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2� 1 ���344 <br /> � DEED �F TRUST <br /> � �Continued} � Page 6 <br /> NaTiCES. Any notice required to be gi�en under�his �eed of Trus�, inciuding without limitatian any notice ❑f de�auit <br /> and any notic� of saIe shaII be gi�e��n writing, and shafl be effectirre when ac�ual[y deEi�ered, when actually recei�ed <br /> by te�e�acsimile �unI�ss otherwise requir�e� by iaw�,when depasi�ed with a nati�naIIy recognized o�ernight courier, or,if <br /> mailed, when depasited in the United S�ates mail� as�irst cZass, �ertified or registered mail postage p�-epaidl direc��d to <br /> �he addresses shown near the beginning ❑f�his De�d ❑f Trust. Al� copies of notices ❑f fore�losure �rom the holder a� <br /> any Iien which has p�riarity o�er this Deed o�Trust shaIl be senfi tv Lender's address, as shown near�the beginning ❑t <br /> �h�s Deeci of TrustR Any pe�son may change his o� her address �or notices under�his Dees� n�Trust by gzving forma� <br /> written no�ice ta the other person ar persans, spe�ifying �hat �the purpose of the notice is ta change the person's <br /> address. For no�ice purposes,Trus�or agr�es�o keep Lender in�vrmed at aII times o�Trus�or's curren�address. Unless <br /> o�herwise prarrided or required by law, if there is mo�e than one Trustvr� any notice gi�en by Lender�o any T�us�or is <br /> deemed�o be no�ice gi�en�a aII Trustars. It wii� be Trus�arTs responsibiIity�a te��the othe��o�the notice-From Lender. <br /> MIS�ELLANE�US PR�VISI�NS. The folIowing miscellaneau�prvvisions ar�a part❑�this ❑��d o�Trus�: <br /> Amendments. What is wr�itten in �his ❑eed af Tt'ust and in the Related Document� is Trustor's entire agreemen� <br /> with Lender cancernin�the matters ca�ered by this Deed of Trus�. To be effecti�e, any change or amendment t❑ <br /> this Deed af Trus�must be xn writing and must b�signed by whoe�er wii� be baund or abIiga�ed by�he chan�e or <br /> amendment. <br /> Caption Headings. Caption headings in this ❑eed af Trus� are far canvenience pu�poses only and are not�❑ be <br /> used ta inter-pret or de�Fine the provisions vf this De�d of Tt'ust. <br /> Merger. Th�re shall be n❑ merger of�he interes�or es�ate created hy this ❑eed o�Trust with any nther in�teres�or <br /> esfate in the Prop�rty at any�ime he�d by ar�or the k�ene�it of Lender in any�apacity� wi�hou��he wr�t�en consen� <br /> of Lender. <br /> Go�erning Law. This Deed ❑f Trust wi[I be go�erned by federaI [aw applicab[e to Lender andr to the ex�ent not <br /> pr�empted by f�derai Iaw,the iaws af the State of Nebraska wi�hout re�ard to its confiicts �f Iaw pro�isions. This <br /> Deed of Trust has b��n accepted by Lender in the�tate o�N�braska. <br /> Ghaice of Venue. ��there is a Iawsuit, Trustor agrees upvn Lender's reques�to submit to the�urisdictzon of�he <br /> cou�ts o�HaII Countyr Sta�e o�Ne�raska. <br /> Iva Wai�er by tender. Trustor unders�ands Lender will nat gi�e up any �f L�nder-F� rights under this I�eed of Trus� <br /> unless Lender daes so in writing. The tac�that Lender de�ays or om'rts t❑ exercise any right will no� mean �ha�t <br /> �Lend�r has gi�en up fhat right. If Lender does agree in wrifing �o.give up one ❑f Lender's r�ghts, �hat do�s not <br /> m�an Trustor wilI nat ha�e to compIy with the ather provisions of this Deed af Trus�. Trustor also understands <br /> �hat if Lender daes �onsent�❑ a requ�st, that dnes no� mean that Trustar wilf nat ha�e to ge� Lender's consen� <br /> again i�the situatian happens again. Trustor�urther understand�that�ust because Lender consents t❑ one or more <br /> vf Trustor's reques�s, �ha� daes nat mean Lender will be required t❑ consent'to any of Trustorrs �u�ure reques�s. <br /> Trustor wai�es presen�ment, demand far paymen�, protest, and nv�iae o�dishonor. <br /> Se�erabi�ity. j�a court finds �tha� any prorr�sion af�his Deed of Tru�t is no��a�id or sh�uld not be enforced, tha� <br /> � fact by itsel-�r�vill nat mean that the res�afi this ❑eed of Trust wiii not b��alid or en�orced. There�orer a court will <br /> enforce�he res�of the pro�isions af this Deed o�Trust e�en i�a provzsion o�F�h'rs Deed o�T�'us�may be tound�a be <br /> invaiid or unen�Farceable. <br /> 5uccessors and Assigns.