<br /> -- � �
<br /> � rnsuranco prem�ums, ground rents,and all other cha►ges whatsoever fev�ed upon or assessed.placed or made aga�nst the Trust
<br /> � Praperry. Trustor fuRher agiess,upon wriden request hy Beneticrary,to promptly de6ver to Benaficiary al►recerpis tor tha paymenf of
<br /> • such charges. Trustur l�kew,so agrees to pay all raxes,assessments and other charges levied upon or assessed,placed or made
<br /> � against, or measurad by, th;s Deed of Trust o�the recurdaiion hereof.
<br /> �5. Application of Payments. A!1 payments received by Beneliciary as to any debt. lrabiliN ar abiigation owed to Beneficiary by Trustor
<br /> Q may be applied Dy Beneficiary to the payment of the Indebtedness or to any such other debt,fiabiliry or obligation,in any order or
<br /> � manner o/application which Beneficiary,in its absolute discretion,deems appropriate. Unless otherwise elected by Beneliciary,any
<br /> t O such payment shafl be deemed applied first io the paymenl of any debt,liabrliry or obl;gatran other than the Note.
<br /> � �. Charges;Uans. Truslor wi!!keep tite Trust�roperty lree Irom aN tiens and encumbrances which in any way may,in the judgment ot
<br /> � Beneticiary,have p�iority over,ur impair the security of,this Deed of Trust but Tiusior need nof discharge any such lien so long as
<br /> Tiustor sha/l a_qree.in w�iting,�(�()N�/�hp AI11iryAfj�/}S^Ctlf�a�;such h,'cn rr,a m..nr.c;ac:.opiabt2 ia�2naf;cJary and s,haJti;i ycwu�aiii►
<br /> cantest s�ch lien by appropriate/egal proceedings sffective to prevent the enfv�cement of tiie lien and the lass o1 any inierest In or
<br /> part of the Tiust Property.
<br /> 7. Harard lnsuiance. Trustor shatl keep the buildings and other improvements npw existing or heiealier e�acted on the Tiust Properry
<br /> Insured by Insurance caniers satislactory to Beneficlary against loss by fire,harards included in the term"exiended coverage"and
<br /> such oiher hazards,casua/fies and con�ngencies as may be required by Beneficlary,in such amo�nts and fa such periods as may 6e
<br /> �equired by Beneficisry. The poliay of irtsurence shall be in form acceptab/e to Beneficiary,provlde that the same may not be
<br /> - canCelled or modilied without fifieen(15)days prior written notice to Beneficlary,and shap have foss payable provisions!n favor of and
<br /> in fa�m acceptable to Bene�rclary.A!!premiums on inser�ance policles shall be patd in the manner provlded under paragraph 4 hereof
<br /> or,N not paid in such manner,by Tiusfor making payment at least lilteen(15)days prior fo the due dafe,directly to the insurance
<br /> carrier.Benefrciary sha1J have the right[o hold the policies and renewals thereof and Tiustor shall promptly fumish to Beneficiary all
<br /> ronewef notices and e!!paid p�emium recerpts►eceived by it.!n no event shall Benefic?ary or Tiusiee be he/d responsib/e for failure to
<br /> pay insu�ance premiums o�for any loss or damage arising ouf of a defect in any policy or arising ou101 any faifuse of any insurance
<br /> company to pay for any foss o�damage insured against or for failure by Trustor to eflect the insu�ance required hereu�der. ln the evenf
<br /> ol/oss, Tiustor shali give prompt notice 6y mail to the insurance carrier and Beneficiary. Be�efrciary may make proof of loss if not
<br /> made promptly or in p�ope�form by TrusTOr.A!!policies of insurance and any and a/l refunds of unesrned p�emiums are hereby
<br /> assigned to Benefiaiary as addltional securiry tor the payment of fhe Indebiedness. In the even!01 Beneliciary's exercise of the power
<br /> of sa/e contained he�ein,or in the eveni of foreclosure. all rlght. title and inieres[of Tiustor in and to any insurance policy then in force
<br /> sha/ipass to the purchaser at the trusiee's sale or forec/os�re sale.In case of any loss,the insurance proceeds may,at the opiion of
<br /> Beneficiary,be applied by Beneficrary upon the Irrdebiedness, or any part thereo% and in such oider and amount as Beneficiary may
<br /> detemrine;or said insurance proceeds,at the option of Benaflcrary,may either be used in rep/acing or iestoring the Trust Pioperly
