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2� 1 ���443 <br /> reasonabiy migh#�affect such determination ox�c:ertiticatiai�. �onower shal�also be respansible for the <br /> payment of any fees irnpased�y the Federal�rnerg���cy Management.��ency in connection wi�h the <br /> re�ie�v of any flaod zax�e�etermination resulti��g fr�rn an abj ect��n by Borr�wer. <br /> If Borrower fails to r�naintain any of the co�era�es described above, Lend�r may�btain insurance <br /> co�era�e,at Lender"s optiol�and Borro�ver's expense. Lend�r is under no obli�atian�o purehase any <br /> particular type ar arnou�it af ca�era�e. T��eref�re,s��c���o�era�e s��all cov�r Ler�der. but rrli�ht or rni�ht <br /> nat protect F3orro��er, Borrotiver's equity in t.he Property,ar�he canter�ts o#'the Property, a.�;ains�an�y <br /> risk, ��a2ard ar liab�lity and xni�ht pravide�xeater or lesser covera�� thaxa�vas previously ir�effect. <br /> Ba�rower ack��owled�;es that ihe cost of the insura��ce covera��so obtained mi�ht si��lificantly exceed t�h� <br /> cast of in�urance t��at Borro�ver could��a�e obtairied. Any amout�ts disbursed by Ler��er u��der this <br /> Section 5 shall bccomc addi�ianal debt of�3orrawcr sccurcd by this Se���rity Instr��mcnt�, Thc��amot�nts <br /> shall bear i��terest at�he I�ote rate frarn the date of dis�urse�r�e��t and shall be payable,wit��such ir�terest, <br /> upon naticc fram Lcndcr�o Bon•o��cr rcc�r�csting paymcnt, <br /> A11 in�urance policies req��ired by Lender and renewals of such poiicies shall be subj�ct��o Lender's ri�h#� <br /> to disappro��e such polici�s, shail include a stai-�dard mortgage claus�,and��iall nai�ne Lend�r as <br /> mortgagee andlor as an additiana� loss payee. Lender�ha�1 have�he right to hold the policies and�en��val <br /> eertificates. If Lender requires,I3orro`ver shali promptly give to Lcnde�r all receipts of paid premiums and <br /> renewal notices. �f Borro��rer obtair�s any form af ins��rance�a�erage, not otherwi�e req�iired by�..ender, <br /> for dal�nage�o,or destr��e�ion of,the Pr�per�y, such policy shall include a standard mo1-t��a�e c�ar�se and <br /> shall name Lender as martgagee andlor as an additionai �oss payee. <br /> �n the e�ent of l�ss, Bo��rower shall prompt�nfltice to the insurance carrier and Iaender. Lender m�y <br /> makc praof of toss if not mad�promptly by�3orro�cr. Unlcss Lcndcr and �3orro���r othcr�t�vis�agrcc in <br /> writing,any ins��rance pr�ceeds,whether or�lot tihe��n�erlying insurance�t�vas required by Lender, shal� <br /> be applied to res�oratian or repair of the Property, if the restaration or repair is econolnically feasib�e at3d <br /> Lender's security is not Iessened. Durin�such repair and re�toration periad, Ler�d�r shall ha�t�e�.he right <br /> to hold such ir����rancc proc�cds�an�il Lender has ha�an oppor�ranit.y to inspcct such Yropc�:y�o cnsl�rc <br /> the work has been comp�eted to Le��der's satisfaction,pro�ided that such inspection shal�be u��d�rtaken <br /> promptly. Lei�der may d�sb��rse proceeds for the repairs and restorat:ion i�a single payme�7t or i��a series <br /> t�f pro�ress payi�nents a5 the work is cc�mpleted. Uizles5 an a�reeme�lt is made in�vritir��c�r E�pplicable <br /> La`�r req�tires interest�o be paid on such insurance proce�ds, Lender shall nat be required to pay <br /> Borrower any interest c�r earnin�s c�n�u�;h prc�ceet�s. Fee�for p��blic ac�ji�ster�, vr c�th�r third pa1-�ies, <br /> retained by Borrower sha�l not be paid ot�t of the insurance proceeds and sha�1 be the sole obli�;atiorl of <br /> Bc�rro�v�r. �f the restoratic�n or repair is not ecc�nUrrlically fea�ible�r Lent�er'���curity�vt�ul�}be <br /> le�sened,the insuran�e proceeds shall be appl�ed to�he s�.�rns seeured by�his 5ec�trity Instr�zment, <br /> whether��not then due,with the excess, if any, paid tc�Borrc�w�r. Such insuranc�prc�ceecis shall be <br /> applie�i in the order pro�ided for iY1 Section.�. <br /> If Bo�-rower abax�dans the Proper�y, Lender may ti�e,negotia�e and�et:tle any available insurance claim <br /> atld re�a.ted matters. If F3orroiver does tio�respo�id��ithit�.3[)days to a r�atice f�-a�n�.c�a�er that the <br /> insurance cai-rier has offered to sct�le a cl�im,then Lcnder may n�gotiate and set�tle t�he cla�m. �I'he�3[l-day <br /> period will be�i�l whet�the notice is giv�n. I�1 ei�he�eue��t, or i�Lende�-acyuir�s the �'raperty��nder <br /> Secti�n�,2 or otherwise, �3a1-�o��ver hereby assigr-�s�a Lender�a} Bo1�-���er's rights to any insurance <br /> proc�eds ii1 an amouil�not to exce�d�he amo�.�nts uripaid under the Not�e or fhrs�e�urit.y�nstr�Yment, and <br /> (b}any other of Ba1-r�wer's right�s�other than the right to any refi�nd of unearned premi�Yms paid b� <br /> FHA❑e�d Qf Trust 1Nith MERS-NE 913412f314 <br /> gank�rs 5ysternsT^^ VMP C7 VMF'4N�NE}(1505).�{] <br /> 1Nolters Kluw�r Financial Servi�es Page 7 nf 17 <br /> q0��57Z93U3� �233 705 Q717 <br />