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2� 1 ���325 <br /> aEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 1�'[�98�?9 ��ontinued� Page 2 <br /> Pacific Railway Company's Second Addit�on, hoth being Additions to th� C�ty of Grand <br /> Island, Haii County, Nehraska, and <br /> The land hereinafter �referred to is situated in th� City of Grand Island, County of Hail, State <br /> �f NE, and is d�scribed as follows: Lvts Thirteen {13}, Fourteen {'14� and 'Weste�rly Thr�� <br /> {Vti13} feet of Lvt Fifteen {15}, in Blo�k Sixte�n �'C�} in Ashtvn Place, and Addition t� th� City <br /> of �rand Island, Hall Cvunty, Neb�raska. Praperty Address �s: �718 �est Koenig Street, <br /> �rand Island, NE ��$D3 <br /> The Reai Property ar its address is c�mmvn[y known as '14D4 1N 'i ST 5T & '1��7 W 4TH ST & <br /> 3�4 VII 8TH ST & �718 �111' K[]ENI� 5T, GRAND ISLAND, NE �88�'I. <br /> CR�55-CQLLATERALIZATI(]N. ln addition t❑ th� Nvte, this Deed of Trus�secures ali obligations, debts and liahiiities, <br /> p[us interest thereon, o�Trus�or to Lender, �r any one t�r more of them, as we11 as all �laims by Lender agains�Trust�r <br /> or any one or more af them, whe�her now �xis-ting ❑r h�reatter arising, whe�her related �r unrelated to �he purpose ❑f <br /> �he Note, whe�her �o�unfiary or atherwise, whether due or not due, direct nr indir�ct, determ�ned or undetermined, <br /> absolute flr contingent, liquida�ed or unliquidated, whe�her Trustor may be [iable indi�idually flr join�ly with others, <br /> whe�her ❑bliga�ed as guarantar, sure�y, a�commoda�ian par�y �r vtherwise, and whether reco�ery upfln such amounts <br /> may be�r herea��er may become barred by any stafiute of limi�ations, and whether the obiigation to repay such amounts <br /> may be or hereafter may become atherwise unen�orceab�e. <br /> REV�LVENG LiNE �F CRED�T. This Deed of Trus# secures #he Ind�htedness including, v►ri�hout iimi�a�ivn, a reWolWing <br /> [ine o�credit, wh'rch obligates Lender#o make adWan�es fio Trus#or so�vng as Trustor complies with a[[the�erms ❑t#he <br /> N v#e. <br /> Trustflr presently assigns to Lender {a�s❑ knawn as geneficiary in this De�d ❑f Trusty all of Trustar's right, title, and <br /> interest in and to all present and fu�ure leases ❑f the Proper�y and a�l Rents �rtim �he Properfiy. In addition, Trustor <br /> grants tv Lender a Uniform Comm�rcial Code se�urity interest in�he Personal Property and Rents. <br /> THlS ❑EED �F TRUST, INCLU[][NG THE ASSiGNiVIENT �F RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST �N THE RENTS AND <br /> . PERS�NAL PRaPERTY, iS GIVEN T� SECl1RE �A� PAYMENT QF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND {B} PERF�RMANCE �F <br /> . ANY AN❑ ALL OBLIGATI�NS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED D�CUNiENTS, AND TH[S DEED �F TRUST. TH�S <br /> DEED�F TRUST [5 GEVEN AND A�CEPTED aN THE F�LL�V�ING TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as otherwise praWided in fhis ❑eed of Trust, Trustar shall pay t� Lender a[� <br /> amaun�s se�u�ed by �his Deed o� Trust as they bec�me due, and shai� strictly and in a �imely manner perform aEE of <br /> Trustor's flb��ga�ions under the Note,this ❑eed of Trust, and th� Related Docum�n-ts. <br /> PC�SSESSI�N AN❑ MAINTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY, Trustor agrees that Trust�r's possession and use of fhe <br /> Proper�y sha[[ be ga�erned by the fol[owing pra�isions: <br /> Possession and Use. Llntil the oc�urrence of an E�ent ❑f D�faul�, Trustor may ��} remain in p�ss�ssion and <br /> contral of the Property; {�} use, ❑pera�e or manage the Property; and {3f collect the Rents from the Proper-�y. <br /> Duty �o Maintain. Trustor shall main�ain the Property in tenantab[e candit�nn and promp�ly per�orm ai� repairs, <br /> rep�acemenfis� and mainfienance necessary ta preser�e its �alue. <br /> Comp[iance Vtil��h EnWironmental Laws. Trustar represents and warrants �o Lender tha�: {1 y During the period vf <br /> Trustor's ownership ❑f the Property, there has been no use, generativn, manutacture, storage, treatment, disposal, <br /> release �r threatened release af any Hazardous 5ubstanc� by any persan ❑n, under, abou� �r fram the Prvperty; <br /> ��} Trustor has na knawledge o�, or reasvn tv belie�e that there has been, except as pre��ously disclosed �❑ and <br /> acknawledged by L�nder in writing, {a} any br�ach or Wio[ation af any EnWiranmen�al Laws, �b� any use, <br /> generation, manufac�ure, storage, treatment, disposal, release �r threatened re[ease of any Hazardous Sulastance <br /> an, under, about ❑r from �he Properfiy by any pri�r owners or oc�upants o� the Properfy, or {c} any actual or <br /> threatened lit�gation or cEaims ❑f any kind by any persan relating ta such matters; and t3y Ex�ep� as pre�iausly <br /> disclosed t❑ and ackn�wledged by Lend�r in w�i�ing, �a} neither Trustor nvr any#enant, contractor, agent or❑ther <br /> autharized user o�the Praperty shall use, generate, manu�ac�ure, store, trea�, dEspose of or reiease any Hazard�us <br /> Subs�ance ❑n, under, about or trflm the Proper�y; and {by any such ac�i�i�y sha[[ be canduc�ed in comp[iance with <br /> all applicable �ederal, state, and ioca� laws, regula�ians and ardinances, inc[uding withvut limitatian all <br /> En�iranmen�al Laws. Trustvr au�horizes L�nder and its agen�ts �❑ enter upon the Prflper�y ta make such <br /> inspec�ians and '�ests, a� Trus�tor's expense, as Lender may deem approprEafie ta determine complian�e of the <br /> , Praper�y with fihis sec�ion ❑f the Deed ❑� Trust. Any insp�cfiions or tests made by Lender shall be �or Lender's <br /> purpos�s ❑nly and shall not be construed ta crea�e any responsibility or l�ahility on the par#�t Lender to Trusfor or <br /> to any o�kher persvn. The repr�sentations and warranties cantained herein are based vn Trustar's due d�ligenc� in <br /> . in�estigating the Property for Ha�ardous Substances. Trusfior hereby �1� releases and wai�es any fu�ure claims <br /> against Lender �or indemni�y vr contribution in �he e�ent Trustor becames �iabie �or c�eanup or oth�r C�5�5 under <br />