<br /> partialfy or tota/ly destrayed!o a condition satisfactory io Benefrciary;or seid insu�ance proceeds,or any portion ihereof,may be
<br /> ie/eased to Tiustor. Unless Beneficiary and Trusior otherwise agree in w�ting,any such application af insurance proceeds shall not
<br /> e�ctend or postpone ihe due date of ihe Note, or any inst��llments called!or therein,o�change ihe amount of such instzlfinents.If the
<br /> Tiust Property is acr�uired by Beneficiary pursuant to the exercise ol ihe power of sa/e or other foreclosure,a!!right title and inieresf of
<br /> ' Tiustor in and to any irrsurance proceeds payab/e as a iesuli of damage to the Tiust Property p�ior to the sa/e or acquisition sha!!pass
<br /> ro B�neficiary and sha/i be applied first to the cosrs and expenses,including atlaney fees,incurred in collecting such proceeds,then �
<br /> . in the manne�and in the order provided herein. �
<br /> 8. Preservatlon and Maintenance of Tiust Propeity. Tiustor wi11 keep ihe buildrngs and oiher improvements now or hereafte�erecied on
<br /> the Tiust Properry in good repair and condition and will no!commit or permit waste, wi!!not alte�the design or structural characte� '
<br /> cons�ituting any building now or hereafier erected on and constitufing the Tiast Prope�ty without fhe prior written consenf of
<br /> Benefic/ary, wN!not do any act or thing which wou/d unduly impa►r or depreclate the va/ue of the Trust Properfy and wrll nof abandon
<br /> . t!!e 7'r!��t Pr�peKy. I'ss:,°:a::�:::n�l.�.n;,zs aaf��ta;����,-rsuiuur;y ii,r,Trusi Proper"ry un�ess rne same are immediately rep/aced wiih �� -
<br /> • like propeRy subject to the lien and security interesf o/this Deed of Trust and of af/east equal value and utiliry. Trustor will comply wiih T
<br /> a!l present and future ordinances,regu/atrons and�equirements of any governmenial body which are applicable to the Tiust Properry -
<br /> ! and fo the occupancy and use thereof. !f this Deed of Tiust is on a r�nii in a candaminium or a planned un;t development, Tiusior shalJ �
<br /> '' pertorm ail of Tiustor's obligatlons under the decla�ations or covenants creatrng or governing the condominium or the planned unif • ��- �
<br /> deve/opment,the bylaws and regulations of the condominium or planned unit deve/opment,and the constituent documents. `--
<br /> 9. Inspection.Beneficiary or its agenis may,at ali reasonab/e times,ente�upon the Tiust Properly for the purpose of inspection. '�'�
<br /> � Beneficiary shafl have no duty to make such inspecfion and shal/not be liable to Trustor or to any pe�son in possession if it makes or �
<br /> /eils to make any such inspectlon. `�
<br /> i 10. Protecfion o1 Security.li Trusto�fails to perlorm any o1 the covenants and agreements contained in this Deed of Trust or if any acGon
<br /> or proceeding is commenced which does or may adve�sely aNect the 7rust Properry or the inierest ol Tiustor or Beneficrary therein or #
<br /> the liUe of Trustor thereio,ihen Beneficiary,at its optlon,may pe�form such convenants and agreements,make such appearances, �
<br /> defend against and invesiigate such action or prxeeding and take such other action as Beneliciary deems necessary to profect its �' °
<br /> ; inierest incfuding,but not limited to,disbursemeni of reasonable aitorney fees and eniry upon the Trust Property to make repairs.Any � '�
<br /> amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to this parag�aph 10,with inte.�est the�eon,shall constitute Indebiedness of Tiustor ��
<br /> � secu�ed by this Deed of TrusL Un/ess Trustor and Benef%ciary agree to other terms of payment,such amounts sha1J be payable upon
<br /> ;' nofice from Beneficiary to Trustor requesting payment ihereol,and shs/!besr interest fiom the date of disbursement ai the defau/i iate, ��'� '
<br /> if any,sef forth/n the Note,or othen�vise at the h/ghest rate permitted by law. Nothing contained rn this paragraph shall iequire
<br /> � Beneficiary to incur any expense o�take any action hereunder. Tiusto�inevocably auihvrizes and empowers Beneficiary to enter upon
<br /> the Trust Prope�iy as Trustor s agent and,in Tiusior's name or otherwlse to pe�torm any and all cove►rants and ag�eements to be
