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�_.: „� <br /> v� <br /> ���' <br /> s-� <br /> -�► <br /> �� <br />_ -�_= I � <br /> I <br /> IN�'A1.II)PRO!'ItiIUVS:If an�pn��i�u,n��t�hi.runtr.irt�u�lateyltAn lavly�iii!uncnt���rc,t nf thc r„ntr.�i�ti�11 hr�ahJ il:�n�pan ul Ihi.runirart rrywn� <br /> p:�yment„t mnrr mtercsnhan the la��pcnnu�.�hcu.��u a�11��ul}h.«•.fh:richt tn cnHert 1mn+me the amount ut mtere.t�thuh thr la«allnu.}nu tu cullert. <br /> Cn�1PI.F:7'f�i1:S50FTHItiCO\TKAI"1': fh�,r�,ntra�tcanunl�hechanL�Jillx�Q��uu,indl.�grtcm��ntmg. <br /> � The following nutrce brines tu m}:rtlenU�m thr nghic�hat I ha�e r�en�chen ih��c„ntract i.+uld tu:�tinanrial in.tituhun�,r a han{..and I.huuld�iuurr ih:u the im�x�r- <br /> tanec uPth�.pmcicinn�s�tre�sed�+}�nc apprar.+nre in trn��int.!a�ld Fa�r�y�x � �A A,��� <br /> NOTICE �f�� <br /> � ` °a.�il. co:�ti:�: :�;�an��s a purshaM�. �{! !_s�al rlghta �hich the Buy�� has ag�tnst the Seller ari�ing <br /> Tii��C. <br /> out oi this tnn�o�ctlon, Includinp ell clalms and detsnses, are also vslid a alnst any holds� of ihis contnct. <br /> Th� ripht to rocdvsr mansy irom the hotdsr unds� thia provision is Iimit�to th� ount pald by the buyer <br /> undu this contnct. <br /> � A ci�im Is a Ip�lly v�lid r son tor saing the Selle�. A defense Is a 1 elly valid �eason tor not p�ying <br /> th• Stll��. A holde� is anyone try to collect for the purchase. <br /> � INtiCIt,��CF.C AfiCF:1.1.AT1U�i:It 1 ha«rcyue.ted im anre in ihi.purcha�r,l ma}rancel+urh re .t fur m�urance for an�na�an�cithm tiftern(15)day�from ihe <br /> datr uf thia contrurl h�rn�hiyin�;�uu��r the h�ilder i�f Ih�.cont ct in ununc I Ani��v that the carxella� of my rm�eragr��•iQ tk arranged K�ith the msurance camerl�)und <br /> afullrcfunJo(myprcmiuml•)tugc�hcr«ithap�lirablchuancci rgc�vdl�crrcditcdtuthi.rantr . <br /> P1.F.ASF.tiUTE:lf I h.i�e rcque�ted mtiuranre�n thic 4iurcha�r.i w� ccice wuhin thiny�3. a}s a cenificate af in�urance more fuUy deuribinF the inwrnnce c��verage. <br /> 1 know thal if ihere i�amy•confli�t in the c���'eraee��r tfie laaguage of�h ccrtiticate of inti ce and the fnllv�ving N�tice of Pro�xed Insurance that I am cm•ered c�nly to <br /> the crtrnt.tatcd in th�follm�•mg�lotirc��f Propoacd In�uranre.I al���kni� hat 1 ha��e in :mcc�����cragc onl}•if 1 ha��r been charged Far it. <br /> NOTICE OF P OSED INSURANCE <br /> 1�ake noUce�i�at either Credit Life or Credi�Accident and Health Insu�an ,�s th,�vil1 be applicnble to this Sales Contract on the recerse side only if 1 ha�•e chosen <br /> it hy signin�the reque.t fi�r�uch insurance.This in,uranre«�ill only caver t per.on ti� ning the reque�t at the cost for eacb type of insurance�howro.Sub�ect ta acceptsnce <br /> by the insurance company,the insurance a�ill be effec�i�•e as of tociay a u•�Il continu o�ly fnr the number of months after the effeeti�e date equ�l to the numbe�of <br /> manthly pay men�s.l understand that thic p;inicular inwrance ma•not ovide co�•e�e my lact few�ayments,and that during that peric�d of time 1 will not have any <br /> insurance rn�erage.All benefit�and pre�ceeds of the in�urance a•i�l aid to?ou or to a fin nc�al institution or a bank if it purcha�es the Sales Contract ta the extent of its <br /> interests and any bulance will be payable to me-The initial amaunt rcdit L�fe Insurance is e amaunt required to repay the Total of Payment�s;thereafter,the insurance <br /> decrease�b>•the amount of each monthly payment on a schedul 30 day bacis.lf 1 am'ointly bligated an the Sales Contraet with a Co-Fiuy�er,and u•e ha�e bath signed <br /> the reque��fi�r CmJit Life Insurance,death benefit.a i!!F�pa le anly with rec�ect to t�e first o e of us to die.Subjecl to exelusians,eliminations or waiting period stated <br /> in