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2� 1 ���723 <br /> pay such amount and Borrower sha��then be obligated under S�ction 9 to repay�a Lend�r any such <br /> amount. Lender may revoke the waiver as to any or a��Escrow It�ms at�ny t�me by a notice given ir� <br /> accordance with Sec��on 15 and,upon such revocation,Borrower shall pay�v L�r�d�r all Fun.ds,and in <br /> such amounts,that are then requ�red under,this Se�tion 3. <br /> Lender may, at any time,callect and ho�d Funds in an amount(a}suf�'icien�to perm.i�Lender to apply <br /> the Funds at the t�me specified under 1ZESPA,and(b�not to exceed the maximum arn�unt a lender <br /> can require under RESPA. Lender shall estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data <br /> axid reasonable estimates of expenditur�s of Escraw Items or otllerwis�in accordance vvith <br /> App�icab�e LaW. � <br /> The Funds shall be held in ar�.institutian whose deposits are insured by a federa�agency, <br /> ins�rumenta�ity, or entity(includin�Lender, if Lender�s an institutivn who�e depos�ts are so insured} <br /> or in any FederaZ Home L,oan Ban�. Lend�r shall apply the Funds to p�y the Escrow I�ems no later <br /> than�he time specified under RESPA. Lender�ha��not charge B�rrower�'or�ivlding and�.ppl�irig the <br /> Funds, annually analyzing the es�r�w accoun�, or v��ifyir��the Escrow Items,u��ess Lender pays <br /> Barxawer interest on the Funds and Applicable I�aw perr�nits L�nder�o rna1��such a charg�. Un�ess an <br /> agreernent is made in wr��ing ar Applicable Lavv req�ires intere�t tu be�aid on the Funds, Lender shall <br /> not be requir�d to pay Borrower any inter�st or ea.rn�ngs on the Fur�ds. Borrower and Lender�an agree <br /> in writing,hovvever,that int�r�st sha��b�paid�n the Fur�ds, Le�.der shall give tQ�arrvwer,without <br /> charge,an annual accounting of th�Funds as requ�red by RE�PA. <br /> If there is a surplus�f Funds held in�scrow, as d�fined und�r RESPA,Lender shall accvur�t to <br /> Borrower for the excess funds in accordance vvith 1�ESP�A. I�ther�is a short�.g�of F�nd��ield in <br /> escrow, as defined under RESPA,Lender sha�l na�ify Borrawer�s r��quir�d by RE�PA, and Borrvvver <br /> sha11 pay to Lender th�amount r�ecessary ta make up the sh�rtag�in accordar�ce with RESPA,but <br /> in no rn�re th�.n �2 m�nthly payments. If there is a deficiency�f Funds he�d�n eserow,as defined <br /> t�nder RESPA,Lender sha�I notify Barrower as required by RES�A, and Borrower sha11 pay to Le�nder <br /> th�arx�our��necessa�-y to make up the deficiency in accordance�vith RESPA,,,bu�in no more than 12 <br /> monthly payments. <br /> Upon payment�n fu11 of a11�ums secured by this Se�ur��y Instrument,Lender shal�prompt�y refund to <br /> �orrawer any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charg��; Liens. Barrower sha��pay a�l ta�.es, assessments, ch�rges, fines, and imposi�ions <br /> attr�butable to the Pr�perty which can atta�n priority over this Security Instrument, leasehold payments <br /> or ground ren�s on the Pr�perty, if any,and Community Ass�ciation I�ues,Fees, and Assessments, if <br /> any. Tv the extent that these items are Escrow I�ems,Borrower shalx pay them in the man.ner provided <br /> . <br /> �n Secti�n 3. <br /> Borrower sha11 promptly d�scharge any lien wh��h has pri�ri�y over this Security Ins�rum�x�t unless <br /> Borrower: (a}agr�es in writing to the payxnent vf the o�Zigat�on s�cur�d b��he �i�n in a xna�n�r <br /> acceptable to Lender,but only so long�s�arro�ver is performir��su�h agreerr��n�; ��a} �ontests�he���n <br /> in good faith by, or def�nds against er�forcemen��f�he�ien ir�, le�a1 pr�ceed�n�s which in Lender's <br /> opinion operate ta prev�nt the enforc�m�nt af the lien whi�e thvse proceed�ngs a,r��ending,but <br /> on�y until su�h proceedings are con��ud�d; ar(c) secures fa�vm the holder of�h��i�n a,r�agreement <br /> satisfactory ta Lender subordinating�he lie��o�his Security In��rument. �f�,�nder�etermin�s that ariy <br /> pax-�of the Property is subject to a lien which�ar�at�ain p�i�rity ov�r this ��cur��y Ir�strum�rit,�.ender � <br /> may giv�Borrower a notice�dentifying the lien. With�n ��day�of�he da�e on which that notic�is <br /> - so��rraos� <br /> NEBRASK�4-Sir�gle Famify�-Far�nie MaelFreddie Ma�c UIdiFC31�M IN�TRLIA►iENT Form 3��811Q1 <br /> VMP� Q4J2�1fi <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fina�cial Servi�es ��1 fi�923'E6.7.3.3fi�1,l2Qi fiQfi1 fiY Page 5 af 1� ; <br /> i <br /> I <br /> i <br />