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2� 1 ���412 <br /> h�reb� aGkno�ledg�d, hereby cov�nants �nd agr�es to and with the Trust�e and its su�cessors in <br /> the trust under th� Indenture, f�r the benefit af�thase v�h� sha11 hald the Bonds as f�ll��vs: <br /> AI�TICLE I. <br /> DE��RIPTI�N �F FII��T M�I�T�A�E B�NDS, �.5�°�0 �ERIES DUE Z��� <br /> S�ction 1. The �ompany her�b� creates a ne� seri�s ��B�nds t� be knav�n as "First <br /> Mortga�e Bonds, �.8�°�o Series du� ����." Th� First M�rtg�ge �onds �f th� �.8�°�o Seri�s shall <br /> be e�ecuted, authenticated and deliv�red in acc�rd�.r��� �vith the pro�risions �f, and shall in all <br /> r�spects be subj ect t�, al1 of the t�rms, �onditions and �a�renants af th� Indenture, as <br /> suppl�mented �nd modified. Th� aggregate prin�ipal amount of First IVlortgage Bonds of the <br /> �.$�°fo S�ries, whi�h may b� auth�nti�ated and d�li�ered under the Indenture �except for First <br /> Mortga�e B�nds ��th� �.S�°�o Seri�s �uth�nticated and d�liver�d upoi� r�gistrati�n �f trans�er af, <br /> or in exchange f�r, �r in lieu �f, �th�r First M�rtgage Bonds �f th� 2.��°Io Series �uxsua.i�t to th� <br /> Indenture �.nd except f�r F1rst IVlortgage B�nds of` th� �.5�°�o S��'1�5 �vhi�h, pursuant t� the <br /> Ind�nture, ar� d�emed ne�rer to have been authenticated and deli��red under the Indenture} is <br /> limit�d t� $6�,���,���.��. <br /> Th� ��mmencement af the first inter�st period f�r the First M�rtga�� Bands af the �.$�°I� <br /> Seri�s s1�a11 b� June 1 S, ��1�. The First M�rtga�� B�nds �f the 2.8�°�o Seri�s shall mature �n <br /> June 15, ����, and shall bear interest at�th�rate of�.8�°�o per annum, fr�m June 1 S, 2�1� or from <br /> the m�st r�cent dat� to v�vhi�h int�rest has be�n paid or duly pr�vided f�ry pa�able semi-annually <br /> on the 1 S�' da� of I�ecemb�r ar�� the 15th day af June �each, an "Int�rest Pa�m�nt Dat�"� in each <br /> �e�.r, ��mmencing Decemb�r 1 S, ��1�. Any interest ai� any First M�rtga�� B�nd �f the �.��°�o <br /> S�ries v�hi�h is payabl�, an� is punctuall� paid or duly provided f�r, or� any Interest Paym�nt <br /> Date shall b� paid to th� Persan 1n vvhos� narne such First Mort�a�� Band of the �.8�°�o S�ries <br /> ��r one �r mor� Predecessor Bonds� is registered at the clos� af business �n th� Ma� 3��t ar <br /> �avemb�r 3��h, as the case ma� be �v�hether �r not a Business Da�} next �receding such Interest <br /> Payment Date. The First Mart�a�e Bonds of the �.5�°�o S�ri�s shall bear int�r�st �.t the D�fault <br /> F�at� und�r th� cir�umstances s�t f�rth in the ��rm ��such �and set f�rth in �ecti�n 3 �f this <br /> Article I. <br /> Section �. The First Mort�ag� ��r�ds of the �.8���� Seri�s sha11 be issu�d anl� as <br /> registered Bands withaut caupons af �he denominatiar� af �1,���, or an� integral multipl� af <br /> $1 in ex��ss af$l,�0�, appropriatel� number�d. Th� First IVlortgage B�r�ds �f the �.��°�� S�ries <br /> may be �xch�nged, up�n surrend�r ther�of, at the office or a�enc� �f the �ompar�y in �th� <br /> Borough of Man.hattan, The �it� �f Ne�v Y�rk, State of Nev� Y�rl�, f�r one or rr�ore First <br /> Martga�e Bonds of the �.8�°�o Series of oth�r authori�ed den�min�.tions, f�r the same a�gregate <br /> principal amount, subaect t� the tern�s and �onditi�ns set forth in the Inder�ture. <br /> First Mart�a�� B�nds �� the �.S�°�o S�ries may be �xchanged �r transferr�d vvi�thaut <br /> ��p�ns�to the H�lder thereof ex.c�pt�hat an� ta�es ar�ther g�vernm�r�t�.l charges requir�d to be <br /> paid with r�spe�t ta su�h transf�r �r exchan�� sh�ll be paid �y the Holder re�uesting such <br /> transf�r or �xchan�� as a condition pr�ced�n� ta the exercise �f such pri�rilege, other than <br /> e��h�n�es pursuant to Se�ti�n 3.��, 5.�� or 1�.�� �fthe Indenture, nat inv�lving arly transfer. <br /> � <br /> �ORE1��5�323.�1581124�47333.� <br />