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2� 1 ���347 <br /> sat�sfac�ian, prov�ded that such �nsp�ction sha11 be und�rtak�n prompt�y. L�nder m.ay pa�r f�r th�repairs <br /> and res�ora�zan�n a sing�e d�sburs�ment or in a series of prflgre�s payrr�ents as�he v�ork �s camp�eted. <br /> Un�ess an agreem�n� is made�n wr�t�ng or App��cab�e Lavv requir�s int�res�to be pa�d�n such <br /> Miscellaneaus Proceeds, Lender sha�� not be r�quir�d to pay B�rrawe�arzy znt�res�or earn�ngs on such <br /> Misce��aneaus Proceeds. �f the res��ra�ion or repa�r is not�con�mically feasib�e�r Lender's s�cur��y vsrould <br /> be l�ssened, �he M�sc���an�ous Pr�ceeds sha�� be app�ied to �he sums secured b�this Security �nstrumen�, <br /> whether ar nfl�then du�, w�th the exc�ss, if any, paxd tfl Borrower. Such M�sceliane�us Proce�ds sha��be <br /> appli�d in the ord�r pro��ded for in Section�. <br /> �n the��en�of a tota� tak�ng, d��truct��n, or loss �n vaiue�f the P�-ap�r�y, �he Misc���aneous Proceeds sha�� <br /> be appl��d to�he sums se�ured by th�s �eGuri�y �nstcument, whe�her or no���en due, �ith�he e�cess, if any, <br /> pa�d�o Barr�wer. <br /> �n the event of a partial takin�, destruct�an, or lass in�axue of�he Prflperty in v�hi�h�h�fair market�a�ue flf <br /> the Pr�perty immed�ately b�fare th�par��al tal�ing, des�ructzan, ar�ass �n�alu�is�qua� tn ar great�r than th� <br /> amaunt of th�sums secur�d by this S�cur�t�r �nstrument immedia�ely b�fore the par�ial taking, de��ru���on, or <br /> �oss in va�ue, un�ess Borrower and L��der o�herwise agree in vvri�ing, �he sums �e�ured�y thzs Securzt� <br /> �nstru�men�shall be reduced by the amaunt of�he Misc�llan��us Proceeds mu�t�p��ed by th�f��lov�ing <br /> fracti�n; �a} the�otal amaun�of th�sums secured immedia�e�y befor�the par��a� �ak�ng, destructian, or lass <br /> ir�value di��ded hy �b} �he fa�r mark�t value of the Property immedia�e�y before the part�al taking, <br /> d�s�ru��ion, or�oss in va�ue. Any balance shali be paid to Sarro�er, <br /> �r�����vent of a par�ial taking, destruction, ar lass in va�ue�f the Property ir�which the fair market va�ue af <br /> the Proper�y immed�ate��befare th�par�ia.� taking, destruc�ion, or l�ss xn�alue�s I�ss than the amount of the <br /> sums secured immed�a�e�y befar�the part�a.� taking, destruc��an, or�ass xn va�ue, unless Borr�v�r�r and <br /> L�nder a�herwis�agre�in writing, the M�sce�laneous Proceeds shall be app�xed�o th�sums secured b�th�� <br /> Security �ns�rumen�wheth�r or na�the sums are�hen du�. <br /> �f the Prop�rty is abandoned by Barrower, or if, af�er nfltice by Le�der t� Barro�ver tha�the�pposing Par�� <br /> �as defined in�he n�x� s�nt�nce} offers t�make an award to sett��a c�aim for damages, B�rrov�ver fa�ls �� <br /> respond to Lender wx�hin 3�days af�er the date the no��ce is giv�n, Lender is authorized to collec�and apply <br /> the Mzscel�an�ous Pr�c�eds either to rest�ration or r�pair af the Property or ta th�sums secured by �h�s <br /> Security �nstrument, �vheth�r or not then due. "�pposing Party" means�he th�rd par�y tha�owes Barr��ver <br /> Miscel�aneaus Prviceeds or the par�y against vvh�m Bnrrovver has a righ�of ac�ian�n regard to Misce��aneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower�hali be in default if any ac�ion�r proceeding, whether c��i� o�criminal, is begun that, in Lender's <br /> jud�ment, cauld resu�t �n forfeitur�of the Proper�y ar ath�r mat�r�al impa�rment�f Lend�r's �nt�rest in the <br /> Pr�perty or rights under th�s Securit�r �nstrument. Barrower�an cur�such a defau�t a�d, if acce��ra�i�n has <br /> occurred, re�nstate as provided in Section I9, by causing the acti�n or proceed�ng ta b�dxsmiss�d w��h a <br /> ru�ing that, zn L�nder's judgment, precludes f�rfe�ture of the Praperty or�ther material �mpairm.en�of <br /> Lender's in��rest in th�Propert��r right�under�his Se�uri�y rnstrument. The proceeds of any award or <br /> c�aim for damages�hat ar�attrxbutabl��o th� impa�rment of Lender's interes�in the Property ar�hereby <br /> assigned and shal�be paid t� Lender. <br /> A11 Misce�lane�us Proceeds�hat are n�t applied to �rest�ratian or r�pair of the Property sha�� be app��ed�n th� <br /> order pro�ided fnr�n Sectian�. <br /> NE6RA5KA-5ingte Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 3028�IQ1 <br /> VMP� VMPEtN�}�13�2y <br /> Woiters K luwer Financial 5er�ices Page 1�vf 7 7 <br />