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2� 1 ����42 <br /> �Nj "AA isce��aneous Pnviceeds" means any compensation, settlemen�, award of damages, or proceeds paid by <br /> any third party (ather than insuran�e proceeds paid under the �o�erages described in Se�tion 5} for: (i} <br /> damage to, or destruc�ion of, the Property; ��i} condemnation or other taking of al� ar any part of the <br /> Property; (iii� con�eyance �n lieu of condemnation; or (i�} misrepresentat�on� of, or amissions as to, the <br /> value andlor condit�on of the Property. <br /> ��� "AAartgage �nsurance" means insurance prote�ting Lender against the nonpayment of, or default on, the <br /> Loan. <br /> �P� "Per�diC Payment" means the regularly scheduled amount due for (i} prin�ipa� and in�erest und�r the <br /> Note, plus[ii�any amounts under Section 3 of this 5ecurity Instrurrient. <br /> 4C�� "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act �12 U.S.�. Section 2�U� et seq.� and its <br /> implementing regula�ian, Re�ulatian �(1� C.F.R. Part 14�4}, as they might be amended from time to time, <br /> or any additional or su�cessor legislativn or regulation that go�erns the same subje�t matter. As used in this <br /> 5ecurity Instrument, "1ZE�PA" refers to all requirements and res�rictions that are imposed in regard to a <br /> "federally related mortgage loan" e�en if the Laan does not qualify as a "federally re�ated mortgage �oan" <br /> under RESPA. <br /> �R� "Success�or in Inten�st af Ban�awer�' means any par�y that has taken title to the Property, whether or n�t <br /> tha�party has assumed Borrower's obligations under the Note andlor this Security instrument. <br /> Trar�fer o�f Righ�ts in the Property <br /> The beneficiary of this Security Instrument is MERS (solely as nominee far Lender and Lender's su�cessors and <br /> 7551�tt5} at7C� t�'le SI.iCCe550I'S allC� aS51gR5 Df M ERS. This 5ecurity Instrument secures to Lender: (i} the repayment <br /> of the Laan, and al� renewals, extensions and modifications of the Note; and �ii} the perfurmance of Borrower's <br /> co�enants and agreements under this 5ecuriry Instrument and the Note. Far this purpose, Borrower irrevocably <br /> grants and �on�eys to Trus�ee, in trust, with pawer of sale, the fol�owing described property located in the <br /> County af Hall � <br /> (Type of Recording Jurisdiction) ��ame of Recording Jurisdic�ion) <br /> See SchedutelExhib�t A <br /> 00'�124354�56 Citibank V2 <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3028 11Q1 <br /> V�P� VMPfiA{NE)(13�2�.�0 <br /> Wolters It�uwer Fnancial Sef�ices Page 3 of 17 <br />