1 �
<br /> r �
<br /> � 90-� i��n���
<br /> If l.ender required martgage insurance as a cundition uf making the I��an secured by this Securiry In•
<br /> strumeat,Borrow�er shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as a requirement fot
<br /> the insurance terminaees in accurdance with Burruwer's and Lender's writte�agreement ur applicable law.
<br /> S.lnspection.Lende�ur its agent may make reasonable entries upon and iaspectiuns uf che Pruperty.Lender shull
<br /> give Hurrower nutice ac the �ime of c�r prior to an inspertion specifying reasanable rause fur the inspection.
<br /> 9.Condemnation.The praceeds of any award or claim fur damages,direa or cunsequenrial,in cunnection wich any
<br /> condemnacion ur aeh�r caki�g of aay part uf che Propercy,ur for conveyance in lieu of condemnatiun,are hereby assigned and
<br /> shal)be paid to Le�de�.
<br /> I� the event uf a tutal takin�;uf che Prupercy, che prc�ceeds shall 6e applied to che sums secured by this 5ecurity
<br /> � Instrumenc,whether ur nut then due,wich any excess paid�o Borruwer.!n the event uf a partial caking of the Property,unless
<br /> Horrower and Lender utherwise agree ia writi�g,the sums secured by this Secutity Instcument shall be reduced by the amuunt
<br /> uf the proceeds multiplied by the fulluwing fractian: (a)che total amuunt uf the sums secu�ed immediately hefure taking,
<br /> divided by tb)the fair market value of the Praperty immediately bef��re�he caking.A�y balance shall 6e paid to Barrower.
<br /> If the Praperty is abando�ed by Horrower,or if.after nutice by Lender cu Borruwer that che cundemnor affers tu make
<br /> an award ur settle a claim for damages,Borrower fails co respcmd a�Lender w ithin i0 days after the date the notice is given,
<br /> Lender is authorized to cullect and apply the prcxeeds,at its uptiun,either to restoration ur repair uf the Praperty or ta the
<br /> sums secured by chis Securicy lnstrument,whethe�or noc chen due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agree in writing,any applicatiun uf proceeds to principal shall not extend ur
<br /> ; postpone che due dace uf the munchl�payments referred co in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Released; Forbears�nce By Lender Not a Waiver. �xcensian uf che cime for paymenc ur
<br /> modification uf amurcizacion af chesums secured by this Security lnstrument granced by Lender co any successor in interest of
<br /> Horrower shall�ot aperate co release the liability of the original Burruwer or Borrower's successors in interest.Lender shall
<br /> ; not be required co commence prucee�ings agains[any successur in iuerrrat ur refuse co exeend cim�for paymrnt ur othrrwise
<br /> mc�dify amorcizacion of che sums secured hy chisSecuricy lnserumen�by reasanof any demand madeby�heuriginal Burrower ,
<br /> � or Borrower's successors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shaU not be a waiver of or '
<br /> • j preclude the exercise uf any right or remedy.
<br /> a 11.Successors and Assigas Hound;Joi�t and Several Liability;Co-signers.The covenants and agreemenrs of this
<br /> � Securicv Instrument shall bind and benefit the successurs and assi�ns uf Lender and Burrower,subject to the pruvisiuns uf ;_ �
<br /> paragraph 17. Burrower's covenants and agrerments shnll be joint and several. Any Borronrer whu co-signs ehis Security .
<br /> ; Inserument but dues nut execute�he Nuce:(a)iscu•signin�this Securi[y Instrument only co morcgage,granc and convey that ,r, �_
<br /> Burruwer's incerest in[he Property under the[erms uf chis Security lnstrument;lb1 is nuc personally ubligaeed tu pay the � .-
<br /> sums secured by this Secnricy Instrur:tent;and(c?agrees thac Lender and any othec&►rruwer may agree w rxtend,mudify. _
<br /> forhear ��r make any accommodatiuns with rrgard tu thr terms uf this Security lnserument or the Note withuut thac _
<br /> Burruwer's wnsenc. � -
<br /> 11. Loan Chs�rges. If[he luan secured by chis Securicy lnscrument is subjece to a law which sets maximum luan �:
<br /> charges,and that law is finally i�terpreted su that the incerest ur ucher loan charges collecred or to be collecced in cunnection '
<br /> � with the loan exceed the permitted limies,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amuunt necessary co reduce
<br /> checharge eu che permicced limic;and(b>any sums already collected from Borrowrr which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> � refunded ta Borruwer.Lender may ch�wsr to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a �
<br /> ' direcc payment co B�rrower.If a refund reduces principai,the reduction will be treated as a parcial prepayment without any ;
<br /> � prepaymenc charge under che Nuie. ;
<br /> . 13.L.egislation Affecting Lender's Rights.If enaccment ur expiration of applicable laws has the effec[of rendering
<br /> any provision of che Noce or this Security Instrument unenfurceable according cu ics terms.Lender,ai ics option,may require
<br /> immediace paymenc in full of al1 sums secured by chis Securiry lnscrumenc and may invoke any remedies permiited by � �`���
<br /> � paragtaph 19.If Lender exercises this uption,Lender shall cake the steps specified in the second paragraph of paragraph 17. � �- �
<br />� ; 14. Notices. Any nocice cu Burrower provided far in chis Security Instrument shall be given by delivering ic or by • . :
<br /> . mailing ic by firsr class mail unless applicable!aw requires use of anueher mechod.The nocice shall be direcced cv the Prupercy
<br /> Address or any uther address Borruwer designates by notice to Lender.Any notice co Lender shall be given by first class mail
<br /> • co Lrnder's address sta[ed herein or any other address Lender designates by notice ro Borrower.Any nocice provided for in
<br /> this Security Instrument shall be deemed tu have been given tu Borroaer or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 15.Governing I,aw; Severability. This Security Instrumenc shall be governed by federal law and che law of che
<br /> jurisdiction in which che Prapercy is located.ln cheevent that any provisiun orclausruf thisSrcurity lnstru�nent or thr No[e
<br /> conf licts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisiuns of this Security Inscrument ur the Nute which can
<br /> . be given efftct withnut the conflicting provision.Tv this end che pruvisiuns of this Security lnstrument and the Nate are
<br /> • declared to be severable.
