2� 1 ���913
<br /> C�EED �F TRU�T
<br /> Laan No: ���29937� ��ontrnued} Page �
<br /> ❑r any de�au[t unde�-any se�urity documen�s for such indeh�edness.
<br /> N❑ Modi�ica�kivn. Trusfiar shall not en�er inf❑ any agreement w�th fihe holder �f any mortgage. deed o� trust, ❑r
<br /> vther securi�y agreement which has priv�ity �Wer �his ❑eed a� Trus� 1ay which that agreement is madified,
<br /> amended, extended, or renewed withaut �he prior wri��en consent ofi L�nder. Trustor shall neither request nor
<br /> accep�any�uture ad�ances under any such securi�y agreemen�w�thaut the prior written consen�❑�F Lender.
<br /> C�NDEMNATI�N. The�rollvwing praWisiflns rela�ing�o condemna�ion p�-oceedings are a part v��his Deed of Trus�:
<br /> Prviceed�ngs. If any proceeding in condemnatian is -�iled, Trus�or shall prvmptly no�ify Lender in wrifiing, and
<br /> Trus�or shall pramp�ly take such s�eps as may he necessary to defend the a�tion and ❑btain the award. Trus�or
<br /> may be the nominal party in such pr�ceeding, but Lender shall he en�itl�d to par�icipa�e in the prviceeding and to he
<br /> represented in the prviceeding by �ounsef ❑f its ❑wn chaice, and Trusto� wi�l del��er �r �ause �o be deli�ered to
<br /> Lender such ins�rumen�s and dflcumenta�ian as may be requested by Lender fram �ime ta time fa permit such
<br /> par�icipa�ion.
<br /> Applicativn vf Nefi Proceeds. If all or any par�❑�F�he Prvperty is condemned by eminen�domain proceedings or by
<br /> any praceeding ❑r pur�hase �n li�u❑f condemnation, Lender may a�its efectian require that all vr any pvrfiion v�the
<br /> net praceeds of the award be applied tv �he indeb�edness ❑r �he repair or res�vra�ion vf the Praperty. The ne�
<br /> proceeds �f fhe award sha�� mean the award af�er payrnent o� al[ reasonable �os�s, expenses, and atfiorneys' �fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee❑r Lende�r in canne�t�on�rvifih�he�ondemnation.
<br /> IMP�SITI�N ❑F TA]�ES. FEES AND CHAR�ES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The fialf�w�ng pra�isivns rela�ing
<br /> to governmenta!taxes,�ees and charges are a par�❑f�his �eed ❑f Trust:
<br /> Curren� Taxes. Fees and Charges. Upan request by Lender, Trustar shall execu�e such docum�nts in addi�ion t❑
<br /> �this Deed n�Trus� and �ak� wha�e�er o�her acfiian is reques�ed by Lender to perf�ct and cvn�inue Lender's lien on
<br /> �h� Real Prvper�y. T�-ustor shal� reimburse Lender �or all �ax�s, as described bef�w, �oge�her with ai� expenses
<br /> in�urred in recording, perfecting or cvnt�nuing this Deed o� Trus�, including withoufi �imifia�ion all �axes, �ees,
<br /> documentary stamps, and o�her charges�ar recarding ❑r regis�ering this ❑eed ❑€Trust.
<br /> Taxes. Th� follawing shal[ �vns�i�ute taxes ta whiGh this se��kian applies: t�} a speci�ic �ax upon �his �ype vf
<br /> Deed vf Trusfi or upvn all or any par� ❑f the Indebtedness secured by fihis Deed of Trus�; �2� a speci�ic tax on
<br /> Trustvr which Trus�or is autharized or r�quired to deduct f�om paymen�s ❑n�he Endebtedness secured by this fiyp�
<br /> ❑�Deed ❑f Trust; t3} a tax on thEs typ�o�Deed of Trust chargeable against�he Lender or the h�lder v�fihe Nofie;
<br /> and �4} a speci�ic �ax ❑n aE[ or any pvrt�on of the lndeb�edness or�n payments of principal and in�erest made i�y
<br /> T�-usfior.
