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2� 1 ���347 <br /> 7�. Borra►►ver Not Re�eased; Fa�b�aranc� By Lender Not a Wai�er. E��ension af the time for paymen��r <br /> mod��ca��on af amort�za�ion of the sums s�cured by th�s Se�ur�ty �nstrument grar��ed by Lender to Barrower <br /> or an� Succe�sor in In�erest of B�rrower shall nat operat��o r��ease�he��ability of Borrower or any <br /> Successors in�ntere�t of B�rrow�r. Ifender sha11 not�e requ�r���o comm�nce proceed�ngs agains�any <br /> Successor in In�eres�of B�rrow�r or�fl refus��a�xt�nd t�me far payment or�therv�zse modify amor�ization <br /> of�he�ums s��ured by th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument by reasan of any demand made by�h�original �orrower or <br /> any Successors in�n�eres�of Borrower. Any forbearanc�by L�nder in e�ercisxng any r�ght or r�m�dy <br /> including, withou�l�mi�a�ian, Lender's acceptance af payments fr�m th�r�.persons, en��t�es ar Successors �n <br /> �n�eres�of Borrower or in am�un�s Iess than the amount�hen due, shal� no�be a wa��er of or preclude the <br /> exerci se of any right or remedy. <br /> �3. Joint and Se�eral Liabif ity: Co-s�gr�ers; Successors and Assi�ns B�und. Barrower covenan�s ar�.d <br /> agrees�ha�Borrou�er's ob�iga�ions and l�abi�it� sha�l be�a�n�and �evera�. �owever, any Borrower who <br /> �o-signs this Security�ns�rumen�bu�does no�e�ecute�he Note (a "co-signer"}: �a} is c�wsigning this <br /> Secur��y �n�trumen�only�o mor�gage, gran�and conve� the co-si�ner's in�eres��n�he Pr�perty under the <br /> terms of��.�� Se�urity Instrument; �b} is not persana�ly��ligated�o pay the sums secur�d�y th�s Securi�y <br /> �ns��; and�c} agrees tha�L.�nder and an� o�her Borrav�er can agree�o extend, �modxfy, f�rbear ar <br /> any accom�noda�ians�vi�h regard fio �he t�rms of this Security �nstrument�r�he Nate w�thout the co�signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject ta �he pra�isians of Sect�nn 18, an�r Succe�sor in �nteres�of Barr�wer wh� assumes Barrov�er's <br /> �b��gations under this Securi�y �nstrument �n wri�xng, and is approved by Lender, sha�� ob�a�n al� �f <br /> Barrow�r's righ�s and beriefits und�r this Se�urity �nsCrumen�. Borrawer�hall not be released from <br /> Borrower's ob�igations and ��ability under�h�s Security �nstrument un�ess Lender agre�s�o such r�lease�n <br /> writin�. The covenants and agreemen�s af this 5ecurity Instrument sha�l bind �except as pr��ided�n Section <br /> �D} and benefi�the su�cessors and assigns of L.ender. <br /> 'i 4. Loan Charg�s. Lender may charg�B�rrow�r fe�s for serv�ces performed in connectian wi�h Borrovver's <br /> defau�t, for the purpose of pra��cting Lender's in�erest �n the Proper�y and righ�s under th�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrument, including, hut not��nute�ta, a��arneys' fees, praperty inspection and valua�ion fe�s. �n regard�o <br /> any other fees, the absence of expres5 authori�� in��is 5ecurity Ins�rument�o charge a specif�c fee to <br /> Barrower shal� not be c�nstrued as a prvhibitron on th�charging of such fee. Lender may nat charge fees <br /> �hat are�xpressi�proh�bz�ed by�his Securit� �nstrumen�or b� Applicable Lavv. <br /> If the Loan is subject to a law v�hich sets maximum loan charges, and�hat�aw is finally interpreted so that <br /> �he �n�:erest or other loan charges c�llected�r f�be co�l�c;�ed in connec�ion wi�h the Laan exceed the <br /> �e�m�t�ed limits, �hen: �a} any such loan charge sha��be reduced by th�amoun�necessary ta reduc�the <br /> �harg��o �he pernut�ed��mit; and �b} an� sums a�ready col�ected from Borrower wh�ch exceeded permit�ed <br /> ��mits w�1I b�refunded to Borrawer. Lender may ch��se ta make this refund by reducing the principal a�ved <br /> under�he N���or by making a d�r�ct payment�o Barrawer. If a refund reduces principal, �he reduction wi11 <br /> b�trea�ed as a par�ia� prepayment wifhout any prepayment charge �whet��er or nat a prepa�ment charge is <br /> provided for under the No�e}. Borro�ver's acceptance of any such refund made b�dxre��paymen��o <br /> Borrower wi11 cans���ute a�va��er of any righ�nf action Borrovwer might ha�ve arising ou�af such overCharge. <br /> '!5. N�tices. Ali noti�es gi�en by Borrawer or Lender in con��ectian with�his Security �ns�rument must be in <br /> wrxt�ng. Any n�tice to Borrower in connec�ion with this Security �nstrumen� sha11 b�deemed�o have been <br /> g��en�o Borrower v�h�n mailed by �rst class mail ar when actuall� de�ivered t� B�rrower's notice address if <br /> sen�by ather meara.s. N��ice to an� one Borrower shal� const�tu�e notice�o a�l Barrowers unl�ss App��cable <br /> Law e�pressly r�quires a�herwis�. The n�tic�addre�s sha�1 be t��e Property Address ur�ess B�rrower has <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingl�Fam€ly-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRUMENT �arm 3�28 11�'i <br /> VMP� VMP��N�3�'!342y <br /> Wvlters Kluwer�ir�ancia�Ser�ices Page 1 t af 17 <br />