2� 1 ���344
<br /> DEFD �F TRUST .
<br /> .
<br /> antrnu�d} Rage 5
<br /> and eIec�ion ta �ause Tt-ustor's interest in the Property�❑ be�oid� which no�ice Trustee sha!! cause to be
<br /> dujy filed#or record in the appropria�e offices o-F the County in which�he Pr-operty is Ioca-�ed, and
<br /> �d� Wi�h respect to a�� or any part af�he Personal Praperty� Lende�shal! have aI1 the r�ghts and remedies
<br /> of a secured party under�he Nebraska Uniform Commercia! Code.
<br /> Fareclosure by Power of SaIe. 1�Lender elects to�orecIose hy�xercise❑f the Power of Saie herein con�ained�
<br /> L�nder sha!! no�ify Trus�ee and shalE depasit with Trus�ee this ❑ee�# af Trust and �he Credrt Agreemen� and
<br /> such receip�s and e�id�nce of expenditures made and secured hy�his Deed of Trus�as Trustee may r-equire.
<br /> �a� Upon receip�af su�h no�ice�F�om Lender, Trus-�ee shall cause�❑ be recorded, puhIished and deli�ered
<br /> �o Trustor such Notice of Defaul�and No-�ice ❑fi Sale as fihen required by �aw and by this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Trustee sha�i, withau� demand an Trust�r, after such �ime as may then �e �equired by �aw and afte�-
<br /> r-ecordafion ❑�such Notice ❑f❑efaul�and after Natice ❑f 5aie ha�ing been gi�en as required by law� sell
<br /> the P�vperty a�th� time and pIace of sale fixed by i� in such Noti�e of� SaI�, either as a whoIe, ❑r in
<br /> separate lots or parcels a�ifems as Trustee shali deem expedient, and in such order as i�may determine�
<br /> a� pub�i� auction�to the highest bidder f�r cash in law�ul money ❑f the United S�ates payable at�he�ime
<br /> of sale. Trustee shall deI��et� to such purchaser �r purchaser�s �f�ereof ��s gaad and sufficien� deed or
<br /> deeds conveying �he property sa so�d� but wi�hout any co�enant or warranty, express or impIied. Th�
<br /> recita�s in such deed of any matters ❑r�acfis �hail be canclusi�e proofi ❑f�he tru�hfu�ness �hereaf. Any
<br /> persan, �n�luding without limrta�ian Trus�or-,Trustee� or Lender� may purchase at such saIe.
<br /> {�} As may be permitfied by lawr after deducting aII cos�s, fees and expenses of Trusfee and o� this
<br /> Trust, including casts o�e�idence of title in cannection with�aI�,Trus�ee shai�apply the pt-aceeds❑f sale
<br /> -�o paymen� a� (i} all sums expend�d under the �et-ms �f this �eed of Trus� ❑r under �he -�erms o�the
<br /> Credi�Agreement not�hen repaid, including bu� no� �imited t❑ accrued in�eresfi and late chargesr {ii� a�l
<br /> ather sums�hen se�ured he�reby� and �iii} �he �emainder, if anyr t❑ the person ❑r persons Iegally enti�Ied
<br /> �here�o.
<br /> {c} Trustee may in the manner prarrided by�aw pos�pane sale o�a�! ❑r any por�ion a��he Property.
<br /> � Remedies Not Excfusive. Trustee and Lender, and each o�r themr shaII be ent�tIed to enfarce paymen�k and
<br /> per�ot�mance of any indebtedn�ss�r❑bI�ga�ivns secured by this Deed o�Trus�and�a exe��ise aII r�gh�s and powers
<br /> under �his Deed afi Trust, unda�-�he Credit Agreemen�, under any of�he Related �ocuments� o�- under any other �
<br /> agreement o�- any laws now or hereaf�e� in �orce; no�withstanding� S�Ci��.' or afl of such zndeb�edness and
<br /> obIigafions secured by�his Deed of Trus�may now or her�after be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed
<br /> o�trust, pledge, fx�n, assignment or a-�herwise. Neither the accep�ance ❑f�his Deed o�Trust nor i�s en�ar�emen�,
<br /> whe�her by caurt ac�ion or pursuan��o the power ❑f saIe or othe�- pvwers contained in �h�s Deed o�Trust, shall
<br />�
<br /> prejudice or in any manner affe�t Trustee's ❑r Lender's righ�ta realize upon�r enforce any ather security now or
<br /> hereaf�e�-held by Trus�ee or Lender, it being agreed tha�Trustee and Lender, and ea�h of them, sha1I b�en�i�led�o
<br /> enforce this Deed of Trust and any other securi�y now or her-eafter held by L�nder ❑r Trus�ee in such order and
<br /> manner as �hey or either at �hem may in �heir- absoiute discretian defermine. N❑ remedy con�erred upon or
<br /> reser��d ta Trus�ee or Lenderr is intended �o be excIusi�� o� any o�her remedy in -�h�s Deed of Trust or by iaw
<br /> p�-o�ided or permittedr but each �ha�l be cumulatr�e and shall be in addi�ion to e�ery �the�- remedy gi�en in,this
<br /> Deed o�Trust or- now or hereafter exis�ing a�Iaw or�n equi�y ar by s-�a�u-�e. E�ery paw�r or rem�dy gi�en by�he
<br /> Credi� Ag�'eemen� or any of �he Related Documents �a Trustee o� Lender a� �o which ei�he� af them may be
<br /> otherwise enti�led, may he exet-�ised, concurren�Iy or independen�ly{ �rom time �o �ime and as aften as may be
<br /> deemed expedient by Trustee vr Lender� and either of them may pursue incansis�en� remedies. �Vothing in fhis
<br /> Deed o�Trus�shal[ b� construed a� prohibi�ing Lender from seeking a defi'r�iency judgmen� against fhe Trustor t❑
<br />�
<br /> the extent su�h ac�ion i� pe�mi,t�ed by law. �
<br />� EIe�tion of Remedies. A!! of Lender's r�ghts and remedies w�II be cumuIa�i�e and t-r-�ay be exercised alane or
<br /> toge�her. If Lender decEdes�to spend money or to perforrt� any of Trustor's obligatians under�his D�ed o-F Trustr
<br />� afte�-Tr-ustvr's -Failure �o do so, tha� decision by Lender will not affect Lende�-=s right�o declare Trustor Pn default
<br /> and to exercise L�nder'� remedies.
