2� 1 ���443
<br /> The run.ds sha1�be held in ar►ins�itution�hc�se�epo�its are insured by a federal agency, ii�str�lmer�tality,
<br /> or�nti�y(�ncluding Lender, if Lender is a�a insti�u�ion whose depasits are so insured}or in ar�y I'ederal
<br /> Home LQan Ban1f. Len�er shall appl�the�`unds to�aay�he�scrow Items no later than the time s�ecified
<br /> under R�SFA. Lender shali i�ot char�e BorrQwer for holding and applyin�the rt�nds, anr�ually analyzing
<br /> th�escro��r account,or��erifying the Escraw�telns,unless Lender pays Borrawer interest on the Funds
<br /> and Applicabie Lativ perxnits Lend�r to make such a charge. U'r�less an agree�nent is made ix�writing or
<br /> Applicable Law reauire�ir�teres�to be paid on th� Funds, Ler�der shall���t be reqr�ir�d to p�y�3ot�ower
<br /> ar�y ir�terest or ear��ings on the Fut�ds. Bo��rower and Lender ean agree in�vritii��, ho�ve�t�er, that interest
<br /> sha��be�aid o��the Funds. L�ender shall give to �3or�-o�ver, v�irhor�t�harge,an a��nual �c�ountin�;of the
<br /> Funds as required by RESP�.
<br /> If�hcrc is a s�7rpi��s af Funds hcld in cscro�v,as�cfi��cd��ndcr I�ES�'�, Lcnder shal! act-oun�to�3orrower
<br /> for t.h�excess fi�r�ds iz�accar�an�e�vit����SI'A. If t�aere is a shorta�e of Fut�ds��eld ir�escr��.v,as defirted
<br /> under RESPA, Lcndcr sha11 notify Borra�vvcr as rcq�iir�d by RE�PA,and Borro�t�vcr shall pay ro Lcnder
<br /> the arriaunt necessary to rrkake«p the shorta�e i�i accardarace wit�a T��S�'A,b��t in r�o rnare t��ar� 1�
<br /> month�y payments. If thcrc is a dc�icicncy t�f Funds hcid in cscrow,as dc�in�d��ndcr R.�SP�, Lcndcr
<br /> s�iall riotify Borra��er as rey��ired by I�E��'�.arld Box-ro��er shall pay to Ler�der�he a�rro���it i�ecessary to
<br /> makc«p thc dcficicncy in aecorda��cc��rith.�ESP�,b��t in r�o morc than 12.monthly paymGnts.
<br /> Upon payment in fu 11 of a 11 sums 5�c��red by thi s Security I.nstru�nent, Let�der sha 11 prompt�y r�f ur�d to
<br /> F3o�ower any FE�nds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charges;Liens.Bo�-r�wcr sha11 pay all taxcs, assessmcnts, chargcs, finc�, and impositions attributablc
<br /> to the�'rope��ty which can attain priority o�Ter this 5eeurity�nst11�1ner�t, lea�ehold payments ar groun�
<br /> r�nts on thc Property, if any,and Community Associati�n Ducs, Fees,and .�sscssmcn��, if any, Ta thc
<br /> extent that these �tems are Eserow Items, �ai-rower shall pay them in the manner provided in 5ection 3.
<br /> Bar�ovver shali promptly di�charge any 1�e��which has priority o�er�his Security Ir-�strlrmer�.t un�ess
<br /> �flrro�ver: �a�agrees in wi•rtYng td��e pay�ne��t of the�b�xga�i���secured by the��e�� i��a man��er
<br /> accep�able to Lender,but only so la��g as F3�1-ro��er is pexforining s���h a�;rceme��t; (b}�ontests�he lien in
<br /> goad faith by, or defends against enforcex-nent of the �ien in, 1ega1 proc�edir-��;s��vhich in �,cnder's opinion
<br /> operate to prevei�t the�nforcement af�he Iiex��vhile thase praceedin�s are pe�ldir��,but anly��r�tii such
<br /> proceeding�are concluded;or�c)secures from the hotd�r of the lier�a�-�agre�lnent satisfa�tary to Lender
<br /> s�,�b�rdir�ati��g the lien�o this 5ecurity I�Ystr�r�n�nt.. �f Le��der determir�es that aYay part of the Prape�-ty is
<br /> subject to a�xen wh�ch Gar�attain priarity�ver this Seeurit�Ins�rum�nt, �.�nder ma���ve E3��-ra�t�r�r�
<br /> notice identifyi�ag the li�n. Withii� ��days of�he date otl which that r�otice is g�vex�, Borro�er sha�l
<br /> satisfy the �ien or�.ike one or more of th�actions seti fortl�abo�e in this Se�:tion 4.
<br /> 5. Prop�rty Insurance.�c�n�r�rer shall keep the irnprc�v�ments now�xi�tin��r hereafter erecte�c�n the
<br /> F'roperty insured against loss by fire,ha�ards inc�t���d��ithin�he term"extended c��era�;�,"and any
<br /> other hazards inci��din�,b��t not limited to,e�rthyi�ake�an�i flaUdS. fc�r whic.�h Le��ider r�c�«irc;5 in�urancc:.
<br /> This ins��rax�Ge sha11 be maintained in the amounts(incl�.Xdir�g ded�ictible le��ls)and for the p�riods that
<br /> Lender rec�uires. �V'ha.t L..ender req«ire5 px�rst�ant t�the prec;edin�scnteiices can c:h�n�e�i��rin�the term c�f
<br /> the La�n. Th� insuranc�carrie�r providing the insurar-�ce shall be chosen by Borro�ver s��bject to L�nder`s
<br /> right to disapprave Borrower's choice,which right shall n�t be exercised unreasonably. Lender may
<br /> require Borrawer to pay, in eonnectian w�th this Loan, either: (a}a one-time charge for flood�one
<br /> c�eterminatio�,certificatit�n and trackin�s�rvic;e�;t�r�b)a Une-ti�-ne char�e f�r floc�d�one cietermin�tic���
<br /> and certificatian services and st►bsequent charges e�ch tirne r�mappings or similar�han�;es occ��r which
<br /> FHA D�ed of Trus#With MERS-NE gI3U12�14
<br /> Bank�rs SystemsT�+ VMP C7 VMF�4N(NE}(15[�B}.�(}
<br /> Walters Kluw�r Firi�ncial 5�rvice� PaqE�5 of i 7
<br /> q�3357�9�032 U�:33 7U5 (�f l7
<br />