2� 1 ���81 �
<br /> Th�runds shall be held i�a a1�instit��tior�whose dep�sits�re insured by a federai a�ency, ins�rumer�ta�ity,or
<br /> entity(ix�ci€�di��g Lender, if Lender is a��in�titutior��hose deposits are so it�sured}ar i��any I�ederal �-�oine
<br /> Loan Bank, Lender shall apply tihe Tunds to pay the �scra�v Ytems no later than the tim� specified«nder
<br /> RESPA, Lender shall not charge Bo�-r�wer for h�lding and applying�he Funds,an�uai�y analy��ng t.he
<br /> escrow account,or�erifying the�scro�v rtems, unless Lender pays Borrovver interesf on the���inds a��d
<br /> Applicabte La�v peri�nits Lender to make such a charge. Unless an a�ree�nent is made in writing�r
<br /> Applicable Law requires interest to be paid oi�th�Fund�, Lender sha11 not be required to pay�3on or�ver any
<br /> interest or earn�ngs on the F«nds. Borrower and Lender�an agree ir�writin�, ho�vever, that interest shall b�
<br /> paid on�he Fui�ds. Lender shall gi�e to Boi7awer,�vith�ut charge,ar-�annt�al accauXlring of the F�Ynds as
<br /> reqx�ired�y RE SPA.
<br /> rf t��ere is a surplus of Funds�leld i��� escro��v, as de�ined ur�der RES�'�, I.e���der s��all a�cour�t to �3orro�ver fo��
<br /> �he cxccss fiands ii-�accordancc�vi�h �ES�'�. �f thcrc is a shart�gc of~�r�nds hcid ir� csc�row,��s d����cd «r��cr�
<br /> RE�PA, Let�der s�aall t7otify Ba��ro�ver as reyuir�d by RESPA, and Borrowcr shal�pay to Lei�der ttle airic�ui�t
<br /> nec;cssar-�to mal�c t�p�h� �hortagc in accordance with�ESP�1,b��t in no morc than 1� mont.hly paym�nts. If
<br /> t�iere is a deficiency of Funds held i���scra�v, as defined t���der RESP�, Le�ider s��all Yiatify�3orro�vcr as
<br /> required by RESPA,and Barrower shall pay to Lcnd�r thc amount neccssary ta makc np thc dcficiency in
<br /> accordance with RESPA,but in r�o rnore ����.n 12 inonthly payrrier��s.
<br /> Upon payment in fu�l of all sums secured by this Securit�Inst1-ument, Leizder shall prolnpt�y refund to
<br /> Borrower any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charge�;Liens.Borro�ver shall pay atl taxes, assessments, charges, tines, and impos�tions at�ributable to
<br /> the Prop�rty tivhich can attain priorxty o�cr this Scc��rity�nstr�amcnt, �c�schold p�.ymcnts or��-o��nd r�nxs on
<br /> the Property, it"any, and Camm�.�nity Associatian I]ues, �ees,and AsseSsments, if any, �I"a the exte��t that
<br /> thcse itcros a�-e Escr��.v 7tcros, Borr�wcr shall pay th��n in�hc manncr pro�ided in Scctian 3.
<br /> B�rxower shal�promptly dischar�e any lien which has priority o�er this Seci�rity Instrurnent��nless
<br /> Barrower; (a�agr�es in writirzg ta the paymerlt of�he obl�gat�on secured by�h� �ien in a ma��ner acceptab�e
<br /> to Len�ler,bu�only so io��g as Borrol�rer is perfarmin�such agreemen�; �b)contes�s the�ien in good faith by,
<br /> or d�fends against�nforcement af the lien i�.1, legal praceediilgs which in�.�ender`s opir�ion operate to prevel�t
<br /> t�he en�'orcemen�of the lien while those proceedin�s are pendin�,b��t only un�zl s�xch procccd�n�;s are
<br /> carlcluded;or�c�secures f'roin the holder of the lierl ata agreecner�t satisfactory�o Ler�c�er subardirlati��g t�he
<br /> lieri ta thi� 5ecurity Iiistrument. It"Lender determine�that�ny part o�the Property is subject to a lier���vhich
<br /> cai�attar�l prior�ty���er this Security�i�st�l�merlt, �_�erlder�nay�;ive �3orro��er a naticc idc��tifyr�l�;thc lic��.
<br /> '�ithin 1�days o�"the date on ti�hich that notic�c is given, �3orro��er shall �atisfy the lien or take onc or more
<br /> of the actioiis set for�h abave i�i this Sectia��4,
<br /> Lender may require Bai-ro�wer t�pay a one-t:ime�;harge far a rea�estate�ax�erif�catioia andlor repor�i��g
<br /> ser�i�e u�ed by Lender in�:onnecti�n with this L�an.
<br /> 5. Proper�y Insurance.Borro�ver sh�li�eep the imp�-o�veln�ats��a�v existiilg ar hereatt�er erected or�the
<br /> Property insured again�t loss by fire,hazar�s incltzded�vithin the tierm"exteridcd�o�era�e," an�a��y othex
<br /> hazards includirag,but i�ot lim�ted to, eart�hqtiakes ari�1 t�loods, �or which Lender requires i�����ran�;e. This
<br /> ins��rance shall be maintained i�i�he arnou��ts�including�edu�tible le�e�s}and for th�periads that I�er-�der
<br /> req��ires. What Let�der requires pursuar�r to t.he pr•eceding sei�ter�ces can char�ge dur����;the ter�n af`thc; l�oan.
<br /> The insuranc�ca1-�ier providing the ii�surance shali bc choser�by Bo1-�o��rer subj ect to Lcx�dc�'�ri�;ht to
<br /> disappra�ve Borrower's choice,tivhich right sha�l not be exer�ised unreasor�ably. L���a�1 rn�y��a�r�r�
<br /> Ba�-ro�er to pay, in�onnection vvith�his T..,oan, either: (a)a one-ti�-ne charge far flood�ane detexmir-�atioi�,
<br /> �ertiticat�on ar���racking ser�ices; o�(b}a o�le-time charge for��ood�or�e dete�rmi�aatiar�ai�d cert��kic��ror�
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingi�F�mily-F�nnie Mael�r�ddf�M�c LJNIFORM INSTRUM�NT 1+VITH MERS FQrrri 3d28 1lQ1
<br /> VMP� VMF'�A�NE)�13[]2�.Da
<br /> Wolters K�uwer Financia!5ervices Page ki af 1 I
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