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<br /> ADDITI�NAL TERMS !�'���O�u� " •
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<br /> PRFPAYb�k.�iT��!NI>ACCIti%�►I.OF'i'HE FI\.�1�CG CtiARGF.:F.cen�hou+;h!Ju nut hatie�o p�y mnrc Ih:m the rcGular�cheduled mynihly p:i�•nr.nt.I have the�ight
<br /> ru+pr x th�tAdu�xsunt o«•ioF tn���u m 1u11 at am•time or�n pan irc�m timr to uma. If Ihr Iending m.tilulicm at hank tl�:u buy�my ronir:ut romputes the hnance rharge
<br /> 1 dady�kni+:v m�lin.in�c rhar�e a ill t+r tc��if t mahe an eart��p;i>mrnt.:md il�k ill lx hieher if!�;q late:!aho mc��gnitc lhat an�necec�ar�•adju.tnnnt to mp total finance
<br /> charge w•ill be reflected in m}�m.il bill;I al�o kno��•that the arn�+unt+�h���•n e�n thc rc�er:e+idc inr the Finan.�Charga T��tal��f Pa}ment,,nnd the Total S,Je Price:u�etti-
<br /> mates based on the ax+ui��pti�n that J�ou will rcrei�'e each��f thr pa)�mems exuctl�vn ih due date:and 1 kno«•that Ihert�v�ll be no refund if 1 prcpay because therc is nothing
<br /> - to refund if 1 am charged on a dailv ba�i.- li�i�c Ir��.tin,:in�t�whi�n or hanF:d.n.r no!compute�ha-finance�Aaree daity,and if I prcpay the w�hnle amount,yau will refund
<br /> to me the imearned pott�an i�f the linance charge u�tcrc.tl M•the acci�unting prncedurz known ati ihe�ctuariid`mrthi�d:and�hc umnunt of my rebate wilt he figured�n the
<br /> scheduled dates and amuunt;of�up monthly pay mcnt and ni��on the actua!dates and amount.of Ihe prepayments that 1 pay ti��•au.1 know that a refund af less than 31.0(1
<br /> will not be made.
<br /> Ibllhavcrcad.indctail.thr,cp:�ratc"UI-1'I:ARIFN1f�l�.l)1YAREt.1NT}...�vhich.ifmadc.urcumpamc�thi�cuntr,ict.ltr�pla�ntilhrcondition�andc�rrumytunccs
<br /> in ahich the manufac�urcd pr�xfuct.��ill tx rcp;urcd ur rcpla.rd I uikc notirc of thc hmitati�+mon Ihc watranty.arxt l parl�cularly re�;ognvc that uny implicJ wartanty which
<br /> uppl�estothcg�x � a�,onlya�hmga.thc��,�rtaiit�nt.cr��crruntrart
<br /> 1e1)hace read,in detail.lhe�ep:+r',�lc"1.1�117'1:1)I�ISTAI.LATII)V\VARRAT]'I'1•,.�chtch.�f madC,ar�rnnpanie�thi.rantnet. It explains the rnnditiims and cir-
<br /> cumstanres in w�Aich the installation of the�iding w ill t+�redunr.I wAe n��ure��f thr Im�itau�mti un ihe��•utranl�•,and I panicularly rerogm�e�hat any implied��aminty which
<br /> •rppliestatheinstallation u.�s��n ya�l�mga�thewattannor.rn•irrcontract.
<br /> SPECIAL•ORDER GOODS:1 kna��•Ihat yc�u ha�e mea�ured my house und ns opening.+o that you c:ui make the products ta fit my particular house.1 take notice thnt the
<br /> gaods thut xre manufactured far m}•tiper�fic house prnbahf}•��•ill not Ei1�+ny��iher hou�r�,a�J under.uch rnnditions.1 knaw that 1 cannrn rancel this contract at any time
<br /> after the period of time piven to ma,by law,in a�hich to cancel.Afte at Iegal periad of time,l know that 1 have the obligadan to pay��nu in full the amnunt uw•ed.
<br /> OBLIGATiO1VS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSIIRANCF.A. D�11'RF.Ai.E,STATE:l.!promise to k y housc in good repair and to keep it insuced for
<br /> at least RO''k af its replacement value hy buying a fire and extended a.�•era insurance palicy.The insuran pany musi be approced by yau,and the policy mwt have
<br /> a beneficiary clause which say�that y�u are to be paid if there i.a Ins�.The' surance company m ree that it will not cancel my policy without first telling you.l au-
<br /> thorize the m�urance comPan to ou directl•for:►ny�loss.Yau can choos o use thi,in, ce payment to either repay�uny amaunts 1 ow•e yau or to tepair my house.
