <br /> ❑eed ❑f Trust or now or hereaf�Cer existing at law ❑r in equ�ty or by statufe, E�ery power❑r �emedy gi�en by�he <br />� Credi� Agreem�n� or any ❑f th� Relafed ❑ocuments �o Trustee o�- L�nder or- to which either of them may be <br /> o�herwise en�itled, may be exercised, concu�rently ar independently� -�rom �ime t❑ time and as often as may be <br /> deemed expedient by Trustee or Lender, and either of �hem may pu�sue inconsistent remedies. Nothing in �his <br /> aeed ❑f Trust shalr be cons�ru�d as prohibiting Lender from seeking a d�ficiency judgmen� against the Trusfar to <br /> the extent such ac�ion is permitted b�r law, <br /> EIection of Remedies. AI� ❑f Lende�'s righ�s and remedies wxII be cumuIati�e and may be e�tercised alone o� <br /> toge�her. lfi Lender decides �v spend money o�to perform any of T�us�or's abligati�ns under�his fleed of Trust, <br /> after Trus�ar-`s fai�ure to do sa{ �hat decisi�n by Lender wiii not affec� Lender's right ta decla�-e Trustor in default <br /> and�o exercise Lender's �emedies. <br /> Requesf far Notice. T�ustorr on behalf o�Trusto�and Lenderr hereby�equests fiha�a copy ofi any Notice of❑e�ault <br /> and a copy of at�y Notice ❑f Sale under th�s Deed v�Trus�be ma�Ied ta�hem at the addt-esses set forth in the first <br /> paragraph af this Deed ��Trusf. <br /> At�arneys' Fees; Expenses. �f Lende�- insfiitu�es any sui� or action to enforce any o� the terms of �h�s Deed of <br /> Tr�ust, Lender shali be enti-�led to recover su�h sum as�he court may adjudge reasvnable as a�tarneys' fees at triai <br /> and upon any appeaI. Whether �� not any court act�on is in�o��ed� and �o �he extent not prohibi�ed by Iaw, aIl <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lende�'s opinion are necessary at any �ime for �he protec�ion of its <br /> inte�es�o�-the en�Forcement❑f its righ�s shai� become a part o��he Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bea� <br /> in�eres� at �he Credit Ag�-eement rate fram the date of �he expendi�ure until r�paid. Expenses co�ered by this <br /> paragraph include, withou�Iimi�ation, howe��r sub�ec�to any Iimits under app�zcab�e �aw, Lender's atCorneys' fees <br /> and Lender's iegal expenses, whe�he� ❑r not there is a �awsuit, including at�arneys' fees and expenses� �or <br /> bankrup�cy proceedings (in�iuding �f-For-�s�o madi�y or��cate any automa�ic stay or�injunct"ron}� appeals, and any <br /> an�icipated post ludgm�n� col[e�tivn ser�ices, the cos� of searching �ecordsr obtaining ti�le reparts �including <br /> for�c�osu�e reports�, surveyors' repvrts, and app�aisal fees, tifile insu�ance, and �ees fvr the Trustee, �o the ex�en� <br /> pet-m�tted by applicable�aw, T�ustor aIso will pay any caurt aas�s, in addition to aII other sums pro�ided by law, <br /> Righfs of Trustee. Trus�ee sha��ha�e aII ❑f the rights and duties❑�Lende�-as set�orth in this secfion, <br /> I P�WERS AND �SL1�AT]�NS DF TRUSTFE. The�oll�wing prorrisions relating to the powers and obliga�ions o�F Trusfee <br /> a��part❑�this Deed of Trust: <br /> Powers of Trusfee. In addi�ian to all powers of Trustee arising as a mat�er of Iaw,Trust�e shall have the power to <br /> take�he foIIowing act"rons with respect to the Prnperty upon the written reques�of Lende�-and Trustvr: �a} join in <br /> preparing and fiIing a map or pIat o� �he Rea1 Praper-ty, incIuding the dedication af s�ree�s or o�her righ�s ta the <br /> pub�ic; �b� �oin in granting any easemen� ar crea�ing any �estri�tian ❑n �he Real Property; and (c} join in any <br /> subordination or o�her agreement affecting�his ❑eed of Trust or the in�er�st af Lender under this Deed of Trus�: <br /> Trustee. Trus�ee sha11 meet a!! quaIifica�ions requi�ed for Trus�ee under applicable faw. 1n addition t❑ the righ�s <br /> and rem�dies set forth abo�e� wi�h t'espec�to aII or any par� of the Praperty, �h�Trustee shall ha�e the righ�t❑ , <br /> foreclose by no�ice and sa�e, and L�nder will ha�e the right to foreclose by�udicial fo�e�lasure, in ei�her case in � <br /> accordance wi�h and to the fuli extent pr'a�ided by applicable law. � <br /> 5uccessor Trustee. Lend�r, at Lende�'s op�ion, may from time to�ime appoint a successor Trus�ee�v any Trustee <br /> appoin�ed under this Deed o�Trust by an instrumen� execu�ed and a�knowledged by Lend�r� and re�orded in the <br /> office of �he recorder ❑f Hall County, State of Nebraska. Th� ins��umen� shaI1 cantain, in additivn �o a�� o�her <br /> mat��rs required hy state Iaw, the names of �he origina! Lender, Trust�e, and T�ustar, �he bvok and page �or <br /> compu�er sysfi�m ref�rence} whet�e �his Deed ❑f Trus�k is recorded, and the name and a�ir�t-ess of the successar- <br /> �rus�ee, and the instrumen�shail be exeau�ed and acknowIedged by aII the beneficiaries under this Deed o�Trust ot- , <br /> their successo�s in intere��. The successor trustee, without conveyance of the Property, shall succeed to all �he <br /> t�tIe, po�wer, and duties conferred upon the Trus�ee in�his D��d of Trust and by appiicab�e law. This procedure for <br /> subs�i�u�ion of Trus�ee shaII govern�o the exc�usion of ai[o�her provisions for substitution. <br />