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2� 1 ���723 <br /> the time such payments are accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its scheduled due date, <br /> then Lender need not pay interes�an unapplied funds. Lender may h�ld such unapp�ied funds un�i1 <br /> B orrower makes payments to bring the Loan�urrent. If B orrovver does not do so within a reasonable <br /> period of time,Lender shall either a�p�y such funds or return them to Borr�wer. If not applied ear�ier, <br /> such funds vvill be applied to the outstanding principal balance under the N�te immediate�y prior <br /> to foreciosure.No�ffset or claim which Borrower might have now or in the future agains�Lender <br /> sha�l relie�e Borrov�er from making payments due under�he Note and this Security Instrument or <br /> performing the covenants and agreements secured by this Secu.r�ty Instrument. <br /> �. Appl i�ation of Payments or Praceeds. Except as othervvise described in this Sect�on 2, <br /> all payments accepted and app��ed by Lender sha11 be appl�ed in the fo��owing order of priority: <br /> �a}interest due under the Nate; �b}principa�due under th�Note; [c}amounts due under S�ctian 3. <br /> Such payments shall be applied to�ach Perivdic Payment in the order in which it became due. Any <br /> remaining amounts shall be applied first to 1a�e charges, sec�nd to any other amounts du�under this <br /> S�curity Ins�rument, and then to reduce the principal ba�ance of the Nate. <br /> If Lender r�ceives a payment from Borrower for a de�inquent Periodic Paymen�which includes a <br /> suff'icient amount to pay any la�e charge due,the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment <br /> and the lat�charge. If mare than one Periodic Payment is outs�anding,Lender rnay apply any payment <br /> recei�ed from Borrower to the repayment of tlze Periadic Payrnents if,and to the extent that,each <br /> payment�an be paid in full. To the extent that any�xcess�x�sts after the payment�s applied to the <br /> fu�l payment of one or more Periodic Payments, such excess may be applied t�any�ate charges due. <br /> ���unta.ry prepayments sha��be applied f�rst to any prepayment charges and then as described in�he <br /> Note. <br /> Any applicat�an of payments, insurax�ce proceeds, �r Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under <br /> the Not�shall no�e�tend ar postpone the due date, or change�he amount, of the Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. F u n ds fa r Es crow ite ms. Borrower shall pay to Lender�n the day Periodic Payments are <br /> due und�r the Note,until the Note is paid in ful�, a sum(the "Furac�s"�to provid�for paym�nt af <br /> amaunts due for: �a}taxes and assessments ax�.d o�h�r items which can attain priority o�er this Secur�ty <br /> Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the Property; (b�leasehold payments or ground rents on <br /> the Prvperty, if any; (c}premiums for any and all insurance required by Lender under Section 5; <br /> and(d}Mortgage Insurance premiums,if any, or any sums�ayable by BorroWer to Lender in�ieu <br /> of the payment of Martgage Insurance premiums in accordance with t�ie provisions of Sect�on 1�. <br /> These items are called "Es�row Items". At�rigination or at any tirne during the term of the Loan, <br /> Lender may require that�ommunity Association Dues,Fees, and Assessmen�s, if any,be escroWed <br /> by Borrow�r, and such dues, fees and assessments sha�1 be an Escr�w Item. Barrovver sha�l promptly <br /> furni�h t�Lender a11 notices of amounts to be paid under this Sectivn. Borrower shal�pay Lender the <br /> Funds far Escrow Iterns unless Lender wai�es Borr�wer's obligatian to pay the Funds far any ar a�l <br /> Escraw Items. Lender may waive Borrawer's obligation to pay to Len.der Funds for any or al�Escrow <br /> Items at any time.Any such waiver may on�y be in writing. In the e�ent of such waiver,Borrower <br /> sha11�ay direct�y,wh�n and where payable,the amounts due for any Escrow Items for which <br /> paym�nt vf Funds has been waived by Lend�r and, if Lender requires, sha��furnish to Lender receipts <br /> evidencing such payment wit�iin such time period as Lender may require. Borrower's obliga�ion to <br /> make such payrnents and�o pro�ide receipts sha�l far all purposes be deerr�ed t�be a covenant and <br /> agreement c�ntained in this Security Instrument,as the phrase"covenant and agreement" is used in <br /> Section 9. If Barrower�s obligated to pay Escraw Iterns directly,pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower <br /> fails to pay the amount due for an Escrow Item,Lender may e�ercise its rights under Section 9 arid <br /> ; <br />� <br />� <br />� <br /> aoz5rr4as� <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNfF�RM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3028 11�1 <br /> VMP�] 041201fi <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fir�ancial Services 2Q1�Q9�3'E fi.'I.3.3G21-J201 fi�1 fiY Page 4 of 16 <br />
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