<br /> � �
<br /> Nt1N-I�NiNUKti!l.UV1:Ni1N'!'ti K�rrr�nver and t.en�.��turther ru�•en.►n� .+nd.►�;�rr a's F��►�","��0028 2
<br /> 19. Acaeleratiun; kemedies. Ix�der shall �ive n��tire «� Uurruwer 4�ri��r to acceleratian fuUi�wing Uurn�wer's
<br /> brearh ief Wny caven�n�c�r agreemenc in this Securuy lnstrument tbut nuc pnur ca accelerutian under pacagn�phs l;and
<br /> 17 unless a=+plic�M�I�w provi�es othenvisel.7'he notice shsll s�wriiy:!al�he defaulr.(bl theaccion req��ired tn rure the
<br /> def�ult;(c1 a d�te.nat Iess than i0 days f�um ahe date che notice isg iven ta Horrower.6y which thedefaulc must be cured;
<br /> and Idl that failuce co cure the default un Qr befase th�clate specified i�the natice may result in acceleracian af the sums
<br /> � secured by this Security lnstrument �nd sale of the Praperty. The aotice shall furcher inform Barrowcr of the
<br /> right to teinstace aker acceleration and che right co bring a courc arcIon to assert the non-existence of a default ur any
<br /> other defrnse of Borrower co acceleration and sAle.lf che defaule is not cured on or before chc dAte specified in the aotice,
<br /> F.r.ndre at its�ption m:.y c�airr itnsnesliase gs���rns in full af�!1 sums��eur��by thi�Srcurity•In�trusn:nt 1:•ithaut
<br /> funher demAnd��d msy iovoke the pawer af s e and any other remedles permitted by applicable law.Le,nder shaQ be
<br /> entitled tv catlect s�l)expenses incurred in pursuing che remedies provided in chis paragcaph 19. including. but Rot
<br /> limited ca,reuanable attarneys'fees and cosca of ticle evidence.
<br /> If the power of sale is iavoked�Trustee shall record�notice of def�ult in each county ia which any part of the
<br /> Property is torated and shwl)mail copies of such notice in the manner prescri6ed hy applicable law to Horrower s�nd to che
<br /> ather persons prescribed by applicable law.After the cime required by applicable law.Trustee shall give public notice of
<br /> sale co che persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable taw.Trustee,without demand an Borrawer�shAll sell the
<br /> Property at public auction to che highest bidder s�t the time and plRCe and under tihe terms designaced in the notice of sale
<br /> ia one or more pstcels and in aay order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Propeny
<br /> by public a�nouncement ac the ci me and place of any previously scheduled sale.Lender or its designee may purchase the
<br /> Properry�c any ssle.
<br /> Upon ceceipt of paymeat of che price bid,Truscee shall deliver to che purchaser Trustee's deed coaveying the
<br /> Property.The cecitals ia the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the cruch of che statements made therein.
<br /> Trustce shxll apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a)ca all expenses of the sale. including.but not
<br /> limited to,Trustee 9 fees as permitted by Applica6le law and reasonable attorneys'fees; lb)to all sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument;��d(c1 any excess to the person or persons legally entided to i[.
<br /> ; 20. Lender ia Pouession. Upun acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandanmenc of che Propercq, l.ender (in
<br /> person.by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shal!be entitled to enter upon, cake possession uf and manage the
<br /> property and to collest the renes of the Property including those pasc due.Any rents collected by Lender ur che receiver shall
<br /> be a�plied first to payment uf�he coscs of management of che Propercy and collectian of rents,inciuding,but�at limiced co,
<br /> recerver's fees,premiums an receiver's bonds and reasonable accorneys'fees,and chen eu che sums secured by this Securicy
<br /> , lnscrumenc.
<br /> 21.Reconveyance.Upon paymenc of all sums secured by chis Security lnstrument,Lender shall request Trus[ee co
<br /> recanvey the Property aad shall surrender this Security)ns[rumeni and all nuces evidencing debt secured by chis Security
<br /> lns[ramen[ca Trustee.Truscee shai)reconvey the Arorercy with<iut warranty and wirh��ut charge ta the persan ar persons
<br /> legally entided to it. Such person ur persons shall pay any recordation cuscs. '
<br /> 22.Substitute Trustee.Lend�r,at its option,may from time tu timr remove Truscer and appoint a successor truscee
<br /> ta any Truscee appoinced hereunder by an inscrumenc recurded in[he councy in which rhis Security lnsrrument is recorded.
<br /> ' Withuut cunveyance of che Property,the successor trustee shall succeed tu all che title,power and duries cnnferred upon '
<br /> Trustec herein and 6y applicable law. j ,
<br /> - - 2a. aeyuesi iui i�uiicra. narrower rc�urscs ihai cupirs of tne notices ui aeiauft and saie be sent to norrower's � ��_
<br /> address which is che Property Address.Horrower furcher requests that cupies af the nutices uf default and sale be senc co each -.. _
<br /> person who is a parry hereca at the addr�ss of such person set furth herein. '
<br /> � 24.Ridera to this Security lnstrument. If nne ur more riders are execuced by Borrawer and recorded together with
<br /> chis Securicy lnstrumene.the covenancs and agreements uf each such rider shall be i�corporaced into and shall amend and
<br /> supplement the cuvenants and agreements of chis Security lns�rument as if che rider(s) were a part of this Security , `�-
<br /> Instrument. �Chcck applicable boxles).J
<br /> . '*
<br /> � ❑Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Condominium Rider ❑2•4 Family Rider �
<br /> �Graduated Payment Rider ❑Planned Unic Developmenr Rider
<br /> ❑Ocher(s) (specify J !
<br /> {
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepcs and agrees co the cerms and covenancs coneained in chis Securicy •`
<br /> Inscrumenc a�d in any rides(s)execuced by Borruwer and recurded wich ic. '
<br /> $ �Q'+".'�'�.�. ...........(Seal) '�
<br /> : RUNAi� H. BERNP 505-54-7168� -Borrower ��� :
<br /> x � �( ��?�F- �
<br /> ��K��.HIIiNP 505-66-9941........... (Seal)
<br /> —8orrower
<br /> [Spae�BNow This Un�For AcknowlMpm�ntJ
<br /> �
<br /> � ` STATE OF NE$RASKA, ........�?�........................... County ss:
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> ' 12TH
<br /> On this .... ........ day of .JAN�TARY,,,,, . �q 9,0, ,before me,the undersi gned a Nutary Yublic
<br /> du���is�ion dg a�d q lified for said councy,personally came ���.H., BERL�TP,505-54,-79.6'8 a�,I�D,,,,,,,,
<br /> ............ Y1�tiN1'.��5-66-9941.,..#�V�$�A�IP..�N4..��,k'�...................
<br /> .tu me knuwn co be the
<br /> identical pers��sZwxhose name(s)are subscribed to the foreguing inscrumrnt and acknuwledgrd thr execution thereof tu br _ _
<br /> ...........��I................... voluncary act and deed. ' - -— --
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at ..�Q.�U�1$uS..�AHK.&..TRUST..COMPAKX in said cuunty,the datr �
<br /> aforesaid. �
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> MyCummissiun expires: ... l . . .... ....... ........ ..... a
<br /> L � . . •
<br /> •Notary.Publ�c
<br /> ��,pµNOTABY-State o1 �
<br /> aorce a► anuuc �,�
<br /> _ M�Comm Exp Oet 13.1991 �ip!
<br /> �l�J
<br /> (. �
<br /> �. ..
<br />, �
<br />