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2� 1 ���723 <br /> Borrawer sha�l not cause or permit the presence,use, d�sposal, storage,or release of any Ha.zardous <br /> Substances,�r threa�en to r�lease any Hazardous Subs�ances,on or in�he Proper�y. Barrow�r shall <br /> not d�,n�r all�w anyone else to do, anything afFecting t11e Pr�per�y(a}that is in violatiori of any <br /> Environmenta�Law, (b}vvhich creates an Environmental�vndition,or(c}which, due ta the presence, <br /> use, or release of a Hazaxd�us Substance, creat�s a condition that adv�rs��y affects the�a�ue of the � <br /> Property. The preceding twv s�ntences shall nvt app�y to the presence,use, or s�orage on the Praperty <br /> af sma11 quantiti�s of Hazard�us Substances t,�iat are generally recogn�zed tv be appr�priate to n�rmal <br /> residential uses and to ma�n�enance�f the Pr�perty(including,but no�lirn.�ted ta,hazardous suhstances <br /> in consumer produ�ts}. <br /> Borrawer shall promptly give Lender wri.tten na�ice of(a}any i.rivestigatian,claim, demand,lawsuit <br /> ar other ac�ion by any gavernmental or regulatory agency or pri�at�party involvin�the Property and <br /> any Hazardaus Substance ar Environmental Lavv of which Borrow�r has actua�knowledge, (b)any <br /> Environmental�onditian, including but not limited to, any sp�lling, Ieaking,discharge,release or <br /> threat of re�ease of any Hazard�us Substance, and�c}any condition caused by the presence,use�r <br /> re�ease af a Hazardous Substance which adversely af�ects the value of�he Pr�perty. If Borrower learns, <br /> or is notif ed by any go�ernmental�r regulatory authority,or any private par�y,that any removal or <br /> �ther remediation of any Hazardous Substance af�ecting the Praperty is ne�essary, Borr�wer shal� <br /> promptly take all necessary remedia�actions in accflrdance�v�th Environmen�al Law.Nathing herein <br /> shal�create any ob�igation on Lender far an En�iranmenta.l�leanup. <br /> N on-U n ifo rm �a�e na nts. B vrrow�r and Lender further covenan�and agree as fo�lows: <br /> ZZ. Acc�leration; Remedies. Lend�r sha��give not�ce ta Borr�wer pri�r ta acceleration <br /> following B�rrow�r's brea�h of any���enant 4r agreement in t�is Security Instrument[but <br /> nat prior to acceleratian under Section 18 unles5 Appli�ah�e Law pra�ides otherwise}.The <br /> natice shall sp�cify: [a}tbe default; �b}the ac�ion required to cure the default; (c}a date,not <br /> �ess than 3�days fr�m the date the notice is gi�en to B�rr��ver,by wh�ch the default mu�t b� <br /> cured; and�d)that fai�ure ta��ur�e the d�fault�n�r�efare the date specified in the notice may <br /> result in acceleration of the sums�ecured by this Security Instrument and sale�f the Property. <br /> The not�ce shail furth�r inform Borrower of the ri�ht ta reinstate after a�c�elera.tion and the <br /> right to bring a court action to assert the no�-existen�e of a de�ault or any�ther d�fense of <br /> Barrower to accelerat��n and�ale,If the default is not cured on or befare the date spec�fied in <br /> the notice,Len�ler at its opt�on may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by <br /> this Se�urity Instrument without further d�emand and�ay invoke the power�f sale and any <br /> other remedies p�rmitted by Applicab�e I�aw,Lender�hall be entit�ed�o collect all exp€nses <br /> �ncurred in pursuing the remedies pr��ided in�his Se�tion�2,including,but not lim�ted to, <br /> reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title eviden�e. <br /> If the power of sale is in�oked,Trustee shall re�ord a n�tice af defau�t in each county in whi�h <br /> any part of the Proper�y iS located and shall mail c�pies of such not�c�i�n the manner prescribed <br /> by Applicable Law to Borrower and to the vther persans pre�cribQd by App�icable Law.After <br /> the time required by Appl�cable Law,Trustee shall g�ve pub�ic notice of sale to the persons and <br /> in the manner prescribed hy Applicable Law. Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall sell <br /> the Pr�perty at public auct�on to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms <br /> designated in the natic�of sa�e in one or m�re parcel� and in any order Trustee determineS. <br /> Trustee may postpone sale�f all�r any parcel of the Property by public announcement at <br /> the time and p�ace of any pre�iously scheduled�ale,�ender ar its designee may purchase the <br /> Property at any sale. <br /> $4�5T14061 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIFflRM INST�tiJMENT Form 3��8 11�1 <br /> VMP� . 04120'�6 <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Finanaal Ser►iices 2�16�9231 fi.1.3.3fi21-J201 fi05'i fiY Page 14 of 1 fi <br />� <br /> , <br />