2� 1 ���229
<br /> Any applicat�on of paymen�s, insurance praceed�, �r Misce��aneous Praceeds to princxpal due under�he Na�e
<br /> shall not ext�nd or postpone�he due da�e, �r change the am�un�, of th�Periodic Payment�.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Items. B�rrower shall pay to Ilender on�he day Periodic Payments are due under the
<br /> No�e, unti� the No��is paid in full, a sum��he "Funds"} to pro�ide for paymen�of am�unts due far: �a} �axes
<br /> and assessments and�ther items wh�ch can a�tain pr�ority oWer this Security �nstrumen� as a�ien or
<br /> �ncumbrance an the Pro�erty; �b� ��aseha�d payments or ground rents on the Proper�y, if any; �c�premiums
<br /> for any and a11 insurance required by Lender under Sectian S; and�d} Mortgage Znsuranee prem�ums, if any,
<br /> or an� sums payabl�by Borro�rer to Lend�r�n�ieu of the payment of Mor�gage Znsurance pr�miums �n
<br /> accardance�ith the pro�isions�f Sec�ion 1D, These i�ems are called "Escrow I�ems." At or�ginatian or a�
<br /> an�r time�ur�ng the term af the L�an, Lend�r may requ�re tha��ommur�i��Assoczat�on Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessments, if any, be escrowed b�Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessmen�s shail be an EsCrow
<br /> �tem. Borr�wer sha�l prompt�y furn�sh�o Len�.er al1 no�ices of amounts to be paid under�his Sec�ion.
<br /> Borrower sha11 pay Lender�h�Funds for Escro� Items unless Lender v�rai�ves BorrovWer's obligation to pay
<br /> th�Funds far any or all Es�ro� ��ems. L�nder may waive Borra�rer's oh��gation�o pa�r tn Lender Funds f�r
<br /> any or all Escrow Items at any ti�ne. Any such v�aiver may on�y be in�vrit�ng. In�he e�en�of such wai�er,
<br /> Borrov��r shall pay directly, �vhen and�vhere paya��e, the amoun�s due for an� Es�r�w Items for�vhxch
<br /> pa�r���nt of Funds has been wai�ved b� Lender and, �f Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender receipts
<br /> evidencing such paymen�within such time period as L�nder ma�require. Borrov�rer's obli�a�ion ta make
<br /> such payments and ta pra�id�receipts shal�for a�i purp�ses be deemed to be a covenant and agreement
<br /> contained �n�his 5ecurity Zns�rument, as the phrase "co�enant and agreemen�" �s used �n Section 9. �f
<br /> Borrower is abiiga�ed ta pa� Escrow Items directly, pursuant t� a wai�er, and Barrower fai�s �o pa�the
<br /> amount du� for an Escrow ���m, Lender may�xercis�it� rights under Sect��n 9 and pay such amount and
<br /> Borrower shall then be obl�ga�ed under Sect�on 9 to repa�to Lender any such amount. I.,�nder may r�vok�
<br /> the waiv�r as to any�r all Escraw �tems at any t�me�y a n�t�ce given in accordance�nrith Section 1 S and,
<br /> upon such re�a�ation, Barrow�r shall�ay to Lender a�� Funds, and in such amounts, �hat are�hen requ�red
<br /> under thxs Sectian 3.
<br /> Lender may, a� any�ir��e, co�le��and h��d Funds �n an amount �a} sufi��c��nt to permi� L�nder�� apply the
<br /> Funds at the time spec�fied under RESPA, and �b} not t�exce�d�he maximum amount a lend�r can requ�re
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�� estimate�he amount of Funds due on the bas�s of current data and reasanab�e
<br /> estima�es af expenditures of fu�ure�scra�r ��em,�ar o�hervv�s�in accordance with Appiicable Lav�.
<br /> The Funds sha1l be held in an insti�u�ion wh�se depos��s are insured b�a federal agen�y, �nstrumenta�i�y, �r
<br /> ent�t� �including Lender, �f Lend�r is an inst�tution whose d�pos�ts are so insured} ar in any Federa� Home
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow �texns no �ater than�he�ime spec�f�ed under
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha1l not charge Borraw�r for ho�ding and app�yin�th�Funds, annually analyzing �he
<br /> es�rov� acc�unt, or verifying th� Escrow �tems, unless Lender pays Borrov�er�n��res��n the Funds and
<br /> App�icable Law permits L.�nder t�make such a char�e. Un�ess an agreemen�is made�n v�ri�ing or
<br /> AppliGabie Lav� requires interest�.o be pa�d on�he Funds, L�nder shal�not be required to pay Borrower any
<br /> �nterest or earnings on�he Funds. B�rr�vver and Lender�an agree�n wrz�xng, h�we�er, tha� interest shall �e
<br /> paid�n the Funds. Lender sha�l g��e�o Borr�wer, wi�h�ut charge, an annuai ac��unting of the Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> If�here is a surplus of Funds held �n es�row, as de�ned under RESPA, L,ender shal� account ta Borrovv�r far
<br /> fhe excess funds in accnrdance with RESPA. If there is a shar�age af Funds held in escrow, as defined under
<br /> � RESPA, L�nder sha�l nntify Borrawer as requ�red by R�SPA, and Borro�er shal�pa�r to Lender the amaunt
<br /> necessary�o make up �he sh�rtage in accordance with RESPA, but in na more�han I Z monthiy pa�men�s. �f
<br /> there is a de�i�iency af Funds he�d in e�crow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall no�ify Barrower as
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LINIFQRM INSTRUMENT Form 3428 i 1�1
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi{NE}(i 302f
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 5 af 7 7
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