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2� 1 ���418 <br /> for the repairs and restorat�an�n a singl�payment ar in a series af prag��ss payme�.ts as the v�ork is <br /> comp�e�ed. �f th� insurance or c�ndemnat�on pr�ce�ds are not suffi���n�to r�pa�r ar restare the Proper�y, <br /> Borrawer is not re�ieved of�orr�wer's�b�iga�ion for the camp�et�on of su�h repa�r or restarat��n. <br /> L�nder or�ts agent rnay mak�reas�nable en�r��s upon and znspections af the Proper�y. �f it has reasonab�e � <br /> cause, Lend�r rnay inspect�h�inter�or�f the improvemen�s an the Pr�per�y. L�nd�r shail give Bflrrower <br /> notice at the txme of or pr�or to such an�n�eri�r inspect�on specify�ng such reasonab��cause. <br /> 8. B�rrvwe�'s Laan App��cation. Barrower sha1l be in defau�t �f, dur�n�th�Loan app�xcation pr���ss, <br /> Borrower or any persans�r ent�t�es acting at the dire�tian of Borr�vwer or vvith B�rraw�r's kn�wledge or <br /> consent ga�re materially false, m�isl�ading, or�nac�urat� inf�rma�i��ar statemer�ts to L�rzd�r�or fax�ed�o <br /> pra�i��L�nd�r with material information} �n�onnec�ion�vi�h the Loan. Mat�ria� repr�senta�io�s �nc�ude, �u� <br /> are nn�Iirnite�tfl, representatian�concern�ng B�rrower's �c�upa�z�y of the Pr�perty as B�rrflvver'�prxn��pa� <br /> r���de�ce. <br /> 9. Protect��n �f Lender's �nter�st in the Pr�pe�ty and R�ghts Under this Security �nstrument. �f�a} <br /> Borrav�r�r fai�s to p�rf�rm.the cov�nants and agr�emen�s contained zn this Secur��y �ns�rument, �b} �her�is a <br /> lega�praceedxng that might s�gn�f�cant�y affect L�nder's �n�eres��n th�Prap�r�y andlor r�gh��under�his <br /> S�curi�y �ns�rumen� �such as a pr��eedzng zn bankruptcy, probate, for��nciernnat���or forf�itur�, far <br /> en�orc�ment�f a��en Which rnay attain pr��r�ty aver�his Secur�ty �ins�rumen��r to er�for�e�aws nr <br /> zegulat�flns�, or�c}Barrower has abandone��he Proper��, then Lender may da ar�d pay fnr wha��ver�s <br /> reasonabl�ar apprapriate to protect Lender's �nterest in�he Proper�y and rights under th�s�e�uri�y <br /> Instrumen�, including pro�ecting andlor assessing the value of the Froperty, and securing ar�dlor repairing <br /> �he Pr�per�y. Lender's ac�ions can include, but are not Z�mxted to: �a�pay�ng an�r sums secured by a lien <br /> which has pr��r�ty o�er this Se�uri�y Ins�rument; �b} appearxng �n court; and �c}paying reasanable at�orneys' <br /> fees to pro�ect�ts �nterest�n the Proper�y andlor rights under�his Security Instrument, inc�uding its secured <br /> position in a bankruptcy proceeding. S�curzng the Praper�y inc�udes, bu� is no� l�mited to, entering the <br /> Proper�y t�make r�pairs, chang�Iocks, rep�ace or board up doors and windows, drain water from p�pes, <br /> e��minat��ui�ding or oth�r cod�vi�la�i�ns or danger�us condit�ans, and haWe uti�i�ies �urned�n or off. <br /> A��hough Lender may tak�act��n und�r this Sectzon 9, Lender does no�ha�e to do sa and�s no�under any <br /> duty or ab��gation t� do so. �t is agreed that Lend�r incurs na 1iab�Xzty for not ta.��ng any ar all actians <br /> authorized under this Sect�on�. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Sec�xan� shall becom�addit�onai deb�of Borrower secured by <br /> �hxs Security Instrument. These amoun�s shal�bear interes�at the Note rate from�he da�e of dxsbursemen� <br /> and sha�� b�payabie, w�th such interes�, upon no��ce from Lender�a Borro�ver request�ng paymen�. <br /> �f this SeGuri�y �nstrument is on a�easeho�d, Bflrrower shall comply w�th a�l the pr��isions of the lease. If <br /> Borrower acquires fee t�tle to th� Proper�y, the leaseh�ld and the fee title shall no�merge unless Lender <br /> agrees tn�he merger in wri�ing. <br /> ��. Nlortgage tnsuran�e. �f L�nder requir�d Mortgage Insurance as a condi�ian�f making the Loan, Borrower <br /> sha�l pa� the premiums required to main�ain the M�rtgage �nsurance in effec�. �f, for any reasfln, �he <br /> Mortgage Insuran�e co�erage requir�d by Lender�eases �o �e aWai�ab�e from�he martgag�insurer��.a� <br /> pre�r�ously pro�id�d such insurance and Borrower was required to make separate�y designa�ed pa�rm�nts <br /> toward�he premiums for Mortgage �nsuranc�, Borrower shal� pay the prem�ums requ�red t�obta�n caverag� <br /> subs�ant�a�I�equivalent to the M�rtgage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost substaz�tially equ�va�ent t� <br /> the�ost t� B�rrower of the Martgage Insurance prev��usiy rn�ffec�, from an a��ernate mortgage�nsurer <br /> selec�ed by Lender. �f subs�antia��y equi�a�ent Mor�gage �nsurance c���rage zs not avaiiable, Borr�wer shail <br /> N�BRASKA-5ing�e�amily-�annie Ma�IFreddie Mac UNIFORM iNSTR1JMENT Farr�3428 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP64NE�413��} <br /> Woliers fCluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 8❑f 17 <br />