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2� 1 ���412 <br /> The Truste� shall n�t register the transf�r a�any First Mor�gage Band of�h� �.8�% Series <br /> unless it re��i�e� a certificate in�the f�rm attached h�ret� a.s Appendix A. <br /> The Trustee shall hav� n� �bligation ar duty t� monit�r, de�ermine or 111C�L11�'� as to <br /> ��mplian�e v�ith an� restricti�ns �n transfer imposed under applicab�e �av� �r ur�der this <br /> �uppl�menta� Indenture vvith respect t� any transfer of any interest in a First Mortgag� Bond of <br /> the �.5�°�o Series other than t� require deli�r�ry �f such certificates and other documentatian �r <br /> eviden�� a.s are e�pres��y r�quir�� b�, and to d� so if and �rheri e�pressly required by, the t�rm� <br /> of this Su�p��menta� In�enture, and �o ��amine the �ame ta det�rmine su�stantia.l comp�iarice as <br /> t� form with the ��pre�s requirements here�� <br /> Section 3. The F1rst Mortgage B�nds of the �.��°Io �eri�s and the Trustee�s <br /> �ertificate �f Authenticati�n shall be su�s�antia��y in tl�e foll��ving forms r�specti�el�: <br /> [Remain��r af Ii�t�ntiona��y B�ar�] <br /> 3 <br /> CQREI�QS�323,�15 8!1�4�47333.� <br />