<br /> 5uhsequent Taxes. I� any tax ta which �his sectian applies is enac�ed subsequen� �❑ �he dafie ❑f this Deed ot
<br /> Trus�� �hES event shall have the same e��ecfi as an Event of Defau[t, and L�nd�r may exer�ise any flr all �€ its
<br /> ava�lable remedies �or an EWent ��f ❑e�ault as proWided belaw unl�ss Trustor either �1} pays �he tax b��ore i�
<br /> bec�mes delinquent, or �2� con�ests the tax as pro�ided abo�e in th�Taxes and Liens sec�ion and deposits with
<br /> Lender cash or a su���cienfi cvrpvrafie surety bond or❑ther securi�y satisfactory t❑ Lend�r.
<br /> SECL]R�TY AGREEMENT; FENANCING STATEMENTS. The follawing prvWisions r�la�ing ta fihis Deed of Trust as a
<br /> secur�ty a�reement a�e a par�o#�his Deed o�Trus�:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreement. This instrumen� shall Gonstitute a 5ecuri�y Agreement to the extenfi any of �he Prvperty
<br /> cansti�u�es fix�ures, and Lender shall have all v��he rights of a se�ured party under the Uniform Commercia� Gode
<br /> as amended��om tsme to time.
<br /> Security �n�erest. Upon �-eques� by Lender, T�ustor shall take whateWer ac�ian is requested by Lender �❑ per�ect
<br /> and cvn�inue Lender's security in�eres� in �he Rents and Personal Proper�y. ln add�tian t� recording this Deed �f
<br /> Trust in the real property records, Lender may, a� any time and wi�hout �urther au�hari�ativn frvm Trustor, fife
<br /> execu�ed counterparts, copies ❑�r reproduc�ions D� �FllS Deed of Trus� as a financing s�a�ement. Trus�or sha�[
<br /> reimburse Lender fvr all expenses in�urred sn perfecting or con�inuing this security in�eresfi. Upon de�aul�, Trustor
<br /> sha[I no� remo�e, se�er or deta�h �he Personaf Prvper�y from th� Property. Upon defaul�, Trus�or shall assemble
<br /> any Persvnal Property nvt affixed t��he Praper�y En a manner and at a place �-easonably con�enient ta Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make i� a�ailable to Lender within three �3} days after receip� ❑t writfen demand �fram Lender to �he
<br /> extent permit�ed by applicab[e Iaw.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses ❑� Trustor �d�b�or� and Lender �secu�ed party} �rom which information
<br /> c�ncerning fihe se�urity interes� granted by this Deed vf Trus� may be ob�ained �each as required by the Uniform
<br /> Cammercial Code} are as s�ated❑n�he first page af�his �eed ❑f Trust.
<br /> FC]RTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY�IN�FACT. The -�ol�owing pro�is�ons relating �o �urther assurances and
<br /> a��o�n�y--in-fact are a par�❑f�his Deed o-�Trust:
<br /> Fur'�her Assuran�es. At any time, and from�ime to time, up�n reques� o�F Lender, Trus�kflr will make, �xecu�e and
<br /> deli��r, or wilf cause to }�e made, execu�ed vr deliWered, �❑ Lender vr�t❑ Lender`s designee, and when requested i�y
<br /> L�nder, �ause to be �iled, recorded, refiled, or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such �imes and in such a�ffices
<br /> and plac�s as Lender may deem app�-opria�e, any and all such mar�gages, deeds of trus�, securi�y deeds, security
<br /> agreements, financing statements, continuativn staternents, ins�rumen�s of �urther assurance, certifica�es, and
<br /> other documen�s as may, in the sa�e ❑pinian o-� Lender, be necessary or desirable in order�a ef�ecfivate, comple�e,
<br />