-Subject to any Iimita�ions stated in this Deed of Trus�on transfer ❑f Trustor's interes�� <br /> �his Deed of Trust shalI be binding upan and inure to the benefit of the parties, �heir successors and assigns. 1f <br /> ownersh�p of th� Property becomes vesfied in a person v�her than Trustor, Lender, without notice�o Tr'ustor, may <br /> deal wi�h Trustor's su�ces�ars with re�erence�❑�his Deed of Trust and the [ndebtedness by way o��o�bearance or <br /> extension wi�haut reieasing Trustor from�he ob�igations of�his D�ed o�Trust or IiabiIity under�he lnde�tedness. <br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is❑f�he essence in�he performance ot this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Vlraiver v�F Homestead Exemption. Trus�or hershy rel�as�s and wa��es a�i rights and bene�i�s of the hamestead <br /> ex�mptian laws vf the Sta�e❑�Nebraska as to all Indeb�edness secured hy this Deed a�Trus�. <br /> �EFZN[TIDNS. The fallawing words shali ha�e the�alfvwing meanings wheri used in this I�eed of Tirus�t: <br /> Bene��iary. The word "Bene�i�iary" means Fxchange Bank, and its successars and assigns. � � <br /> Sarrower. The word "Borrowe�n means Wes�ey M Encinger and incIudes a�! co-signers and ca-makers signing the <br /> Credit Agreement and aII their successars and assigns. <br /> Cred�t A reement. The words n�redi�Agreement" mean the credi��greemenf da�ed September 2�, ��16, w�th <br /> �redit �[mit of $�7a,���.�� from Trustor to Lender, together with ali �enewals of, extensians ❑�� <br /> modi�icafions of, refinancings of, consoIidations ofr and substitutions �ar the promissary note ar agreemen�. <br /> NOTICE T�TRUSTQR: THE CREDIT AGREEMENT C�i1ITAINS A VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. <br /> Deed ❑f Trust. The wv�ds "Deed o-F Trust" mean this Deed ot Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> . includes withaut Iimitation all �ssignment and security interest pro�isions relating ta the Personal Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> Enviranmental Laws. The wvrds "En�ironmental Lawsn mean any and a�� state, �ederaf and IocaI statutes, <br /> r�gulations and ordinances rela�ing ta �he protection of human health or the en�ironment, including withou� <br /> limita�ion �he Comp�rehensive EnvironmentaI Response� Cnmpensation� and Liability Act of '198�, as amend�d, 4� <br /> U.S.C. Se�tion 96fl1 r e�seq, {"�ERCLA"}� �he Superfund Amendments and Reau�horization Act o� �985, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 �nSARA"}�the Hazardous Materials Transporta�ion Act, 49 U.S.C. Sec�ion 'I 8�1 r et seq.,the Resour�e <br /> �onservation and Reco�ery Ac�, 4� CJ.S.C. Sec�ion 59�'I, et seq., ❑r nther appIic�ble s�a�e vr-federa� laws, ru�es, <br /> or reguIations adopted pursuant thereto. <br /> Event of Defauit. The words "E�ent o�F❑efiault" mean any of�he e�ents of de�Fau�t se�forth in�his Deed o�Trus�in <br /> ths e�ents o�de�FauIt s�ction of�his Deed of Trust. <br /> ' Exisfiing �ndebtedness. The words "Exis��ng Indebtedness" mean�he indebtedness described in�he Existing Liens <br /> pra�ision❑f this Deed o�F Trus�. <br /> Hazardaus 5ubstances. The words "Hazardous Subs�ances" mean materials that, because ❑f �heir quantity, <br /> concentration or physicaI, chemical o�- infe�tiaus �haracte�istics, may cause or pose a presenf ❑r poten�iai hazard <br /> to human health o�-the en�ironmenfi when impraperIy used,t�eated, stored, disposed ot, genera�ed, manufactured, <br /> transparted or o�herwise handIed. The words "Hazardou� 5ubs�anc�sTM a�e used in their very broadest sense and <br /> include withaut Iimi�a�tion any and a!� ha�ardous ❑r �oxic substances, materia�s or was�e as defined by or listed <br /> under�he En�ironmental Laws. The term '�Hazardous Substances" aIso includes, withou�Iim'r�a�ion, petraIsum and <br /> petro�eum by�pradu��s or any frac�ian�hereof and asbestos. <br /> fmprovements. The word "improvements" means a1� existing and fu�ure improrrements� buildings, structures, <br /> mobile homes affixed on the ReaI Proper-�y, �aciliti�s, addifiions, repIacemen�s and a�her cons�kruction on �he Real <br /> P�-operty. <br /> Indebtedness. The word "inde�t�dness" means a�E prina�pal, interest, and other amounts, costs and expenses <br /> payable under the Credit Agreement ar Rela�ed Documents, �oge�her with all �enewals of, extensions of� � <br />