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2� 1 ���347 <br /> in�he Property and rights under th�s Securxty �ns�ru�n�nt; and �d� �akes such ac��on as Lender may <br /> reasona��y r�qu�re�o assure that Lender's �nterest in the Proper�� and righ�s under this Se�uri�y �ns�rurnent, <br /> and Borrov�er's ob�igati�n�o pa�r�he sums secured by this Secur�t��nstrumen�, sha�l can�inue unchanged. <br /> Lender may requir�tha�Borrower pay su�h r�instatement sums and expenses �n one ar m�re�f the fol�owing <br /> forms, as se�ected b� Lender: �a}cash; �b} m�ney arder; �c} cer��fi�d check, bank check, �reasurer's check ar <br /> cash�er's check, pravided any such�heck zs drawn upon an �nst�tu��an whose de�asi�s ar�insured�y a <br /> federal agency, instrurnen�al�ty or enti�y; or�d} E�ec�ronic Funds Transfer. Upan r�ins�a�em�nt by B�rr�wer, <br /> this 5ecuri�y �nstrumen�and ob�igat�ans secured hereb� sha�l r�ma�n fully effective as if no a�celerat�an had <br /> occurred. However, this righ��o reinstate sha�l not apply in the cas�of a�ce�era�ion under Se��ion �.8. <br /> ��. Sa�e af N�te; Change ❑f Loan Ser�icer; N�tice vf Grierrance. Th�Note nr a�ar�ia� �nterest in the <br /> Note�tage�her wi�h�his Secur��y �nstrum�n�� �an be sold one or mare times w�th�u�pritir�.a�ice to <br /> Borrawer. A sa�e might result�n a chang�in the entx�y �I�nawn a� the "Loan►Servicer"} �hat coilects Periodic <br /> Paymen�s due under�he Nate and this Securi�y �nstrument and perfor�ns ather mar�gage�aan servicing <br /> �b�igat�ons under�he No�e, �his�ecurity Ins�rument, and Applicab�e La�. There aisa m�i.ght be one or rnore <br /> c�.anges of th� Laan Ser�icer unre�ated to a sa�e of th�Note. �f�here is a change of�he Laan Serv�cer, <br /> Borrower w�l�be gi�en writ�en not�ce�f�he change whi�h wi�1 state�he name and address�f�he new Loan <br /> Serv�cer, �he address�o v�rh�ch pa�ments should be mad�and any o�her informat��n RESPA requ�res in <br /> cor�nection with a notiGe�f transfer of ser�ic�ng. If the Note is sold and�hereaf�er the Loan is serviced b�a <br /> L.aan Servxcer other than�h�purchas�r af the Not�, �he mor�gage�oan servicing obligati�ns t�Borr�w�r w�l� <br /> rexna�n w��h��e Loan Ser�icer or be�ransf�rred �o a successor Loan Ser��c�r and are no�assumed by�he <br /> Nate purchaser un�ess o�herwise pr���ded by the N�t�purchaser. <br /> Neither B�rra�er n�r Lender may��mmence,join, or be ja�ned ta any�udicial ac�ion�as ei�her an <br /> xnd�vidua� ��tigan�or the mem�aer�f a class} that arises from the other party's actions pur5uant t�this <br /> S�cur��y �ns�rument or tha�al�eges tha�the o�her party has breached any provision af, or any duty owed�y <br /> reas�n�f, � Secur��� Instrument, unti� such Borrower or Lender has not�fied the other par�y �v�ith such <br /> no�ice given in complzance v�i�h�he requiremen�s of 5ec�ion 15} af su�h alleged breach and afforded�h� <br /> a�her part�hereto a reasanable period after the gi�ving of such notice ta �ake correc�ive act�an. If App�icab�e <br /> Law pr���des a time peri�d which must ela�s�bef�r�cer�ain ac�ian can be taken, that time per�od wiil be <br /> deemed �o be reasonable f�r purposes of this paragraph. The notxce of accelera�ion and oppor�unit�ta cure <br /> given to Borrow�r pursuant�o Sect�on Z2 and the no�ice af accelera��on gi�en�o Borrower pursuan�ta <br /> Section �S shall be d�emed to satisfy�he notice and oppartuni�y fo take carr�c�i�e ac�ian provisions af this <br /> Secti�n�D. <br /> �'i, Hazardous Substanc�s. As used in this Sect�an 2�: �a} "Ha,�ardnus Substances"ar�fhose substanc�s <br /> de�ned as �nxic or hazardaus substances, pollutan�s, or wastes by En�ir�nmental Law and the fallowing <br /> subs�ance�: gasol�ne, kerasene, �ther flamnaab�e or tox�c petro�eum produc�s, toxic pesticides and herb�cides, <br /> �rolati�e so�vents, ma�erials containxng asb�s�as�r f�rmaldehyde, and rad�oactive materia�s; �b} <br /> "Environmental Law"means federa� �aws and laws�f�he jurisdxct�on where the Pr�perty is laca�ed that <br /> relate�o health, safe�y or enviranmen�al pr�tectian; �c} "Er�virartmet��al �leartup"includes an� r�spo��se <br /> a�t�on, remediat acti�n, or r�moval action, as defined �n En�ir�nmental Law; and�d} an "Envira�zjnen�al <br /> Con�ition"means a�ondition that can cause, c�ntribute�o, or otherwise�rigger an En�iranmen�a� ��eanup. <br /> Barrower sha��no�cause ar permai��.he presence, use, d�sposal, starage, or release of any Hazardous <br /> Subs�an.ces, ar�hrea�en�o rel�ase any Hazardous Subs�anees, on ar in the Property. Borrower sha�� n�t do, <br /> nar al�ow anyane e�se to do, anything affecting the Pr�per�y �a} �hat is in�iolation of any Env�ronmentai <br /> Lav�, ��� whic� creates an En�ironmental �ondition, or(c} which, due ta �he presence, use, ar re�ease af a <br /> �azardous Suhs�ance, crea�es a condition�hat adver���y affects the value of�he Pr�per��. The preced�ng�v�o <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNtF�RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3a28 11�1 <br /> VMPfitNE)�13D2� <br /> V M P Q Pa e 13 of 17 <br /> Wvt�ers Kfuwer�inancial Ser�ices 9 <br />