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2� 1 ���927 <br /> _ <br /> �EE� �F -rRus-r <br /> . �Cvnt��ued} Pag� �- <br /> Taxes. The fallowing shaff canstitute taxes �o whiG� this section applies. �'f} a speaific tax upon this type o� <br /> Deed at Trust or upvn aI� ar any part of th� Indebtedness secured by this I�eed af Trus�; �2} a specitic tax on <br /> Trus�or which T�ustar is authorized ar required to deduc�from payments on the lndebtedness se�ured by this type <br />� of�eed o�F Trust; {3� a tax on this�ype of Deed ot Trust chargeabfe against the Lender❑r the holde�o�the Credi� <br />� Agreemen�; �nd {4} a specific tax on aII or any portion of the Indebtedn�ss ❑r on paymen�s of principaI and <br />' interest made by Trus�or. <br /> Subsequent Taxes. ff any tax tv which �this sectivn app�ies is enacted subsequen� to the da�e ❑f this ❑eed o� <br /> ' Trust, this event shall ha�e �he same effe�� as an �uent of De�aui�, and Lender may exerczse any ❑r aEI of its <br /> avaiIab�e remedies f�r an Event of DefauI� as pro�ided beIow unfess Trus�or either {'[� pays �he tax before i� <br /> b��omes definquent� or {�} contests the tax as pro�ided above in the Taxes and Liens sectian and deposits wi�th <br /> Lend�r cash or a sufficien�corpvrat�surety bond ❑r other secu�-ity satistac�ory to Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCIjV� STATEMENTS. The for[owing provisions relating �o �his Deed of Trus� a� a <br /> security agreement are a part af this Deed of Trust: <br /> Security Agreem�nt. This instrument sha�f constitu-te a Security Agreemen� to the extent any o� the Property <br /> �onstitutes fix�ures, and Lender shall have aII o�the rights of a secured party und�r the Uni�o�m Commercial Code <br /> as amended fram time to fiime. <br /> Secur"rty Irrterest. Upan request by Lender� Trustar sha�� take whatever action is requested by Lender�❑ perfec� <br /> and �antinue Lender's security �n�erest in�he Personal Property. In addition to recarding this Deed af Trus�in the <br /> . reaI property recordsr Lender may, a� any t'rme and withou� fiurther authorization fram Trus�ar, file execu�ed <br /> counterpartsr c�pies or reprvductions of this Deed of Trust as a �inancing sta�ement. Trustor shall reimburse <br /> Lender for alf expenses incurred in perFecting ar continuiny this security interes�. Upon de-FauIt, Trus�or�hall not <br /> remo�e, se�er or de�ach the Personal Prvperty from �he Praperty. Llpon defauI�, Trustor shaII as�em�Ie any <br /> PersanaI Property not affixed ta �he Property in a manner and at a pIace reasonabIy con�enient to Trustar and <br /> Lender and make it avaiIable to Lender within three {3} days a-fter rece�p� of written demand fram Lend�r to �he <br /> e�ctent permitted by applicable 1aw. <br /> Addresses. The mai[ing addresses o�F Trustor tdebtor} an�i Lender {secured party} from which in#vrmatian <br /> �anaerning the security interest granted by�his ❑eed o�Trust may be obtained �each as required by the Uni�arm <br /> Commer�ia� Code� are as stated on the fir�s�page❑f this Deed of Trust, <br /> FURTHER ASSURAIV�ES; ATTORl1IEY-IN-FACT. The followin� pra�isions rela�ing to further assurances and <br /> attarney-zn-�Fac�are a part of this❑eed vfi Trust; <br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and �rom�ime�o timer upon r�quest of tender, T�us�ar will make, exec�rte and <br /> deli�er, ❑r wiil cause�❑ be made, execu�ed or deli�ered�to Lender or�o Lender's designee, and when requested by <br /> Lender, cause to be �Filed, recorded, i-efiled, or� rerecarded, as the case may be, at such times and in such offices <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and aII such mortgage�� deeds of trustr security deeds, security <br /> agreements, financing sfa�ements, �antinuation stat�ments� instruments ot �urther assurance, certiticates, and <br /> other dvcuments as may, �n�he�oIe opinion a-�Lender, be necessary or desi�-able in ❑rder to efiFectuate, complete, <br /> perFec�, continue� ❑�pre�erve ��} Trusfar's ❑bligations under th� Credi�Agreement,this Deed o�Trus�, and �the <br /> Related I�ocumentsr and �2} the Iiens and security in�erests created by this ❑eed of Trust on the Property, <br /> whether now awned ❑�hereafter acquired by Trustor. Uniess prvhibit�d by faw or Lender ag�ees ta the contrary�n <br /> . writing,Trus�or shall r�imburse Lender tor a�� costs and �xp�nses incurr�d �n connec�ion wi�h the matters re�erred <br /> t❑ in this paragraph. <br /> Att�rney-�n-Fa�t. lf Trustor fails ta do any af the things referred ta in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> for