2� 1 ���918
<br /> DEEa �]F TRUST
<br /> �Continu�d} page 8
<br /> Amendments. What is wr�tten �n this Deed of Trus�and in the Rela�ed Do�uments is Trustor's entire agreemen�
<br /> wi#h Lender concerning the mafters covered by this Deed of Trus�. Ta be effective, any chang�or amendment to
<br /> this ❑eed of Trust mus��e in writing and must be signed by whoe�er wi11 be bound or obligated by the change or
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Captian Headings. Caption headings in this Deed o�Trust are far canvenience purposes on�y and are not to he
<br /> used�o interpret or de�ine the pravisi�ns o�this Deed of Trust,
<br /> �ferger. The�e sha[1 he no merger of the interest or estate created by th is Deed of Trust with any other inte�est or
<br /> es�ate in the Pr�perty at any time hefd by or for�he bene��#of Lender in any capacity, withaut the written cansent
<br /> of Lende�.
<br /> Go�erning Law. This Deed vf Trust wifl he go�erned by federa! faw applicable to Lende�r and, to the extent nvt
<br /> pre�mpted by federal law,the �aws of the State o�Nebraska without regard to its conflicts af law pro�isions. Th�s
<br /> Deed of Trust has been accep��d by Lender�n�he S�ate nf Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and Se�eral Lia�i[ity. All ❑bligations of Trustor under this ❑eed af Trus�shal! be�oin� and several, and all
<br /> references �o Trus�or shafl mean ea�h and every Trustor. This means tha� each T�ustar signing be�ow is
<br /> respar�sibfe for a!I obligat�ons in�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> No 1Nai�er by Lende�. Trustar understands Lender wif� not gi�e up any of Lender's rights und�r this Deed of Trus�
<br /> unless Lender does so in writing. The fac� tha� Lender delays ar amits ta exercise any right w�li nat mean that
<br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. I� Lender does ag�ee in writing �o give up ❑ne of Lender's �igh�s, that daes not
<br /> mean Trustor will not have to comply with �he other�rovisions o�this Deed of Trust. Trustor also understands
<br /> tha� i�F Lender daes cansent t❑ a reques�, that do�s nof inean that Trustor will not have ta get Lender's �ansen�
<br /> again i�the situa�ion happens again. Trustor�urther�understands tha�just because Lender cansents t�one or more
<br /> af Trustor's requesfs, tha� does no� mean Lender will be requ�red to �onsent to any of Trus�ar's futu�e r�quests.
<br /> Trustar wai��s presentment, demand#�o�payment, protest, and notice vf dishanor.
<br /> Sev�rab��i�y. If a �ourt finds that any provision o#this Deed af Trus� is n�t Walid or shoufd not be enfor�ed, that
<br /> fact by itsei�wi11 not mean that�he rest��this Deed o�Trust w��i not�e�alid ar enforced. Therefore, a eou�t wi��
<br /> enforce the rest of the provisians of this Deed a�Trust even ifi a pro�isian v�this Deed o�Trust may�e�ound to be
<br /> invaf�d ar unenforceab�e.
<br /> Suc�essors and Ass�gns. 5ubject�� any limitations stated in �his Deed of Trust on transfer of Trus��r's interest,
<br /> th�s Deed of Trust sha�� be binding upan and inure to the henefit o��he parties, their successars and assigns. i�
<br /> ownership of the Pr�pe�ty becomes �ested in a persvn ❑ther than Trustor, L�nder, without notice to Trustor, may
<br /> deal with Trus�or's succ�ssors with re�erence to this ❑eed o�Trust and#he lndeb��dness by uvay of forbearance or
<br /> ex�ensian without releasing Trustor from the ob��gaf�ons of�his Deed of Trus�ar liabifity under the Indeb�edness.
<br /> Time�s vf the Essence. Time is of the essence in the perfarmance af this Deed❑f Trust.
<br /> Wai�er of Homestead Exemption. Trustor hereby re�eases and waives all rights and benefits of the homestead
<br /> exemp�ion �avvs of the S�ate of Ne�raska as ta all Inde�tedness secured by�h�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFfNITiDNS, The folfawing words shall ha�e the follawing mean�ngs when used in�his Deed ot Trust:
<br /> BQneficiary. The word"Beneficiary"means BANK�F THE VIIEST, and its successars and assigns,
<br /> Barrawer. The word "Borrawer" means T�NY L MELLER and TAIVIMY J MILLER and includes a[� co--signers and
<br /> co�makers signing the C�edit Agreement and af�their successars and assigns.
<br /> Credi� Agreemen�. The wflrds "Credit Agreement" mean �he credit agreement da#ed act�ber 6, 2a16, wl�h
<br /> credit limit of$4�,DD�.Q❑from Trustar t�Lend��,togeth�r�vuith al!renewals o�, extensi�ns o�, modifications
<br /> afi, refinancings af, cansalidations of, and substitu�ions for the pramissflry note 4r agreement. The maturi�y date af
<br /> this Deed a� Trust is flctober '12, ��41. NOTICE Ta TRUST�R: THE CREDIT AGREEMENT C�NTAINS A
<br /> ❑eed of Trust. The words "��ed of Trust" mean this Deed of T�us� amvng Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> inciudes withau� limitat�on a1f assignment and security interest provisions relating to the Persanal Proper�y and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En�irvnmental Laws. The words "En�ironmen�al Laws" mean any and a�l sta�e, federaf and Ioca� statutes,
<br /> regulations and ardinanc�s relating to the protection of human hea[th or the environmen�, including wi�hout
<br /> I�mi�ation the Comprehensive En��ronmenfa! Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of '�98�, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Se��ion 9��1, �� seq. �"CERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 'I 986, Pub. L.
<br /> No.99-499�"SARA"}, the Hazardous Materials Transpor�ation Act,4� U.S.C. Section 18�'I, et seq.,�he Resource
<br /> Conservation and Recavery Act, 42 �1.5.C. Section C9Cl'1, et seq., or other appfiGable sta�e or�ed�ral iaws, �ufes,
<br /> or regula��ans adopted pursuant there�o.
<br /> E�ent vf Default. The words"E�en�vf Default"mean any of the e�ents o�default set farth in this ❑eed of Trus�in
<br /> the events of default sectian o�F fhis❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Existing Indebtedness. The wvrds "Exist�ng lndebtedness" mean the indebtedness describ�d in the Existing Liens
<br /> provision of this Deed o�Trust.
<br />