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2� 1 ���913 <br /> �3EED �F TRUST � <br /> Lvan Nv; '[�'[29337� �C��lti�lued} Pag� 6 <br /> perfect, continue, ❑r preser�e {�} Trus�vr's ❑bligativns under the Nvte, �this Deed �� Trust, and the Related <br /> ❑ocuments, and �2} the [iens and security in�eres�ts created by this Deed ❑�Trust vn the P�-aper�y, whefiher naw <br /> �wned or h�reafter acquired by Trus�or. Unless prohibi�ed �y law vr Lender agrees �o the con�rary in writing, <br /> Trusto�-shall reimburse Lender-�or all cos�s and expenses in�urred in connec�ion with the matters referred tv in this <br /> paragraph. <br /> Attvrney-in-Fac#. if Trus�or fails t❑ do any of the�hings re�erred �o in the preceding paragraph, L�nder may do so <br /> for and in�he name ❑�f Trus�kor and at Trus�or's expense. For such purpases, Trus�or herehy irrevo�ah�y appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trust�r's a��orney-in--fact�o��he purpose o�making, exe�uting, deli�ering, �iling, recvrding, and dving a�� <br /> ❑fiher things as may be ne�essary or desirahle, �n Lender's sole opinion, t❑ accamplish �he ma��ers referred t❑ in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFnRl1�ANCE. I�Trusfivr pays a[E �he lndebfiedness, including without limitafiion all �uture advances, when due, <br /> and otherwise perfvrms all the ❑b�igatians �mp�sed upvn Trus�or under this I�eed ❑f Trust, Lender shall execute and <br /> deli�er �to Trustee a requ�st far full reconWeyanc� and shall execu�e and deliWer fi❑ Trus�or sui�able stat�ments ❑f <br /> fiermina�ion o� any financing statemen� ❑n file evidencing Lender's security interes� in the Rents and �he Personal <br /> Proper�y. Any recon�eyan�e fee required by law sha�l be paid by Trus�or, i�permitted by applicab[e law. <br /> EVENTS DF DEFAULT. Each vf the follawing, at Lender's optian, shall �onstifiu�e an EWent❑f ❑e�ault under this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Payment De�aul�. Trustor fails to make any paymen�when due under�he lndehtedness. <br /> Q#her ❑efaults. Trusfior �ails to comply with vr fiv per�orm any o�her �erm, vbligatian, co�enant or �andi�ion <br /> contained in this Deed ❑� Trust or in any ❑f �he Related Dvcuments ar �❑ comply with ar fiv perfvrm any term, <br /> obligation, co�enant❑r Gondi�ion conta�ned �n any❑fiher a�reement between Lender and Trustor. <br /> �ompl�ance De�aul�. Faifure to Gomply with any ofiher term, obligation, co�enant ❑r candition cantained in this <br /> Deed ❑fi Trus�r the Note or in any of�he Related D�cuments. <br /> Defaul�on ��her Payments. Failure af Trustar wfthin�he tim� required by fihis ❑eed o�Trusfi to make any paymenfi <br /> �ar taxes or insurance, or any�ther payment necessa�y t� prevent filing af or to effec�d;scharge❑f any lien. <br /> False 5tatemen�s. Any warran�y, representation vr sta�ement made or furnished to Lender by Trus�ar ❑�- on <br /> Trustor's beha[� under this Deed ❑fi Trus� or�he Related Dacumen�s is faise or misleading in any material respect, <br /> either now ❑r at�he�ime made a�-�urnished or becomes�false or misleading at any�ime thereaf�er. , <br /> De�ecfive Cv�Eateralizativn. This Deed v� Trust or any of fihe Related Documents ceases tv be in fuI[ fvrce and <br /> effect �including failure o# any cvlla�eral do�umen�to �reate a �alid and perfected security interest or Eien} a� any <br /> �im� and far any reasan. <br /> ❑ea�h or Insolvency. The dea�h a� Trustor or �he dissolu�ivn or �erminafiion v� Trusfivr's existence as a gvin� <br /> business, �he �nsol�ency o� T�us�or, �he appoin�men� �� a r�ceiver far any part o� Trustor's property, any <br /> assignmen� for the bene�i� of credifiars, any type of c�edstor workaut, ar the cammencemenfi o� any praceeding <br /> under any bankrup�cy❑r insolWen�y laws by�r against�rus�or. <br /> Gredi�ar vr Fvr�eitu�e Proceedings, Cvmmencemen� af fore�losure or fvr�eiture praceedings, whether by judicial <br /> prviceeding, self-help, ��possession❑r any o�her me�hod, by any creditor❑�Trus�or or by any go�ernmen�al agency <br /> against any proper�y securin� the Indelatedness. This inc�udes a garnEshment afi any ❑f Trus�or's ac�ounts, <br /> including depasi� accoun�ks, with Lender. However, �his E�ent af Default shall not apply if �here is a good fai�h <br /> dispu�e by Trus�or as fi❑�he �alidity or reasvnab�eness ❑�the claim whiGh is �he basis a�the credi�or or��rfeitur� <br /> proceeding and i� Trustvr �i�es Lender written n�tice of the �redi�tor or fvr-Fei�ture prace�ding and deposits wifih <br /> Lender monies or a surety bond�or fihe creditor❑r-�ar�eiture proceeding, in an amvunfi d�fiermined by Lender, in i�s <br /> sole discretian, as being an adequafi� r�ser�e or b�nd far th�dispute. <br /> Breach af D�her Agreemen�. Any lareach by Trustor und�r the terms o�any other agreemen�I�etween Trust�r and <br /> Lender �ha� is nat remedied wi�hin any gra�e peri�d pro�ided �herein, including wi�h�u� limita�ion any agreemen� <br /> concerning any indeb�edness vr other❑bligation o�Trusfior�o Lender, whether existing nvw❑r later. <br /> Even�s A�ffecfing �uaran�vr. Any of the preceding e�en�s ❑ccurs wi�h respec��a any guarantor, endorser, sure�y, <br /> or a�comm�dation party ❑f any ❑f�he fndebtedness ❑r any guaran�or, endorser, surety, ❑r accommoda�ion party <br /> dies vr hecomes incvmpefient, vr re�okes or dispu�es �he �alidity ❑�F, a� liabilifiy under, any Guaranty ❑f �h� <br /> Indeb�edness. <br /> Adverse Change. A materfal ad�srse change ❑ccurs in Trustor's financial condition, or Lender bslie�es fihe <br /> prospect of paymenfi vr perfiormance of fihe Indebfiedness is impaired. <br /> inse�uri�y. Lender in good fai�h bef ie�es itse�f insecure. <br /> Exis�ing lndehfiedness. The paymen�o�any installmen� �f principal ❑r any inte�es� ❑n the Exis�in� lndeb�edness is <br /> nvt made wi�hin the fiime required by�he promissory nate e�idencing such �ndeb�edness, or a default vccu�s under <br /> the ins�rument se�uring such indebtedness and is na�cured during any appli�able gra�e period in such ins�rumen�, <br /> ar any sui�ar❑�her actian is cammenced�o fvreclvse any exis�ing lien❑n the Proper�y. <br /> Righ�tv Cure. I�any de�ault, ather than a de�au[fi in paymen�, is curable and ifi Trus�vr has not been gi�en a no�i�e <br />