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� 2� 1 ���81 � <br /> services�nd subsequent charges each time re�r�appings or sim�lar changes ac���r which reasanably might <br /> affcet such dc�er��nination or certifica�ion. Borra��rcr shall a�so be respa��siblc for the paymcnt of at�y fccs <br /> imposed by the�'eder�l Emer�ency Manage�ne�t Ager�cy i��canne�;tion�vith the revier�v of any ��lood Lot�e <br /> determination resuiting fiom an objec�iaY�by I3o1-�o�ver, <br /> If B�rrfl��er ta.ils to z�aiY�tain any of the coWeragc�des�rib�d abo�re, Le��de�-�nay obt.aii� ins�zrancc cc�ve�•age, <br /> a�Lex��er's optiar�and �3oY-ro�ver's exper�se. I..ender is un.der no obli�ation ta purc�ase ai��p�r�ic���ar�ype or <br /> amou��t of co�era�e. T��erefar�, s��c��cavera�e sha�l cover Leude��, but rrxi�;ht or�77t�ht raot protec�t �on•�r�cr, <br /> Borrower's equi�y in the Praper�y, or the conte��ts of the Property,against any�-isk, hara�-d or liab�li�.y and <br /> might pra�ide�rea��r or lesser coverage tha�tvas pr��io��sly in eff�ct, F3orrati�er ackno�viedges�hat th�cost <br /> of th�in�urance c;��era�e so obtained�ni�ht si�nificantly exceed the cost of�nst�rai�ce that�3orrower�;ould <br /> ha�t�e�btaiY-�ed. Any a�nounts d�sbt�rsed by Le��der under this Sect�on 5 shall bect�me adc�itionaj d�l�t of <br /> Borrativer secured b�t�is Security Ins�rumc��t, Z"hese amo��nts sha�l bear int�rest�.t the Note rat.e �rom the <br /> date af disbu�seme��t and shall be payable, �vith suc�i�aterest, upon notice fro�n Lende�'to Barrativer <br /> �-ec�uest.i�ig payxx�er�t. <br /> Ali i��sirrar�.ce policies reyuxred by Le��de��ar�d re�ae�va�s af suc��policies s��all be slrbjc�:t to I.�er�der's ri���t�a <br /> d�sap�rove s��ch policies. s�a1i ii�clude a stat�dard mortgage cl�.use, ax�d shal� r�ame Le��de�"aS r�L»'�gageC <br /> andfor as an addi�io�.al�oss pa�re�. L�nd�r�hatl ha��e the right to hoid the policies and rencwal t;�x-#iticat�s. <br /> �f L�r�d�r requires, $o�-rower shall pramptly�ive�o Lender ail re�;eipts of pa�d premiums and ren�tiva� <br /> r�orices. If Barra�ver ob�ait�s ai�y farrn flf il�surance ca�era�e,not ot����-v�rise required�by Le��de�, ��r darzYage <br /> to,or destr�iction of, th� Praperty, st�ch po�icy shall ir�.clude a standard rnol-tgag�cla�xs�and shal[name <br /> Lender as max�tgagee andlor as an additional loss payee. <br /> In the e�ent vf 1oss, Borr�Vve�•shal�gi�e prompr no�ice to the ins��rance can�ex-and L.ender. L�nd�r�-�ay <br /> make proof of lass if not lnade promp�ly by�3oi-ro�ve�r. CJnless Lendel�an�i Borro�ver other�vise a�x'�� ii7 <br /> writ�ng,any insurance proceeds,�vhether c�r r�ot�he underlyi���insurt•a��c�;��a.s required by Lender, sh�l1 be <br /> applied ta restoration or repair ot'the��rop�rty, if the r��toration�r r�pa�r is eco��omica��y tcasible�nd <br /> Lender's sec:��rity is��ot lessen�d. Uurin�suc��epair�nd restor�t.ion perio�, �ender sha�l have��ae right to <br /> hold such ins�trai�ce procccds t�nti� Lcndcr has had�n opport��nity to inspe��:h Prop�rt�to cn���rc t�c <br /> t�vork has bee���Qinplet�ed to Le�lder's sat�isfaGtiotY,provid�d that such iraspe���on shall be u��dertakei� <br /> promptly. Lender m�.y dis�i�rse proceeds for the repairs and restoration i�.a s�ng�e payment or in a series of <br /> progress paymen�s a�the work is comp�eted. Un�es�an a�ree�-nent is made in��riting or E�pp�icable La��v <br /> require����teres�to be paid on su���i��surance proceeds. �.e�1der s��a�l nat be reyuired to pay�3orrower aY�y <br /> interest or ear�lings a��su�h proceeds. Fees for publ�c�d��E�sters,or ot�er third parties,retained by Borrawer <br /> sha�l not be paid out of fhe ins�zrance proc�eeds and shall b�the sole obligatian of Borro���r. If"the r�storatxa�� <br /> c�r repair is nc�t econc�mica�Iy f�asible c�r L�n�icr'�security wc����d be l�sse�1c:�, the insr�r�Y��ce prc�ce�d�shali be <br /> apptied to the sums sectire�by this Security��nst�.�mentb whether o�r nat then d��e, �vith the excess, if'�ny, . <br /> paid ta�3�rro�er. Such insurance pro�eeds shall be app�i�d in the or�er provided for ir-� Scction 2, <br /> �f�3orrowe�•ahandans the Prap�rty, I,ender may file, neg�tiate and sett�e any a�ail�bl� i�s�ira�ace claim a��d <br /> related matters. If Borro�ver does no�re�pan���ith�n 3D days to a no�ice 1�rorri L�n��r that the i��surance <br /> carrier��as offered�a s�t�.l e a c�ai��r�,t��e�} Le��der��lay��egati a�e ax�d se�t��th e�1 a i rrl.rI'h e 3�}-day period�vi�) <br /> be�in��vhen the notice�s gi�en. In either event,ar if Le��der acq��ires�he Prope�-ty ur1der Sectian 22 ar <br /> oth�rwis�, Ba�-ro���r hereby assxgns ta Lender[a}Bor�•o��rer`s rights to any il�sura�lce proce�ds in a��amoun� <br /> nc�t tc�exceed th�amc�r�nts���ipaid ��nr�er the I�ote c�r thxs Security 7nstrum�z-�t, anc��b}any c�ther�f <br /> Borrower's rights(other�han the r�ght to any refund of��nearn�d premiums pard by�3orro��ver}under all <br /> insura��ce policies cavering the I�rope�-�y,insof�r as�uch ri�hts are applicable�o�he covcra�e of thc <br /> Pr�perty. Lender�nay u�e the i��.s�irance p�rc�eceds either t� Ur r�stc�re the �'rc�pe�-�y c�r t�pay a�-n�L�nt.s <br /> ��npaid undcr thc Notc or this Sec��rit��Instr���nc��r,��vhcthcr or r�at thc�a d��c. <br /> N�BF�ASKA-5ingle Family-Fanr�ie M��I�reddie Mac UNlFQRM INSTF�IJMENT 1�IlTH MERS Fnrrn 3aZ8 1JQ1 <br /> VMP� VMF'�{�(N�}��3(�2}.Oa <br /> Wolt�r�Kluwer Finan�iaf 5�rvic�s Page 7 nf 17 <br /> q0�35�669848 0�33 337 �717 <br />