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one confurmed cupy uf che Noce and uf rhis Security Ins[rumenc.
<br /> 17. Transfer of the Propeny or a Beneficia{ lnterQSC in Borrower. !f all ur any parc of the Prope:cy ur any
<br /> ineeresc in ic is suld or transferred(ur if a beneficial interest in Burrower is sold c�r transferred and Burruwer is noc a nacural
<br /> person) without Lender's prior wricten consent,Lender may,at its opcion, require immediate payment in fnll uf all sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument.However,this c�ption shall noc be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal � - -_
<br /> law as of the dace of this Securicy]nstrumenc. '
<br /> lf Lender exercises chis option,Lender shall give$orrower nvticevf accelerativn.The nutice shall pruvide a periud of �
<br /> not less chan 30 days from the date the notice is delivered ur maited within which Barrower musc pay all sums secured by this ,
<br /> Securicy lnstrument. If Borrower fails to pay chese sums prior cu che expiration uf rhis perie�d, i.ender may invc�kr any .
<br /> remedies permitted by this 5ecurity Instrument aithout further notice or demand un Burniwer.
<br /> � 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets ccrtain cunditic�ns, &�rruwrr shall have tht• ri};ht cu have �
<br /> enfurcemene uf�his Security lnstrumrnt discuntinurd at any time prior eu theearlier uf: (a>5 days e��r such ucher period as �
<br /> applicable law may sprcify fur rrinseatement)befure sale��F rhe Proprrty pursuanc cu any puwer��f s�lr cuntainrd in this Se-
<br /> curity Instrumrnr,ur(b)enrry of a judgrnrnt rnfurcing this Sewrity Instrumen�. 7'huse cunditiunti arr thrt 1lurruwer. (a� `�
<br /> payti I.endr�all�ums which�hen wuuld hedue undrr�his Security imtrument and thr N��te•had n��eecrler.,uun uiu�rrcd;e h� �
<br /> eures nnydrfa+ilt uf any�,thrrcumcnentsur e�;ret•mrnts;(c)pnys allexpemes in�urrrd�nrnf��r�.ink thi.tir�un�y In��rumrnt. I+f1�
<br /> includ�n};.bur nut limi�ed r�r,rr�sunable.�nurncyti' frrti,�nd �Ji �.,kes+u�h .�ai�m .i� Lcn.lrr n�.iy rc•.����n.�bl} rryuirr tu.is • �`"'
<br /> tiurc that thc hcn uf thi�ticwnty Irntnunent.Lrndrr��r�};hn in �hc• !'rnp,rr�y .�nd H��rr��ucr. ��hli};,�wm ��� �,.i} ihr.unn "' °
<br /> cr�ured hy thiti `ciunty Imttutncnt �h,�ll u�r�r�nur un�h.�riy;c�i l;F,��n rr�n�t.uc�ncnt hv li.�rrrn�t•i.thi.�rcutit� In.trumcnt
<br /> �nd rht•nblikntinnti tic�ure.1 herrhy tih�ll re•m.iin (uUy rlfrttivt ,�+ ii n�� .�ue•Icr.�ci�m h.id ,�e�i�rrt•�1 H��ui•�cr. �ln. i n:lir t��
<br /> rcm�tate rh.ill nnt e�,��jy in thr c.i+c ��f a<<rlt r.ihun umlcr �,.it.�};r.�phti l; ,�r I '
<br /> �
<br />