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2� 1 ��� 152 <br /> DE�D �F TRUST <br /> �Continu�d} Pag� 7 <br /> manner as they or either of them may �n their absolute disGretion determine. No r�medy conferred upan or <br /> reserved to Trustee ar Lender, is intended to be exclusi�e of any other remedy in th is Deed of Trust or by law <br /> p�o��ded or permitted, hut ea�h sha�� be cumula�i�e and sha[I be �n additiQn to e�ery a�her remedy gi�en in this <br /> Deed of Trust or now or hereafter exis�ing at �aw o�in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy giWen by the <br /> Credit Ag�eement or any af �he Rela�ed Documents ta Trustee or Lende� ar to which ei�her a� them may he <br /> �therwise entitled, may be exercis�d, cancurrently or independently, from t�me to �ime and as o�ten as may be <br /> deemed exped�ent by Tru�tee ar L�nder, and eith�r o�them may pursue �nconsistent remedies. Nathing in th�s <br /> D�ed a�Trust shall be canstrued as proh�bit�ng Lender fram seeking a defciency judgment agains�the Trustar to <br /> the extent such action is permi�ted by law. <br /> Election of Remedies. All of Lender`s righ�s and remedies w�ll be cumulati�e and may he exercised alone or <br /> tagether. I� Lender decides �o spend maney or to perform any o�Trustar's abligations under this ❑eed af Trust, <br /> after Trustor's failure to do sa, that decision by Lender wflf not at�ec# Lender's right ta declare Trustar in default <br /> and ta exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> Request far Notice. Trustor, an behalf of Trustor and Lender, hereby requests that a copy o�any Noti�e��C�efault <br /> and a copy of any Nat�ce of Sale unde�thi� Deed o�Trust be mailed to them a�the addresses set for�h �n�he first <br /> paragraph of this Deed❑�Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. lf Lend�r insti�utes any suit or action ta enfarce any of�he terms of this Deed �f <br /> Trust, Lender shafl be entitled �o �eco�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attarneys' fees at�rial <br /> and upan any appeai. Whethe� or n�t any caurt action is involved, and �o #he ex�ent not prahibit�d by law, afl <br /> reasonable expenses Lender �ncurs that in L�nder's opinion are necessary at any time for the protec�ion of �ts <br /> inter�st or the enfvrcement of its rights shall become a par�af the lndeb�edness payable on demand and sha�l bear <br /> interest a� the Credit Ag�eement rate f�om the date of the expenditure until repaid. Expenses ���ered by this <br /> paragraph include, without limi�ation, howe��r subject to any limi�s under app[�cable iaw, Lend�r's attorneys' f�es <br /> and L�nder's I�ga! expenses, whethe� or n�� there is a lawsuit, including at�orneys` fees and expenses for <br /> bankrup�cy proGeedings ��ncluding effa�ts�o modify or�acate any automa�ic stay o� injunction}, appeals, and any <br /> anficipa�ed post�judgmen� collection S�IVlC�S, the cosf af searching records, abtaining �it�e repor�s �including <br /> �oreclosure reporks}, surveyors' repor�s, and appra�sal�ees, title insurance, and fees for the Trustee, to the exten� <br /> pe�mitted by applicable�aw, Trus�ar a�so will pay any�our�costs, in additian#a alf o�her sums pro�ided by law. <br /> Rights of Trus�ee. Trustee sha[� have af[o��h�righ�s and duties o�Lender as set for�h in�his section. <br /> P�1�VERS AN D �BLlGAT�4NS�F TR�STEE. The fallowing pravisians relating to the powe�s and��iigat�ons❑f Trustee <br /> are part af this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Powers �f Trustee. In addition to al�powers of Trustee ar�s�ng as a mat�er of law, Truste�shall have the pow�r�a <br /> take the fo�lowing ac�ions w�th respe�t to�he Property upon �he wr�t�en request of Lender and Trustar: (a}join in <br /> preparing and filing a map or plat af the Real P�aperty, including the dedica�i�n of stre�ts or other �ights to the <br /> public; (b} join in granting any easement or creat�ng any restr�ction an �he Reaf P�aperty; and �c} �ain �n any <br /> subordination or other agreemen�affecting this Deed af T�ust or the inferest o�Lende�under this Deed❑�Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet all qualifications required for Trustee under applicable Eaw. In addition to the �igh�s <br /> and r�medies set forth above, with respec�to all or any pa� of the Property, the Trustee shall have the right to <br /> farec�ose by noti�e and sale, and Lender wil� have �he r�ght to foreclose by judicial forec[osure, in ei�her �ase in <br /> accardance with and�o the ful!extent pro�ided by applicab�e faw. <br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's option, may from t�me�a time appoin�a successor Trustee to any Trustee <br /> appointed under this Deed o�F Trust by an instrument executed and acknowledged by Lender and re�orded in the <br /> offiGe of the recorde� of HALL Coun�y, Stat� o� Neb�aska. The instrument shall conta�n, in addi��an to a11 other <br /> matters required by state 1aw,�the names o� the original Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, the b�ok and pag� �or <br /> computer system reference} where this Deed of Trust is recorded, and the name and address of the sucGessor <br /> trustee, and the instrument sha11 be executed and a�knawledg�d�y all the�eneficiaries under this Deed of Trust or <br /> thei�successors in interest. The suc�essor trustee, without conveyance of the Property, shafl succeed to al� the <br /> t��le, power, and duties c�nferred upon the Trustee in this Deed af Trust and by applicable faw. This p�ocedur�far <br /> substi�ution of Trus#ee shaCl go�ern to the exclusian af all other proWisions for substitution. <br /> NC]TICES. Any notic� required to be g��en under th�s ❑eed of Trus�, inc�uding wi�hout limitation any notice of default <br /> and any n�tice of sale shall be given in writ�ng, and shall be effecti�e when actual�y de�ivered, vuhen actual[y re��ived <br /> by telefacsimile �un�ess othenlvise required by law},when deposited with a nationally recognized overnight courier, ar, if <br /> mailed,when deposi�ed in the Uni�ed S�ates mail, as first class, certified or regis�ered maii postage prepaid, directed�o <br /> the add�esses shown near the beginning ❑f�his Deed of Trust. All copies of not�ces of�oreclosure from the haid�r of <br /> any [ien which has priarity o�er this ❑eed of Trust shal[ be sent�o Lender°s address, as shown near the beginning o� <br /> �his Deed of Trus�. Any person may change his or her address for na�ices under this Deed of Trust by giving farmal <br /> writ�en not�ce to �he other persvn or persons, specifying tha� the purpose of the notice is to change the person's <br /> address. For notice purpases, Trustor agrees to keep Lende�infarmed at all times�f Trustar's current address. Unless <br /> ❑therwise prov�ded or required by lavu, ���here is more�han one Trust�r, any natice given by Lender to any Trustar is <br /> deemed t�be notice given fio a!1 Trustors. It will be Trus�or's�espansibi[i�y�a te�l the athers of the no�ice fram Lender. <br /> MISCELLANE�IJS PR�VISIQNS. Th�fol��w�ng misce[laneaus pro�isions are a park o�this Deed of Trust: <br />