the m�urance{x�Hc�or certificate.Credit Accident and H th In�urance ic for the benefit amoun f 1•30th of each month's payment for euch day that 1 am totully disubled <br /> duc to an injury or ti�ckness ahile I i�w•e anc pa}•ment to� :how•e�cr,l understand that 1 ha�•c to be re�•ented fmm working due ta such total disability for more than four. <br /> teen 114)canseeuti��e days beforY thr in�urunre benefi s paid ba�k to[he firs+day af my�oiul disa i'ty.1 also know that 1 canncN obtAin any insurance trom you fi 1 <br /> am o�•er 65��ears otage today.s�nd 1 also knaM tha insurance rnver�ge provided to me may co n a maximum umount of coverage whlch wUl oo!psy in c�me <br /> caLes.the eMlrc amount that 1 owe y•ou.Due to t maximum amount of coverage stated in the incuranc licy,l know that nny unpaid amount in excess of the msurance <br /> co�•erage w ill,till har•e to he paid.lf the 3�les C n-act i.prepaid in full prior to the la�t payment date,any eamed imurance pnmiums w�ll be refunded to me in the man- <br /> nerprescrihed by Irw.Withio thvty(�Oi day , w'ill rece��•e the certiticate of in.urance more full}�describi mc in,urance cocerage.lf the iosarance is not accepted by <br /> the m�uraucc wuipan�,t will recei��e�reiu ofthe incurar.ce pxmiums 1 hace psid. <br /> BWFR:Thenext twopar.�graph unlainwanantiec relative tathic,ale gicen by us ta the tinancial institutin or bank inorder for it t�.huy this contract. • <br /> SELLER'S WA ANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALLMENT SALES ONTRACT AND MORTGAGE � <br /> � FOR VALUE RECEIV .Seller hereby�ells,assigns.conveys.uansfers and delicers tv <br /> (Assigneel sll of its riFhts,t'le an�!intere�t in and tn the In�tallment Sale�Contmct and�4longage,together wilh all lien. xisting to secure its payment.and the propeny <br /> �nc�imhered herehv.Assienee is hert6�•suhstituted a>\1ort�aAee under the�fortgage provisinns of this contract.Seller wa nts and represents;(I 111 has the right�to make � <br /> this a.csignment;t i)AI!siatementc and figurec in this contract and in thr Bu}er's slatement are materiaity tme and cotreet:i+t Tni�euniraci urvsc i�v�n ii�v vairo.�3a�a�. <br /> � af the gnods and services de,cribed herein:(3►The c�ih downpayment.hown in this contract was actually paid by Buyer and no part oi said downpayment was losnnf Ji- <br /> rectly�or i�directl}•by Seller tn Buye�:�S)Eacb„Iegally competent to contracr,t6�This contract ix ni�t anJ w ill not he subject to any claim,defense,demand or right , <br /> of affset:171 The execulion uf thiti runtract and the underlying,ales transactfon givin�rise thereto did not violate an� federal or state law,directir•e,rule orregutation now <br /> __ ia effecr.�R�In the event that th�a�ontract ur the undrrlying sales�ran,artion�+,uhiect to a right of rescission or rancellalion by the Bu}er,such resciscion or rancella- _ �: <br /> uon penod hati erpired and neither the.�ie nur this contrset ha�been caneelled or rescinded.THIS CONTRACT IS SO1D BY SELLER WITHOUT RECOUNSE. � � <br /> ly TESTIMOyY�YHERF.OF.thc u�idersigned u un authorized represen�ativc��f the Seller and has signed below on 6ehalf of the Seller on this � <br /> day of .19 . <br /> IThe foregoing in.trumcnt w acknowte ed before me on _ THE PACESE7TER CORPORATION (S�I�er) _ <br /> . 19 By. r <br /> by the authunved agem of ' ler whn�ti _—_ — � ' . <br /> S1y commi.sion erpire�: '�� <br /> _ ..,.� . .. <br /> �o' <br /> � ------ — –-- --- � -i. <br /> — v,—�.��� runt�. :. <br /> ���� <br /> �� N <br /> ( � <br /> I L� � � � <br /> ti� <br /> W <br /> �� i� <br />_"_sl��y(� <br /> --f!F/ . <br /> �'�`, <br /> 'r <br /> r <br /> F' <br /> � � <br /> ti f+,���, <br /> i �tt�;' � .�J <br /> ���i�. <br /> �;. � ' <br /> ��__ �:r^�.r:.' <br /> ,� . <br />