2� 1 ���325
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan No: 'I�'I�98�79 {�Ot1t[nued� Page 4
<br /> furnish �o Lender ad�ance assurances satisfac�ory �❑ Lender �hat Trustor can and wili pay the cosfi of such
<br /> impra�emen�s.
<br /> PRDPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The f�flowing pra�isivns relating ta insuring the Proper�y are a part a�this Deed o�r
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Main#enance of Insurance. Trust�r shall procure and mainfiain p�licies ❑f fire insurance with standard extended
<br /> co�erage endorsements on a fair �alu� basis for the full insurable �alue co�ering a�� Impra�emen�s an �h� R�a!
<br /> Property in an amount suffiicient t❑ aW�id application of any cainsurance cEause, and with a sfiandard mvrtgagee
<br /> c�ause in fa�or of Lender. Trustor shali aEso pracure and maintain cvmprehensi�e general liabili�y €nsurance in such
<br /> co�erage amvunts as Lender may request with Trus�ee and Lender being named as additional insureds in SUCh
<br /> liabifity insurance pol�ci�s. AdditianaEiy, Trus�or shall maintain such ❑ther insurance, inc�udEng but not limited �o
<br /> hazard, business in�erruption, and boif�r insurance, as Lender may reasonab[y require. Policies shall be written in
<br /> fvrm, amounts, ca�erages and basis reasanably acceptabie �o Lend�r and issued by a �nmpany or comparlies
<br /> reasanably acceptahle �❑ Lender. Trustvr, upon request of Lender, will deii��r t❑ Lend�r fr�m time t❑ time the
<br /> policies or cer�ificates ❑f insurance in form satis-Factary to Lender, incfuding stipulations fhat co�erages wEi� not be
<br /> can�elled or diminished without at leas� ten ���} days priar writfien natice to Lender. Each insuranc� palicy als❑
<br /> sha�l include an endorsement pro�iding that coverage in fa�or o�Lender vuill not he impaired in any way by any act,
<br /> omissi�n or default of Trustar ar any ather persvn. Should the Real Property he iaca�ed in an area designated by
<br /> the Administra�or of the F�deral Emergen�y Managemen�t Agency as a special flood ha�ard area, Trust�r agrees �o
<br /> ❑b�ain and maintain Federa[ Flood Insuranc�, E� a�ailable, within 45 days after n�tice is g�Wen by Lender that �he
<br /> Proper�y �s �acated in a speciaE�Io�d hazard area, for the�uff unpaid principal balance of the �flan and any prior liens
<br /> on the praperty securing the �oan, up�o the maximum policy limits se�under the National Fiaad Insurance Program,
<br /> or as otherwise required by Lender, ar�d�o maintain such insuranc�to�the term��the �oan,
<br /> Applicafiion of Proceeds. Trus��r shall prompfi�y no�ify Lender❑f any lass or damag� to #he Proper�y. Lender may
<br /> make pravf ❑f I�ss if Trustvr fails ta dfl sa within fif�een {15} days of �he casualty. Vllhefiher ar nat Lender's
<br /> s��urity is impaired, Lender may, at L�nder's electi�n, recei�e and retaEn the proc��ds v� any insurance and apply
<br /> #he proceeds to �h� reduc�ion of the fndebtedness, payment ot any lien affec�ing the Prop�r-ty, �r the res�ora��on
<br /> and repair of the Proper�y. !f Lender ele�ts to appiy �khe �roceeds �o rest�ra�ion and repair, Trustar shall repair or
<br /> repla�� �he damag�d ar d�stroyed ImproWements in a manner sa�is#a�fiory �o Lender. Lender sha�i, upon
<br /> sa�isfac�ory proof of such expend�ture, pay ar reimk�urse Trus�or �rom the prace�ds f�r the reasonable cost of
<br /> repair or restoratian if Trustor is no� in defiault under this ❑eed of Trus�. Any proceeds which ha�e not been
<br /> dis�ursed within 18� days af�er their recefpt and which Lender has not cammi��ed �a the repair ❑r restoration nf
<br /> the Property shall be used ��rsfi to pay any amount ❑wing to Lender under�his ❑eed of Trus-t, then �❑ pay accrued
<br /> in�erest, and the remainder, if any, shaEl �e applied to the principal balance ofi�he �ndebt�dness. ff Lender ht�lds
<br /> any pr��eeds after paymen� in full ❑fi the Indebtedness, such p�aceeds sha[[ be paid t❑ Trust�r as Trus�or's
<br /> in�eres�s may appear.
