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2� 1 ��� 113 <br /> ' DEED DF TRUST <br /> ���C1tlnLied} Page 6 <br />� <br />� NDTICES. Any notice �equired t❑ be gi�en under this Deed of Trust, includ�ng without Iimi�ation any notice of de�au�t <br /> and any no�ice of sale shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be effective when actually de�i�ered, wh�n actually receirred <br /> by t�le�acsimile {unless otherwise required by 1aw}, when deposi�ed with a nationa�ly reaognized o�ernight�ourier, orr if <br /> mailed, when deposited �n the United Sta�es mailr as firs�c�ass, certified or registered mail postage prepaid, direc�ed to <br /> the adcfresses shown near fhe beginning of this Deed ❑f Trust. AII copies ❑t no�ices of fore�Iasure from the holder af <br />� any iien which has priority o�er�his Deed ❑f Trust sha�� be sent to Lender's address, as shawn near the beginning ❑f <br /> this Deed of Trust. Any person may change his or her address for notices under this Deed o�Trust by gi�ing �or�mal <br /> written notice to the other person or- persons� specifying that the purpase at the nat�ce is to change �he pe�son's <br />' addr-ess. Far no�ice purposes,Trustor agrees ta keep Lender in�ormed at all times o�Tr�ustor"s cur�en�address. Unless <br />, otherwise pro�ided or requir�d by law, ifi th�re is mare than one Trus�or, any notice given hy Lender to any Trustor is <br />� deemed ta be no�ice gi�en to aI!Trus�ors. It will be Trus�o�'s respansibility to teII the others of the notice�rom Lender. <br /> M15CELLAiVE�US PR�VISIfl[IIS. The fo�2owing misce�laneaus p�-ovisians are a part o�f this Deed af T�usf: <br /> Amendments. What is written in this ❑eed vf Trus� and in the Related Documenfs is Trus�or's entire agreement <br /> with Lender concerning the matters covered hy this ❑eed of Trust. To be effecti�e� any change ❑r amendment to <br />, this Deed of T�us�mus�be �n writing and mus�be signed by whoe�er wil� be bound or obliga�ed by the change or <br />; amendmen�. <br />� Caption Headings. Caption headings in this ❑eed ot Trust are �or con�enience purposes on�y and are not to be <br />; <br />' used to in�erpret or define the prvvisions o��h�s Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> , Merggr. The�e shall be na merger-o�the interest❑r�state created by this Deed o�Trust with an�y other inte�est or <br /> ; estate in the Property at any time held by or for the benefit of Lender in any capacity, without the writ�en cvnsent <br /> �� of Lender. <br /> ' Gavernin� Law. This Deed vf Trust will be go�erned by federaI �aw appIicable to Lender and. t❑ the extent nat <br /> � <br /> � preempted by fedexal law,the laws of the 5tate of Nebraska withaut regard to its �onflicts of Iaw provisions. This <br /> i Deed af Trus�has been ac�epted by Lender in the 5tate vf Nebraska. <br /> Choice of Venue. If there is a lawsuit, Trustot- agr-ees upon Lender's request to submit to �he jurisd�ction ❑�the <br /> � courts ot Hall County, State o�Nebraska. <br /> Joint and 5everal Liabiltty. AII �bligations ❑f Trusfor under this Deed o�T�us�sha!! be joint and se�eral, and a!I <br /> references ta Trus�or shal� mean ea�h and e�ery Trustvr. Thi$ means �hat ea�h Trustor sign�ng below is <br /> �espansib�e for at� obligations in this ❑eed of Trus�. <br /> ' N❑Wai�er by Lender. Trustor unders�ands Lender wxII not gi�e up any o�Lend�r's rights under this Deed of Trust <br /> ' � unless Lender does so in writing. The �ac�that Lender delays or- omits to e�tercise any right wi�! not mean �ha� <br /> ' Lender has gi�en up �hat right� �fi Lender does agree in w�iting �ta gi�e up ❑ne of Lende�-'s rights, tha� daes,no� <br /> � mean Trusfior will not ha�e to camply with the athe� pror�isions of�his