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2� 1 ���723 <br /> other fees incurred for the purpose of protecting Lender's i�iterest in the Pr�perty and r�gh�s under <br /> this Security Instrument;and(d�ta.k�s such ac�ion as Lend�,r may reasanably require to assure that <br /> Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument,and Borr�wer's obligation <br /> to pay�h.e surns secured by this Security Instrument, sha11 continue unchanged. Lender may require <br /> tha�Barrower pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one or more of the follovving forms,as <br /> selec�ed by Lender: �a}cash; (b}rn�ney�rder; �c}certified�check,bank check,treasurer's check or <br /> cashier's check,provided any such check is drawn upon an instituti�n whose deposits are insured by <br /> a f�d�ra�agency, instrumenta�ity or�ntity; vr(d�Electronic Funds Transfer.iJpon reinstatem�nt by � <br /> Borrower,th�s Security Instrument and obligations secured hereby sha�l rerr�ain fu�ly effective as if no <br /> acceleratian had�ccurred. HoWever,this r�ght to reinsta.te shall no�app�y in the case of acceleration <br /> under Section 18. <br /> 2D. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Sen►icer; Notic� of�r���ance. The Note or a partial <br /> interest in the Note(together�vith this Security Instrument}can be sold one or more times withaut <br /> prior notice to Borr�wer.A sa��might result in a change in the�n�ity(known as the "Loart►Se�vi�er"} <br /> that collects Periodic Payments due under�he Note and this Securi�y Instrument and perfvrms ather <br /> mor�gage loan ser�icing ob�igations under the Note,this Secu.rity Inst�ument, and Applicable Law. <br /> There als�might be�ne or more changes of the Loan Serv�cer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If tl�ere <br /> is a change of the Loan Ser`ricer,Barrower wii�be given written notice of t�ie change which w�11 state <br /> the name a,�d address of the new Loan Ser�vicer,the addr�ss to which payments shauld be made and <br /> any ather infarmation RESPA requires in cannection with a not�ce af transfer of s�r�icing. If the Note <br /> is sold and thereafter the Loan is ser�viced by a Loan Servi�er ather than the purchaser of the Nate,the <br /> mor�gage loan ser�icing ob�igations to Borrower wi�l rema�n w��h the Loan Ser�i�er or be transferred <br /> ta a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the Note purchaser unless o�herwise pro��d�d by <br /> the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrawer nor L�nder may commen�e,join, or be j�oined�o any judicial a�tian�as eitlzer an <br /> indiv�dual litigant or the member of a class�that arises frflm the other party's acti�ns pursuant to this <br /> Se�urity Instrument or that alleges that the v�her party has breached any provision of, or any du�y <br /> owed by reason of,this Security Instrument,unti�such Borrower or Lender has notified the o�her <br /> party�with such notice g��en in compliance with the requirements of Section �5�of such alleged <br /> breach and affvrded the o�h�r party heretv a r�asvnable pe�riod after the giving vf such not�ce�o take <br /> corrective actian. If Appi�cab�e La�v pro�ides a�ime period which must elapse before certain action <br /> can be ta.ken,that time period wi11 b�deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. The <br /> notice of acceleration and opp�r�unity to cure given t�Barrower pursuarit�o Section 22 and the notice <br /> of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant to Section 1 S shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and <br /> oppor�unity to take correcti��a�tion prov�sions of this Sectian�0. <br /> �'I. Hazardous 5u�stances. As used in�his Section 21: [a} "�Iazardous Sulastances"are <br /> thos�substan�es defined as toxic or hazardous substances,po��uta,n�s, or was�es by Envirflnrnental <br /> Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene, other flammal�le or toxic petroleum <br /> produc�s,toxic pesticides and herbicides,valati�e solvents,materials containing asbestos or <br /> formaldehyde, and radioacti�e materia�s; (b� "�nviranmental Law"means federallaws and laws of <br /> the jurisdictian where the Pra�erty is lacated that r��ate to health, safety or env�ranmental protection; <br /> �c� "Lnvironmental Glea�aup"�ncludes any response action,rernedia�act�on,or removal a�tion, as <br /> defined in Environmental Law; and(d�an "Environmental C'ondition"me�ns a condition that can <br /> cause,can�ribute�o, or o�herwise trigger an En�ironrnenta��leanup. <br /> � <br /> ao2�rr4as� <br /> NESRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac lJNIF�RM INSTRIJMENT Form 3�z8 11a9 <br /> VMP� U412�1fi <br /> Wvl#ers Kluwer Financial Services 201 fi�9231 fi.1.3.3fi21-J2�1 fiUfi1 fiY � Page 13 vf'!fi <br /> ' � <br />