<br /> _,-=:� _ � _
<br /> —�
<br /> � �
<br /> 16. Covenanis of Tiustor with Respect to LQases. Without the prior tv�itten consent o/Seneficiary, Trustor shall not,directly or indirectly,
<br /> wit1�respect to any lease of space rn the Trust Properry,or any poriion thereof,whethar sucn lease is now or hereaffer in existance:
<br /> � (a) Accept a permit any prepayment,discount or advance payment a!rent heraunder in excess ot one month,
<br /> (b) Cancel or teiminate the same,or accept Any cancef/ation, termination or sunender thereol,or permit any event to occur whlch would
<br /> accur thereunder to tern�inata or ca��cel the same,other than termination for npnpayment o1 rent,
<br /> � (c) Amend or modify the same so as to reduce the te�m thereol,the rental payable thereundei,or ta change any renewal provisions
<br /> therein confalned,
<br /> (d) Waive any dsfault thereunder or breach thareaf,
<br /> � (e) �f�e any consent,waivor or apprava!thereunder or take any other actian in connectton therewith.or with a fessee thereunder, which
<br /> c:�aut�t h.:ra L�a atM�!otlrsr;,w:rL;�f:re s;.:;ua of iha fassor's r'rrt�r�si ih�r�urrdar or iha pr�pa,7j+Sif�Jeh:i tire3ivi0,ur�,'i►.�pairl�ty i.rn
<br /> � posidon oi In�ei'es�of.�4en�fi�iary therein.o�
<br /> . (�.�fiol1,asslpn,pled�a,,aratQBga ar atherw�se dispasa ol,or encumbe�its lnie�est In any sa�d lease o�any rents,issues.profits issuing
<br /> � ..,.ac ans/ng the�undar... .
<br /> 17. Walver o/Stahrte of Limitadons. Time!s of the essence in afl of Trusfor's obligatlons end duties hereunder;and to the extent permitted
<br /> ' �•' by/aw. Trustor waives all present or future statufes o1limifations with respect to any debt,demand or obligatlon secured hereby and
<br /> � � any activn or proceeding for the purpose of enforcing thk Oeed ot Trust or any rights or remedies contained herein.
<br /> � 18. Asslgnment of Deposits.!n the event constructlon ollmprovements is contemp/ated by the loan evide�ced by the Note secured
<br /> O hereby,as edditional security therefore, Trustor here6y Uansfers and assigns fo Beneficiary,a/l right,titfe and inierest to any and ap
<br /> Q monles deposited by or on behallof Tiustor with any city,county,public body or agency,santtary drstrici,utility company,and
<br /> y,.� • any other body o►agency,for the lnsis!lat/on or to seaure the instapat+on of any utiliry by Trustor,pena�ning to the Tiast Properry.
<br /> . � �19. Corporation or Pannership Exlsience.lf Tiustoi is a corpaaGon,general partnership,or limited partnership,it will do a/i things
<br /> • ; necessary to preserve its caporate or partnership existence,as the case may be,and al!rights and privileges under the laws of the
<br /> � state of its incorporedon or organizadon.
<br /> , 2U. Fabea�ance by Bsnefi�lary Not a Waiver.My forbesrance by Benefkiary in exercising any righf or remedy hs�eunder,or otherwise
<br /> : albrded by app/kab/e/aw,shall not be a waiver of or ptec/ude the exerclse of any such right or remedy. The procu�ement of
<br /> insurance or the payment of taxes or the discharge of liens or charges by Beneticiary shal►no?be a waive�of Beneficiary's righi to
<br /> accelerate the maturffy oi the Indebtedness.
<br /> 21. Remedies Cumulative.A/l remedies provided rn thls Deed of Trust are distJnct and cumulative fo any other righ!or remedy under thls
<br /> ; Oeed of Tiust or allorded by/aw or equity,and may be exercised concurrentiy,independenUy or successively.
<br /> ` 22. Successors and Ass7gns 8ound;Jant and Sevora►Liability;Captions. The covenants and agreements hereln contained shali bind,and
<br /> i the righls heieunder shal!inare to,the respective successors and assigns of Beneficiary. Trusfee,and Tiusfor.A!1 covenants and
<br /> ' agreements of Trustor shalf be Jolnt and several. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of Tiust are tor
<br /> convenience only and are not to be used to inierpret or define the p�ovisions hereof.
<br /> 23. ('dotice.Excepi for any nabce requireC undar applicabl8 law to be gtven in anoihe�manner, (a)any notice to Trustor�rovided for in ihis
<br /> Doed of Trust shali be given by maipng such notice by certifled mail,return receipf requested addressed to Trustor at its mailing
<br /> addiess set toRh above or at such other address as Trusior may designate by notice to 8eneficlary as provided herein,and(b)any i
<br /> j noUce to BeneBclary or Trusiee sha!/be g+ven 6y certfied mail,retum receipt requested,to Beneflciary's and Tiustee's maiting
<br /> ! add►ess stated hereln or to such otha�add�ess as Beneflciary or Trustee may designate by notice to Tiustor as provided herein.My ' `
<br /> notice provlded for in this Deed of Tiusf shall be deemed to have been given to Tiusior,Beneficiary or Tiustee when given in the ; .
<br /> manner deslgnafed herein. +_ _�.
<br /> � � 24. Goveming Law;Severabiliry. This DseO ot Trusi shall be govemed by the laws of the SYate of Ne6raska. !n the event any provision or � _
<br /> ' clause o/this Qeed of Trusf conflicts wiih applicable law,such con/lict shal!nof aHect other provistons of this Deed of Tiust which can
<br /> be given eflect wiihouf ihe conflicting provisions and to this end ihe provisions of ihis Oeed of Trust are dec/ared io be severable. �
<br /> ' 25. Everrts of Defeult Each of the loilowing occu�rences shall constitute an eveni ot default hereunder,(hereinafter ca/!ed an"Event ;�.�-
<br /> of De►aulY): =
<br /> (a) Tiusfor shall fari to pay whe»due any principal,inieresi,or pdnclpal and interest on the Indebtedness,
<br /> (b) My wananry of title made by Trustor herein shall be antrue, �j
<br /> ' (c) Tiustor sha/l lail to observe o�peRorm any o/the covenants,ag�eements,or conditlons in this Deed of Trust,
<br /> � (d) My representation or wananry made by Trustoi on any�inancial statemenis or reports submiited to 8ene�ciary by or on behalf of
<br /> i Trustor shalf prove faJse or melerially misleading, �
<br /> j (e f Trustor shall fai!to perform or observe any of the covenants,conditions o�agreements contained in,oi t+inding upon Trustor under �
<br /> any building loan agreement,security agreement/oan agreement,financ7ng statement,or any other agreement instrumenr or �_
<br /> ; dxument execufed by Trustor in conrtecf/on with the loan evrdenced by the Note, � �
<br /> �
<br /> ; (� A trusfee.receiver or llquidator ot the Trust PropeRy or of Trusior shall be appoinied,or any of the creditors of Tiustor shall frle a
<br /> peti�on in bankrupicy against Trustor,or for the reorganizabon of Trusfor puisuant ro the Federa/Bankruptcy Code,or any simrlar ��4!:-
<br /> � law,whefher ledera/or state,and if such order or pefition shaH not be discharged or dlsmissed within thir(y(30)days after the date !��'
<br /> on which such order oi petiD�on was filed,
<br /> � (g) T�ustoi shal!file a petitlon pursuan!to the Federa/Bankruptcy Code or any similar law,lederal or state,or rf Tiusfor shall be �
<br /> � adjudged a bankrupt,or be declared insolvent, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors,or shall admit in wribng its .
<br /> inability to pay iis debts as they become due,or shall consent to the appointment of a receiver of a!/or any paR of lhe Trusf PrapeRy,
<br /> � (h) final judgment for ihe payment of money shaU be rendered against Tiustor and Tr�stor shali not discha�ge the same,ar cause it to
<br /> , be discharged,wifhln thirty(30)deys alter the eatry thereof,or shall not appea!therefrom or fiom the order,decree or prxess upon
<br /> 1 which or pursuant to whlch said judgment was granted,based,or entered,and secure a stay of execufion pending such appeaf,
<br /> (i) Tiustor sha11 sell or convey the Trust Prope�ty,or any pan the�eol,or any rnterest therein,or shall be divested of its iitle,or any inte�est
<br /> therein,In any martner a way,whethet vo/unterily or involuntarily, wiihout the wiitten consent of Beneflciary being first had and
<br /> � obfained,or
<br /> (J) !f Trustor Is a coiporation o�partnership and more than fifty percent(50%)of the shares or beneficial interests in such corporation or
<br /> paRnership,as the case may be,shall be hansferred or conveyed, whether voluntarily or invo/unlarily, ►aithout the wiitten consenf of
<br /> Bene/iclary being first had and�btalned.
<br /> ; 26. Acceleration of Debt;Forec/osure.Upon the occuirence of any Evenf of De/auJi,or any time thereafte� Beneficiary may,af its opfion,
<br /> declare ai!the Indebtedness secured hereby lmmediately due and paysble and fhe same shall bear inierest at the defauti rafe,rl any,
<br /> • set brth in the Nofe,or otherwise at the highest rate permitted bylaw,and,inespective of whether Beneficlary exercises said option,if %-'--`—
<br /> may,at its option and in its so/e discreBon,withouf any furthe�notke or demand to o�upon Tiustor,do one or more of the following; I '
<br /> (a) Beneficlary mey enter upon,take passession of,manage and ope�ate the Tiust Prope�ty or any part thereof,•make repairs and j
<br /> alteiat/ons and do any acts which Beneficiary deems prope�fa protecf the securiry the�eof,and eithe�with or withoui takinq �
<br /> possessTon,!n its own name,sue for o�othenvise collect and recelve rents,issues end profits,JncJuding those pasf due and unpaid, i
<br /> - and app/y the same,less costs and expenses vf operation and colleCtion,inc/udinp reasonable atto�ney fRac an�RAnaf���8��•s .j,..�
<br /> ��� costs,upon the fndebteOness seCUred hereby aad In such order as Beneticiary may determine. Upon iequest of Beneficiary, Trustor �
<br /> shal!assembla and shap make availab/e io Benelicia�y any of ihe Trust Properiy whlch has been removed. The entering upon and
<br /> ' - taking possess/on ol the Trust Property, the coJlection of any rents,issues and p�olits,and the application fhereo/as a/oresaid,shall I
<br /> not cure or waive any defaulf therotofo�o o�thereafter occuning,or aNect any notice of defauJt or nofice ol sale hereundo�or
<br /> invelidate any act done pu�suant to any such nofice.Nottivithstanding Beneficiary's contrnuance in possession or receipt and h
<br /> ` applrcation ol rents,issues or profits,Benelrclary sha!!be entitled to exercise every right p�ovided lor in this Deed of Trust or by/aw �
<br /> upon oi afte�the occurrQnce of an�vent ol Delault,including tho rrght to exercise the power ol sa/e. Any ol the actrons relerred ta�n ��
<br /> Ur�s paragraptr may bs taRen by 8onelrciary at suah tims as Benelic/ary may hsteim�ne w�thout reyard to the adequacy ot any �
<br /> - seCUrity l�r the lndebtedness secured hereby. n- -�
<br /> (b; 9enelrc�r�ry shall, without�egard tn the adequacy al any secunty for the lndebtedness secuied he�eby. be entrtled to the
<br /> $ appo�ntment ol a rsce�ve�by&ny court ht�v�ng/urrsdichon, w�thouf nahce. to tako possoss�on a/,prote�l. �nd mar�aqo fhe lrust
<br /> ; Propoily t►r�U Upt�r�le thr�somt�Find Co!leCf thp rynts,iS5u8s t�nd p�ohfs!hEtr�lrotn
<br /> R; Ic! f��nOhCi.a�y mHy bnng any t��bun m eny coun of t»mpr�lent�unsthCiro�r fo lo�ec�nse Ih�s Dncd ni lruct n���nlnrrr rury nf NrE� �
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