Deed of Trust, T�u$�o� aIso understands <br /> � that if Lender does aonsent to a reques�, �hat does nv� mean that Trustor will not have to get Lender's consent <br /> again if the situation happens again. Trustor�urther understands�hat jus�because Lender consents to ane or more <br /> of Trusto�'s �equests, tha� does not mean Lender will be required to consen�ta any o�Trustor's future requ�s�s. <br /> Trus�or waives p�esentment, demand for payment, p�otest� and notic�of dishvnor. <br /> 5avarability. If a court finds tha� any pro�ision o�this ❑eed of Trus� is nv��alid or should no� be en�ar�edr �hat <br /> fac�by i�self wi[� nat mean that the rest af this Deed ❑�Trust wiIl no�be rralid ❑r enforced. Therefore, a court wiII <br /> enf�rce the res�of�he prv�isions of�his ❑eed ❑�Trust e�en it a pro�ision a�this Deed o�Trust may b�found fo be <br /> in�a�id ar unenfv�-ceable. <br /> Successors and Assigns. Subject to any limitations s#ated in this �eed of Trus�on tr-ansfer ❑f Trusto�-'s interest, <br /> � this Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure �o the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. I� <br /> � owne�ship of the Property becomes �ested in a person othe��han Trustor, Lender, without notice to Trustorr may <br /> � deal wi�h Trus�o�'s successors with reference to this Deed of Trust and the I ndebtedness by�nray��fo�bearance or <br /> ; ex�ension wi�hou�reIeasing Trustor from�he❑btigations of this ❑e�d o�Trust or 1iab�ri�y under the Indebtedness. <br /> � Time is of the Essence. Time is of th�essence in the per�a�mance o�this ❑�ed o�Trust. <br /> �� Wairrer of Homestead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and wai�es aII rights and bene�its o� the homes�ead <br /> exe �io aws of the S�ate of Nebraska as t❑ aI� lndebtedness secured b this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> mp nl y <br /> � DEFIIV�TlONS. The follawing words shail ha�e�he follawing meanings when used in this Deed of Trust: <br /> Beneficiary, The word "Bene�iciary" means Exchange Bank, and its successors and assigns. <br /> Barrawer. The word "garrower" means Martin Jung�n and Nadine Jungen and includes a�I ca-signe�s and <br /> S co-makers signing the Credit Agreemen�and aII their successvrs and assigns. <br /> Gredrt Agr�emen�. The words "Credi�Agreement" mean the credit agreemen�dated 5eptember 'f 2, ��'i 6� w[th <br /> credit limit of $4�,���.��from Trustor to Lende�,together with aII renewals of, �x�ensions of; m�bdifications <br /> of{ refinancings o�, conso�idatians of, and substitutions for the promissory note or agreemeri�. 'NDTiCE T� <br /> TRUST�R: THE GREDIT AGREEMENT CONTAINS A VARIASLE 1NTEREST RATE. � � '� � <br /> ,_ _ , . <br /> ❑eed ❑f Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this.Deed af Trust among Trustor,-Lender,�and Trus�ee, and <br /> `� includes without limitation a�� asszgnm�n� and security in�erest pro�isions relating to the Per�svnal Property and <br /> ' Rents. . � _ <br /> � �• . <br /> � EnvironmentaI Laws. The words "En�ironmental -Laws" mean any and all,state, federal and local s�atutes, <br /> �eguIations and ordinances rela�ing ta the p�-atection of human heaIth o�- the en�ironm�nt, inc�uding withaut <br /> � limi�ation �he Comprehensi�e En�ironmenta� Respvnse� Compensat�onr and Liabifity Act afi 198�� as amendedr 42 <br /> . U.S.�. Sectian 96��, et seq. {"CERCLA"�,the SuperF�tnd Amendments and Reau�horization A�t❑f 'i 98E, Pub. L. <br /> ' Na, 99�499 {"SARA'�},the Hazardous Materials T�ansportation A�t,49 U.S.C. 5ection 18D1, et seq.,the R.esource <br /> ' Conser�ation and Recovery Act, 4� U.S,C. Section E9��r �t 5eC{,, ar o�her applica�le state ❑��ederaI laws, rules, <br /> or�eguIativns adopted pur-suant#here�a. <br /> