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2� 1 ���418 <br /> A�� �nsurance polic�es requ�red by Lender and renevwals of such p��icies sha11 be�ubj�ct ta Lender's ri�h��o <br /> d�sapprave�uch p�li�ies, sha�� inc�ude a s�andard mor�gag�clause, and shall nam�Lend�r as mortgagee <br /> andlar as a.n addi�iona� iflss pa�ee. Lender shall ha�re the right ta h�ld�h�poiic�es and rene�vai cer�ifica�es. �f <br /> Lender requzres, Borra�er sha��prompt�y give to Lender al� receip�s of paid prem�i.ums and ren�wal natices. <br /> �f Borrawer obta�ns any f�rm of�nsurance coverage, not oth�rw�se required by Lender, for damage to, or <br /> des�ruct�an of, the Proper�y, such po��cy sha�� include a standard�gag�c�ause and sha�� name L�nder as <br /> m�r�gagee andlor as an additiana� �oss payee. <br /> In�he even�af l�ss, B�rrower sha��give pr�mpt notice�o the�nsurance carrier and L�nder. Lender may <br /> make proaf af loss if no�made promp��y by Borrov�er, Unl�ss I.�nder and Borrower oth�rwise agree in <br /> wrx��ng, any insuran�e proceeds, whether or no��h�underl�r�ng �nsuran�e v�ras required b�L�nder, sha1l be <br /> app��ed to res��ratian or repair of�he Proper��, �f�he re�tora��on or repa�r�s econom�cally feas��ie and <br /> Lender's securi��is no��ess�n�d. During such repair and restorat�on periad, Lender sha11 have�h�right to <br /> hold such insurance proceeds un�il L�nder has had an oppor�un�ty�o �nspect such Prop�rty to ensure�he <br /> work has been eomp�e�ed to L�nder's sat�sfaction, provxded that such inspect�on shall be undertaken <br /> promptly. Lender may disburse pra�eeds f�r�he repa�rs and restora��on in a sing�e pa�m.ent or in a ser�es of <br /> progress payments as the w�rk is comple�ed. Unl��s an agreemen� is�in�vri��ng or App�icab�e Law <br /> requ�res �n�er�s��o be paid on such�nsurance proceeds, Lender shal� no�b�requ�red ta pay Sorrower any <br /> in�eres�or�a�-�a�ngs on such proce�ds. Fees for public adjusters, ar ather���rd par�i�s, r�tained b��orrower <br /> sha�l not b�paid ou��f�he insurance proceeds and sha11 be�he so��obligation of Barrower. �f�he r�s�oration <br /> or repair is not ec�namically feas�b�e or Lender's security would be Iessened, �he �nsurance pr�c�eds sha1�be <br /> appl�ed�a the su�ms secured b�this Security �ns�rumen�, whether or n��then due, wi�h the excess, �f an.y, <br /> pa�d�� Borrower. Su�h znsurance proceeds shall be applied in the order pra�ided for in Sect�on 2. <br /> �f B�rrower a�andons the Proper�y, L�nder may �le, n�gotia�e and se���e any avaiiab�e insurar�ce c�aim and <br /> reiate�ma�ters. �f Borrovver does not r�spond�vithin 3�days �o a not�ce from Lender tha�the�nsurar�ce <br /> carr�er has offered �a sett�e a claim, th�n Lender ma�nego�ia�e and sett�e the claim. The 30-day per�od wil� <br /> begin when the not�ce is g��en. �n either e�ent, ar�f Lender acquires the Praper�y under Section Z2 or <br /> o�herv��se, Borrawer hereb� assigns to Lender�a} Borrower's r�gh�s�o any insurance proceeds in an amaunt <br /> not to e�ceed the amounts unpaid under th� Note or this Secur�ty Instrum�nt, and�b} any o�her of <br /> Borrov�er's righ�s �other�han the right�a an� refund of unearned prem�ums pa�d by Borro�ver}und�r alx <br /> insurance po��cies covering the Property, insofar as such r�gh�� are app�icable to the co�erage of the <br /> Property. Lender ma�r use�h�insurance proceeds either to repair�r restore the Proper�y ar�a pay amounts <br /> unpaid under the Not�or�.h�s Secur�t� xnstrument, wh�ther or nat then due. <br /> 6. �ecupancy. Borrower sha11 occupy, estab��sh, and use the Property as Borrower's principa� residence <br /> wxthin 5�days after the execu�ion of th�s Security Ins�rumen�and s�a�1 can��nue to accupy the Propert� as <br /> Borrower's principal res�dence for at�east one year after the dat�of occupancy, unless Lender otherv�rise <br /> agre�s in v�rr�ting, wh�ch consent sha�I no�be unreasoi�ably wi�hheld, or unless extenuating c�rcums�ances <br /> exis�wh��h are b��ond Borrow�r'�control. <br /> 7. Preser�ation, Maintenance and Protectian of the Property; fnspections. Borr�wer shal� no�destroy, <br /> damage or�mpair the Proper�y, al�ow �he Property to deteriorate�r cammi��vaste on the Pr�perty. Whether <br /> or not Barr�wer is resxding in the Proper�y, B�rrower sha.�� maintain�he Proper�y in order to�r�ven��he <br /> Proper�y fr�m de�eriorating�r decreas�ng �n�a�ue due to its condition. Unless xt �s determin�d pursuan��o <br /> Sec��on S �hat repair or r�storati�n is no�econam�ca�ly feasihle, Borrower sha11 promptl�repair�he Property <br /> if damaged ta avo�d fur�h�r de�er�ora�ion�r damage. �f�nsuranc�or�andemnation proc�eds are paid�n <br /> connection with darnage�a, or the taking of, the Prop�r��, Borrower sha11 be respansible for r�pairing ar <br /> r�staring�he Proper�y anl�if L,ender has re�eas�d proceeds for such purposes. L�nder ma�disburse proceeds <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�ami[y-Far�r�ie MaelFreddie Mac UN��QRM INSTRUMENT Farm 3fl28 1101 <br /> VMP[� VMP6{N��[13Q2f <br /> Waiters Kfuwer�inancial 5er�ices Page 7 of�7 <br />