<br /> Request for Notice. Tr'us�o�, or� beha�f of Trustor and Lender, hereby reques���ha-�a copy o�any Notice of�e�Fault
<br /> and a �opy o�any Notice vf Sale u�der�his �eed of T�ust be mailed t❑them at the addr�sses se�farth in the first
<br /> paragraph of fhis ❑eed o�Trus�.
<br /> At�vrneys' �ees; Expenses. lf Lender ins�r�utes any su�� ot� ac��on �o enforce �ny o� �he te�ms o� this �eed af
<br /> Trus�, Lender shalI be en�i�Ied�o recover such sum as the �ourt may adjudge �-easanab�e as att�r-neys' fees at trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. VIlh�the�- ar not any court acti�n is invo��ed, and to �he extent no� prahibited by law{ aII
<br />� reasonable expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lender�s ❑pinian are �ecessary a� any time for the pro�ection ❑f r�s
<br /> � interes�or the en�orcemen�o�its righ�s sha�� be�ome a part ot�he lnd�b�edness payable on demand and shaII bear
<br />� �nfe�esfi at the Cred�t Ag�eemen� ra�e fram fhe date of the expenditUre un��I repaid, Expenses �orrered by �his
<br /> paragraph include, wi�haufi Iit�-�itation� howe�er subject t❑ any Iimits under appI�cable Iaw, Lender's attiameys' fees
<br /> and Lende�-Fs lega� expenses, whether a� n�t there is a lawsuitr including attarneys' fee� and expenses for
<br /> bankrup�cy proceedings �in��uding effot--ts�o modify or-�acate any autamati�s�ay ❑t-injunction}, appeaIs, a�d any
<br /> anficipated pos��judgmen� callec�ion sen�ic�s, the cosf o� searching records, obtaining �it�e repor-�s (including
<br /> foreclosure repor�s}r sunreyars` reports, and appraEsal fees, ��tle insuran�e� and fees far�he Trustee, �o the extent
<br /> permitred by appIi�able law, Trustor�als❑w�Ii pay any cflur-r cos�sr in addition to a11 ather sums pt-ovided by law.
<br /> Righfs ❑f Trusfee. Trustee shalI have all❑�the righ�s and du�ies�-F Lender as set�ar�h in this seGtian.
<br /> P�WER�AIVD aBtIGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. Th��ollowing pra�isions reIa�i�g��to�he powers and ❑bligations of Trustee
<br /> are part af�hls Deed a�Tr�t�st:
<br /> Powers of Trustee. In addi�io��❑ all powers ❑f T�'ustee ar�s�ng as a matfer of 1aw,Trustee sha�� ha�e the pawer�o
<br /> �ake the foIIowing actians with resp�c��a the Property upan�he writ-�en reques�o�Lender and Trustar: ta}�oin in
<br /> preparing and filing a map or piat ��the Real Property, in�luding the dedica�ion o� s�reets or o�her righ�s to the
<br /> public; �b} join in gran�ing any easemen� or crea�ing any t-estri��ion on the ReaI Proper-�y, and �c} loin �n any
<br /> subordinatio� ar ofher agreement a�fecting�his Deed o�Trust or�he�n�eres�❑f Lender under�his ❑eed of Trus�.
<br /> Trusfee. Trustee shaII meet a�! quaIificatio�s required tor Trustee under applicabie [aw, ln addi�ion tn the r�ghts
<br /> and remedies sef ��rth above, with respec�to all or any part of`�he Pt'ope�y, the Trusfee shali have the right to
<br /> foreclose by no�ice and sale, and Lender wiI1 ha�e �he right ta foreclose by�udicial �oreclosure� in either case in
<br /> accordance wi�h and to the fu1l extent pro�ided by applicable 1aw. -
<br /> Suc�essor Tr�stee. L�nder, at Lender's ❑p�ion. may�Fram�ime�o time appoint a successar Trust�e�a any T�us�ee
<br /> appoinfed under�his Deed a�F T�-ust by an �ns�rument executed and acknowledged by Lender and �ecorded in �he
<br /> ❑fi�ice a-F the recorder ❑� HaII County, State of Nebraska. The ins�rumen� shaI1 �vntain, in additivn �o all ather�
<br /> matters required by state lawr �he names o� �he o�-iginaI Lender, Trus�ee� and Trus�or� the book and page {�r
<br /> camput�r system referen�e} where this ❑eed of Trus� is recorded, and the name and addrsss ❑f �he successor
<br /> trus�ee, and the instrument shaII be execut�d and aGknowIedged by all the bene�iciaries under this�eed o�Trust❑r
<br /> �heir su��essors in in�erest, The successor trus�ee, without can�eyance o�the Pr-operty, shal� succ�ed to a�i the
<br /> ti�le, p�wer, and duties canferred upon fhe Trustee in�his Deed af Trus�and by applicable Iaw. This pracedure�or
<br /> subs�itution of Trus�ee shaII gv�ern t❑the exclusion o�a!1 other prv�i�ions for substitution. �
<br />