and �n �he name of Trus�vr and at Trusto�'s sxpense. Fo�s�1ch purposes� Trustvr hereby irrevocab�y appvin�s <br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney-in-fact fo�the purpase of making� executingr delivering,fiIing, recording, and doing ali <br /> other things as may be necessary o�r desirable, in Lender's sole ❑pinivn� �o accompIish the matters referred to in <br /> �he preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFaRMANCE. !f Trustvr pays all the Indebtednes�when du�,terminates the c�edit iine account.and o�herwise <br /> p�rforms a1I the obIigations imposed upon Trustor under this ❑eed ❑f Trus�r Lender sha�[ execu�e and de�i�er to Trus�ee <br /> a reques� fiar �ul� recan�eyance and shali execute and deli�er to Trustor sui�able statemen�s of termina�ian of any <br /> financing s�a�ement �n file e�idencing Lender's s�curity interest in the Rents and the Personal Property. Any <br /> recon�eyance fee �required by law shall be paid by T�rustor� if permitted by app��cable law. <br /> EVENTS aF DEFAULT. Trustor will be in defauIt under this Deed of'T'rust if any �f the�olIawing happen: �A) Trustor <br /> commits �Fraud or makes a material misrepresenta�ian at any time in connection with the �redit Agreemen�. This �an <br /> incIude, for example, a false statemen� ahout Trustor�s income, assetst IiabiIities, or any o�her aspects o� Trus�or's <br /> �inan�ial �ondi�ion. �By Trustvr does not meet�he repayment terms o-F the Credi�Agreemen�. {C} Trus�ar's action �r <br /> �naction ad�erseIy affects the �oIla�eraI o� Lender's rights in the calla�eraI. This can incIude, for example, �aiIure �o <br /> maintain required insurance, waste❑r des��-ucti�e use of the dwe�lingr�ai�ur�to pay tax�s, death ❑f aIi persons 1iable❑n <br /> thB account, trans�er ofi title ❑r saIe ❑� the dwelling, creation o� a senior lien on the d�ivelIing withou� Lender's <br /> permission� tvrecIosure by th�hotder vt ana�her lien, �r the use❑f�unds or the dwelZing for p�ohibited purpases. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES �N �EFAULT. If an E�ent of Defau��occurs unde�r this ❑eed af Trus�r a�any tim�th�reaf�er�� <br /> T�-ustee or L�nder may exe�cise any one ar more of fih��olIowing rights and �-emedies: <br /> Acce�eratian Upon Defauit;AdditianaI Remedies. �t any Event of�efauit accurs as per the terms o�the Credi� <br /> Agreemen�secured hereby, Lende�may d�clare al[ Indeb�edness secured by thi� Deed o�Trus�ta be due and <br /> payable and the sam�shafl thereupon becom� due and payable withaut any presentmen�, demand, pratest or <br /> nvtice o�F any kind. Thereafter, Lender may; <br /> J <br /> {a� Ei�her in persan ❑r by agent, with o�r without bringing any action or proceeding� �r by a re�ei�er <br /> appointed by a caurt and without regard�o the ad�quacy a�its security, enter upon and �ake possession <br /> ot fihe Property, or any part thereof, in i�s own name or in the name❑�F T�ust�e, and do any ac�s which it <br /> � deems necessary or desirable�o preserve the value, mat-ketability or rentability of the Pt-operty, or part o�F <br /> �he Pt-operty or interest in the Property; increase the income�rom fihe Prvperty or protect the se�urity ❑f <br /> the Praperty; and, wi#h or withou� tak�ng pvssession of the Property, sue for ❑r otherwise �ollect the <br /> rents, issues and prof�ts af the Property{ inciuding those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> costs and expens�s vf operation and collec�i�n attorneyst feesr ta any indebtedness secu�ed by fihis Deed <br /> of Trust, aII in such order as Lender may determine. The entering upan and taking possession af the <br /> Property, the ca��ectian of such ren�s� issues and prafits, and the application thereof shaII no� cure ar <br /> waive any default❑r natice ❑�default under this Deed ofi Trust ar inualidate any act done in response�o <br /> � such default or pursuant to such natice of default; and,notwithstanding the continuance in possession o� <br /> the Praperty vr the collec�ion� receip� and appIica�ian o�F rents, issues ❑r profi�s, Trus�ee or L�nder shali <br /> be entitIed t❑ exer�ise every rigf�� provided for in the Credit Agreement or the R�lated ❑acuments ar by <br /> law upan the occurrenc�o�any e�ent o�de�ault,including the right to exerc"rse�he pawer�f sale; <br /> (b} Commence an ac�ion t❑�orecI�se this Deed of Tt'ust as a mortgag�, appoint a recei�er or specificaIIy <br /> enfarce any of the cavenants hereof; and <br /> � �c} Deliver to T�-ustee a writCen declaratinn of de�ault and demand�ar sale and a written no�ice of defauit <br />