<br /> Trus#or's Report�n lnsurance. L1pon request o-� Lender, hawe�er not mare than once a year, Trus�or shall furnish
<br /> to Lender a r�port an each existing po[i�y a� insurance shawing: ��} the name ot the insurer; �2� the risks
<br /> insured; {3} the amoun� of the pali�y; �4� the proper�y insured, the then �urrent repiacement Walue fl� such
<br /> prvperty, and�he manner of determining tha��alue; and �5} the expiration da�e of�he po�icy. Trus�or sha[E, upon
<br /> re�uest❑f Lender, ha�e an independent appraise�sa�isfac�ory to Lend�r determine the cash�aiue repla�ement�as�
<br /> of�he Praperty.
<br /> LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. �f any actian or proceeding is �ommenced that w�uld materially affect Lender's interes� in
<br /> the Proper�y or i�Trustvr fails to comply wi�h any pro�ision ❑f this []eed vf Trust �r any Rela�ed Dacuments, including
<br /> i�ut no� limi�ed �a Trust�r's faiiure to discharge vr pay wh�n due any amoun�s Trustar is required to discharge or pay
<br /> under�his Deed of Trust or any Re�ated �o�umen�s, Lender an Trus#or's behalf may {but sha�l not b� ❑bliga��d �a} �ake
<br /> any action that Lender deems appropriate, incEuding but not l�m�ted to discharging or paying all taxes, liens, security
<br /> interests, �ncumbrances and other cfaims, at any t�me �e�ied or placed on the Property and paying a�� casts�or insuring,
<br /> maintaining and preser�ing the Property. Ai! such expenditures incurred or paid t�y Lender f�r su�h purpases wi11 then
<br /> bear interest at th� rate charged under the Note -From �he da�e incurred or paid by Lender�� the date ot repayment by
<br /> Trustor. Ai� such expenses wil! becnme a part of the Indeb�edness and, at Lender's aption, wiii �A} be payable on
<br /> demand; {B� b� added to the ba�ance o� the Note and be apportivn�d amvng and be payable w��h any installment
<br /> payments �to be�ome due during ei�her {�} the �erm of any appiicable insurance palicy; ar {�} the remaining term of
<br /> the Note; ar (C} be trea�ed as a balioan payment which will be due and payable at the Nvte's ma�urity. The Deed of
<br /> Trust a[so will secure payment ❑�F fhese amounts. Such right sha�� be in addition t� all other rights and remedies �o
<br /> whi�h Lender may be entitled upon De�au[t.
<br /> 1NARRANTY; DEFENSE�F TITLE. The fallowing pro�isions relating t� ownership❑f the Proper�y are a part af this ❑eed
<br /> o�Trusfi:
<br /> Tit[e. Trusfior uvarrants tha�: {a} Trustor halds good and marketable �itle o� re�ord to the Praperty in tee simp[e,
<br /> free and ciear ofi all liens and en�umbrances ❑�her than those set forth in the Reai Praper�y descriptivn �r in any
<br /> title insurance po�icy, �i�le repart, ar #�nal title opinian issued in fav�r of, and a�cepted by, Lender in c�nnection
<br /> wi�h this Deed of Trust, and {by Trustor has �he full right, pawer, artd authari�y t� execu�e and deli�er�his ❑eed o#
<br /> Trus��o Lender.
<br /> Defense of Ti�le. Subject to the exceptian En the paragraph aba�e, Trustvr warrants and wii! �vre�er defend �h�
<br />