<br /> 1 have the option of providing propeny insurance thmugh an exi.ting pulic}•or th ugh �cy independently obtained and paid for b�•me.:.1 also pmmise that 1 will not
<br /> allow anyone else to ptace any hens on my real estate without}•our w•r�tten permi .?.I pmmise to pay all taxe�,ati+essmens and othe�charges an my rcal estate when
<br /> due.�.I promise to timely make all payments on my priur loan�secured bv real ate.1 alsv pmmise that 1 will nat extend,renew or change prior loans without your
<br /> written permi�sion.5.If 1 do no�insure my house or fulfill my other o ' tians to m}�r I estate,then pou can do it for me if}ou want(but you do not have to).If you da
<br /> pay uny of these obligationti for me.l agree to pay you back on d d p us interest at the ' hest lawiul contract rate of intere�t.Until l pay you back,these amounts will
<br /> be 31ded�n mt debt to you which is secumd by my real esta d house.1 kno«•that if}ou cide to bup insurance f��r me that you do not ha�e to obtain any homeowner
<br /> or liability in�urance.
<br /> SA1.E OF\1Y HOUSE:1 ptumise not to sell,lea r give my huu�c t�an�one until 1 hace full}•rep �d my debt to}�ou.
<br /> DL'E ON SaLE:lf 1 sell,lease or give my� se to anyone befare I ha�e full}•p�id ail l oa�e under th�.contract,yau can decl�re all that 1 aw•e under this contract payable
<br /> at once and 1 agree eo immediately pay you t ai amount. .
<br /> DEFAULT:1 wiU be in default unJer this eontract if: .
<br /> l 1 d�n't make a nxvment when due:af _ �
<br /> 2. 1 b�eafc an;promisc 1 madc ro you in this contract:or
<br /> 3. Something else happens which causes}•ou to believe in go�d faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised;or
<br /> 4. I default on any obl igations for which l sm u�ing my hi�mr a>col latc�af;nr _-
<br /> 5. Something happens ro my houxe which threatens yuur right�,if':in}�,in it.
<br /> 1F 1 AM IN DEFAULT:1 understand that you h•�e the right to foreclose the�longage 1 have given to you and have my house sold to repay any amounts 1 owe you if 1 _
<br /> am in default under this nma t. o y h us ' sotd,you w ill do even thing that the law reqwres.If you hire en attamey to assist you to sell my house,or,to sue me. _
<br /> or,to proteet your righ�ag t y y u f r y asonable attorneys'fees and for other related expense�such as court coats,title searches and money you eapended _
<br /> to protect my house,�f you are a o • ta c 1 t su h a ounts by law. *
<br /> OTHER RIGHTS:We can ch e t n rc the rights under this contract�s often as we want without losi��g them.Or,we can dcla}•enforcing any of the rights j �
<br /> without losing them.We can also se any rights now or in the future g�ven to us by law. �
<br /> DELAYS:I know that you w�ll use your best efforts to' ya e pr ct I am gr ng on my house,but 1 also understand that in some situations you may encounter
<br /> delays that arc caused by stnkes,weather conditions,dela s ou have n tain Is,or for other reasons that are beyond your control.1 understand that you will ,
<br /> not be liable for such delays. � �
<br /> ARBITRATIOV:lf!have a dispute or claim N ith you conceming th qu• tih.quality or performance of the products,i undentand thal my dispute may be submitted to e ,��
<br /> and settled:►ccordin�to the mediation-arbitration program that may ha�•e devefoped in my community.l also know that any decision made bv an arbitrator(c)would be en- . �.
<br /> tered in the courl hav�ng jurisdiction a�•er me and you. ��''
<br /> SALVAGE VALUE:1 know that the windows,woodwork,siding,bnck and other mate � th ha to be re by}•o is installation have NO salvage value. .
<br /> When you remove 1hem,you can have them forwhate��er putpo�e}uu want. : t
<br /> SPECIAI.SITUATIONS:Due ta the uniqraenetis of�ome of the pnxiuc���hai y ou sell,l un ersta � s cial �ua on • •our Regional O�eG�ay have to review '}
<br /> and acce pt this contract.1 also understand that thi�sale�ccurred m my home and that you d 1 yn have ad all e c ect'nfomiation importaht to this transactian
<br /> — at our fiaeertio�:l eive cou mv rnncent t�correct anv nhciou.erron that ma.ha�e nccurred he e h l:+ �in t h ract were comp le te d.
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