<br /> pedo�med by Tiustor as herein provided. Beneficiary sha11,at its option,be sub�ogated to any encumbrance,lien, claim or demand
<br /> and to a/l righfs and secu�ities for the payment thereof paid or discharged by Benefrciery under rhe provisions hereof and any such
<br /> subrogaGon rights shal!be additronaJ arrd cumulative security for this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 11. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or c/aim lor damages,direct o�consequential,in connection with any condemnation or
<br /> othei tak/ng of the Tiust P�operfy,or any part fheieof,or foi conveyance in Jieu of or in anticipafion of condemnation,are he�eby
<br /> asslgned to anct shaN be paid to Beneficiary.Trusto�wiN file and prosecute,rn good faith and with due diligence,its claim for any such
<br /> award or payr►zeni,and will cause the same to be cotleCfed and paid to Beneficiary,and,shou/d it fail to do so, Tiustor inevocably
<br /> authorizes and empnwe�s Beneficiary,in the name of Tiustor or otherwise,to file,prosecute,senfe or compromise any such claim and
<br /> to collect,receip!fo�and reiain the proceeds./f the Trust P�operly is abandoned by Trustor,or,after notice by Beneliciary to Trustor
<br /> thal the condemnor oHers to make an awa�d or sett/e a claim tor damages, Tiustor/ails to respond to Beneficiary within thiny(30)days
<br /> after the date such notice is mailed,Beneficiary is authorized to collect and appiy the proceeds in the manner indicated heiein. The
<br /> proceeds ol any awa�d or c/aim may,after deducting al1 reasonable costs and expenses,including attorney lees, which may have
<br /> been incurred by Beneficiary in the co!lection thereof,at the sole discretion of 8eneficiary,be refeased to Trustor,applied to
<br /> restoraGon of Trust Property,or applied to the payment of the Indebtedness. Unless Beneficiary and Tiustor ofherwise agrea in writing, ---- -
<br /> any such appllcation of proceeds to Indebtedness shaN no1 extend or postpone the due date o/the Note or tha payment of any ,
<br /> Jnsta!lments called for theieunder. �
<br /> 12. Tiustor Not Re%ased.Extension ol the time/or paymeni or modification of any amoRi2afion o/the/ndebtedness granted by Beneficlary
<br /> to any successor in interest of Trusto�sha/l not ope�ate to release,in any manner, the liability ol Trustor and Trustor's successors in
<br /> interest 8enefic/ary sha!!not be iequired to commence proceedingrs agarnst such successor or reluse to extend time for payment or ��,,,
<br /> othatwise mod+ly amortization of the Indebtedness by ieason ol any demwnrl ma.�p ny t�,�c�n�and Tr��st�r•s s;.�ccss�crs �
<br /> m interest �
<br /> L 13`. FJnancial ln/ormation. Upon request of BenefiCiary, Trustor will provide to Beneficlary,within nmery(90)days of the close of each l�scal
<br /> yes�of Trustor,the consolidated balance sheet and statement of earnings ol Tiustor and any and all guarantors of fhe lndebtedness
<br /> secu�eU hsreby,i/any,and will provrde and deliver to Bena/iciery such oiher/rnanclal informat�on and in such manner as Ber,ef�ciary �
<br /> mey reasonably request fiom Ume to tune.
<br /> tG�14. Financia!Covenants.In addition to any other hnancral coven�nts ol Trustor made in any other ayreement.�nst�ument or�iocurn�n►. �
<br />_ Trustor shal!comply with and shall cause any and aJ!guarantors al the Indebrednoss secured hereby�o compty wdh,v�be m �� ;
<br /> compl�ance with, fhe lo/lowrng hnanc�al covenants (Th�s paragraph shall not app/y d covenants and requriements a�e no�sel �' �
<br /> lOrfh he�e�n)
<br />' 15 Schodul�ol!easos Wilhm ton�1(1�days alter demantl, Irusfor sl�aU lurrnsh fn Be��phri,iiy�.tiC��gCi��/n, Ce�t�hpn to by Ir„stnr som���
<br /> IOtth aN/nasf�5 p1 tho Irust P�ppprty.nr�,ny norron mera�,�,mC/udiny�n c�,rc n ca5�=. IhF•n;frnn nl Iho Grnants nr��c ru{���niti d rlr�s� �y,hnn
<br /> o�rnc�sn�,<<,�,cc�,�,c,d ny sucn rv��,��n��,�c.��r�����r. �f�v►�,»ra����y,�i�,►�„5t,c����,:��,. ,�nrl�.�����,��n,�,,.�r����,y,�nnn n��n�r,��t��„r.nr�. N,dli �
<br /> rvs,�frc.l fu r;urh 1pasUS�md Iv��ancrf�s riti H�nehcir�ry nr11y r0a�;nnt�bly i��qu��tit
<br />