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2� 1 ���229 <br /> - B�RR�VVER�DVENANTS tha� Barraw�r�s lawfui�y se�sed of�he estate hereby conv�yed and has the right to <br /> grant and��n�ey the Property and that�he Praperty �s unencum�ered, except for�ncumbrances of record. <br /> B�rrower warrants and will defend g�n�rally the ti���ta�he Proper�� against all claims and d�mands, subj ect�o <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH�S SECUR�TY �NSTRUMENT combines uniform�o��nants f�r nat�ona�use an�non-uniform co�enan�s with <br /> Iimited variations by jurisdic�ion to cons�itut�a uniform se�ur�ty xnstrumen��ov�rin� rea�property. <br /> Unifvrm Cv�enants. Barrow�r and L�nd�r co�enant and agree as foliows: <br /> 1. Payment af Principa�. Interest, Esc�ow �tems, Prepaym�nt Charges, and Late ��arges. Borr�we� <br /> shal�pay when due the principa� of, and interest an, the debt��r�den�ed by th�Note ar�d any prepayment <br /> charg�s and late charges due under the Note. Borrawer�hall a�so pay funds far Escrow I�ems pursuar�t to <br /> Sectkon 3. Pa�ments due under the Note and this Se�urity Instrunlent sha��be made in U,S, currericy. <br /> However, if any check or other�nstrument recei�ved by Lender as paymen�und�r the Note or this Secur��y <br /> �nstrumen� is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any ar a�� subsequen�payments du�und�r <br /> � �h�N�te and�his Secur�ty �nstrument be made zn an�ar mare of the fol�owing forms, as s�lected by Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b} money order; �c} cer�ifi�d check, bank check, treasur�r's�hec�ar cashxer's check, pravxded any <br /> such�he�k �s drawn upan an inst��ut��n whose deposits are �nsured by a federal agency, instrumen�ality, ar <br /> ent�ty; or td} Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paymen�s are deemed receiv�d by Lender v�hen received at the Iocat�on d�s�gna�ed in th�Note or at su�h <br /> other location as may be designated by Lender in accordance with�he notice pravisi�ns in�ection 15. <br /> L�nder may r�turn any paym�n�or par�ial payment if�he payment or part�ai payments are insufFi�ien� t� <br /> bring �he Loan eurr�nt. Lender may accept any payment or partial payment insuffic�ent to bring the Loan <br /> �urrent, w��hout vvaiWer of any righ�s hereunder or prejudice�o �ts r�ghts �o refuse such payment or par�iai <br /> paymen�s in the futu��, but Lender is no�o�ligated �o app��r such payments a��he time such payments are <br /> accept�d. �f�ach Periadic Paymen��s appl��� as of its schedu�ed du�da�e, then Lender need n�� pay interes� <br /> �on unapp��e� funds. �.e��de�may hoi�. s�z�h u�.��pli�d funds un�il B�rr��r�r makes paym�nts t� brinb �he <br /> Loan current. If B�rrov�er does not do so vv�thzn a reasonab��period of t�me, Lend�r shal� either apply such <br /> funds or r��urn them to B�rrower. �f no�applied ear�i�r, su�h funds w�il be app�i�d to the outsta�dirzg <br /> pr�ncipal balance und�r the Note immedia�el�prior�o foreclosure. No offset ar claim which Borro�ver migh� <br /> hav�now ar in th� future against Lender shali reiiev�Borrower fr�m mak�ng payments due under the Nflte <br /> and this Security Instrumen�or performzng�he co�enants and agreements secured by�his Secur�ty <br /> �n��rumen�. � <br /> Z. App�ication af Payments or Prviceeds. Excep�as o�herwise d�scr�bed in this S�ction�, aI��ayments <br /> accepted and app��ed by Lender�ha�� be applied in the fo�lowing�rd�r af pr�or��y: �a} int�rest due und�r the <br /> N��e; �b}prin�ipal due und�r th� Not�; �c} amounts due und�r Sect�on 3. Such paymen�s shall be app��ed tn <br /> each P�r�odic Payment in�he ord�r in�vh�ch it�e�ame du�. Any remaining amnunts sha�l be app���d �rs�to <br /> lat�charges, sec�nd ta any��her amounts due under this Securit�Instrument, a�ad then tn reduce the <br /> principa� balanc�of�he Not�. <br /> If Lender receives a paymen�from B�rrawer far a de��nqu�nt P�r�odic Payrnent which inc�udes a suff�cient <br /> amaun��o pay any late charge due, th�pa�ment n�.a�r b�applied t� �he de�inquent paymen� and the �ate <br /> charge, If m�r�than ane Periodic Payment is�utstanding, Lender may apply any pa�men� received fram <br /> B�rrov��r ta the repayrnent of�he Periodic Payments if, and t�the extent that, each paymen�can be paid in <br /> fuli. To the ex�ent tha�any e�cess�xists af��r the payxnent�s app�ied t�th� ful�paym�nt of one or m�re <br /> Periodi� Payments, su�h excess may be applied�o any �ate charg�s due. Voiuntary prepayments shall �e <br /> applied first t� any prepayment charges and then as described in the No�e. <br /> NEBFiASKA-SEng�e Family-�anr�i�MaelFreddie Mac UN�FaRM 1N5TRUM�NT Form 3D28 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE)t13�2y <br /> Wafters K luwer Financial Ser�ices Page 4�f 17 <br />