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2� 1 ���347 <br /> senten�es shali n��apply ta th�pres�n.ce, use, or storage on the Proper�y of sma�l quan����es of�azardous <br /> Substances �ha� are generally r�cngnized to be appropriate to narrna� reszd�n�ia�us�s and ta maintenanc��f <br /> �he Proper�y. ��ncluding, but no� lim�i.ted t�, hazardous su�stan�es �n�onsum�r prnducts}. <br /> Barrawer shall promp�Iy give L�nder wr�t�en natice of�a} an�r �nvest�ga�ion, cia�m, demand, lawsuit or o�her <br /> aG�ion by any governm�ntal or regu�atory agency �r priva�e par�y xnvo�v�ng�he Proper�y and any Hazardous <br /> Substan.ce�r Env�r�nm�ntal Law af wh�ch Borro�ver has a�tua� kna�vledge, �b} an� Env�ronmen�al <br /> �andi�ian, ir�c�udzn�but na�1imi�ed to, an� spil�ing, ��ak�ng, d�scharge, release nr�hreat of release af any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, and�c} any cand����n caused b�the pres�nc�, use�r release of a�3azardous Substance <br /> wh�ch ad�ersei� affec�s the value of�h�Pr�per�y. �f Barrow�r Iearns, �r�s not��ed by any governmental or <br /> regula�ary au�hority, flr any private par�y, tha�any rexn�val �r other remedza�xan�f any �3azardous Su�stance <br /> affecting the Pr�per�y �s necessary, Barravver sha�l prom�tiy take a��nec�ssary rem�d�ai ac��ons in <br /> accordance vvi��Envzronmenta� Lav�. No�h�ng herein shail�r�a�e any ob��gat�on on Lend�r for an <br /> Envir�nmenta� Cl�anup. <br /> Nan-Unifarm Cv�enants. Borrow�r and Lend�r covenant and agree as fall�v�s: <br /> ��. Acce�e�atinn; Remed�es. Lender shall give nv���e to Barrow�r pr�or��acc�lerat�on fo�iowing <br /> Borro�ver's brea�h of any Govenant or agreemen�in�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument �but not priar�o <br /> acce�eration und�r Sec�i�n 1S un�ess Applicable Law pra��des otherw��e}. The no�ice shall spe�ify; �a} <br /> �he default; �b� th�act�on requ�red�o cure the default; �c} a date, not��ss than 3U da�s fr�m the da�e <br /> �he na��c�is gi�en�o Borrower, by wh�ch thQ defaul�must be�ured; and �d� that fa��ure to cure the <br /> defau�t on or before the date speci�ed xn �he n���ce may resu�t in accelera��on of�h�sums sQcured by <br /> this Secur��y Instruxnent and�a�e�f the Froper�y. The not�ce�hall fur�her inform Barrorver of the <br /> right t�re�ns�ate after acc��eratxon and the r�ght �o�ring a court a�tian�a a5sert the nan�e��st�nce af a <br /> default or any other defense of Borr�wer to acce�era��on and sale, If�he default is not cured an ar <br /> �efore t�ae date specified in�he notz�e, Lender at�ts optzon may require immeclia�e payment in fu�l of <br /> al.�sum5 secured by�his Security Ins�rument w��hout further demand and may�nvoke�he p�wer af sa�e <br /> a�d a�y other remeclies permitted by Applicabie Law, Lender sha�l be entitied to collec�a�l expenses <br /> incurred�n pursuing�he remedies prav�d�d in�his Section 22, �nc�ud�ng, hut na�limited�o, reasanab�e <br /> attorneys' fees and costs of title e��dence. <br /> If the power Qf sale�s invoked, TruS�ee�ha��record a notxce oF defau�t in each county in whi�h any <br /> par�of the Proper�y is�oca�ed and shail ma��cop�es of such n4tice in the manner prescribed by <br /> App���able Law t�Borrower and�a the o�her persons prescr�bed by App}ica�le Law. Af�er the time <br /> requ�r�d by Appl�cable Law, Trus�ee shal�g��e pu�lic notice of sa�e to�he persons and in�he manner <br /> prescribed by AppZ�ca��e Law. Trus�ee, w��hou�t demand on Borrower, shalt sell the Property a�pub��c <br /> auction to the highest b�dder a�the time and place and under the terms designated in �he nat�ce of saZe <br /> in�ne or more parcels and�n any order Trustee determ�nes. Trustee may pas�pone sa�e af a�� or any <br /> parce�of the Property by pub��c announcement a� �he t�me and place of any pre��ous�y schedu�ed sa�e. <br /> Lender or it5 d�signee may purchase the Property a�any sale. <br /> Upan receipt of paymen� af the pr��e bid, Trus�ee sha�� deX�v�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> conveying�he Proper�y. The reci�aIs in the Trustee's deed sha�l be prima facie evidence of the�ruth of <br /> the s�atemen�s made therein. Trus�ee shall app�y�he proceeds af�he sale in the fallnwing ord�r: �a} �a <br /> a�.�c�sts and expenses of exercising th�power of sale, and the sa�e, includ�ng the payrn�ent af the <br /> Trustee's fees actually incurred and reasonab�e a��orneys' fees as permitted by App��cabie I.�aw; 4b} to <br /> a��sum5 secured��this Security InStrument; and (c} any exce�s to the person ar persons l�ga��y <br /> entitled to�t. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028'i107 <br /> VMP� VMPfitN���13q�� <br /> Wolt�rs Kluwer Financial S�r�i�e� Page�4 af 17 <br />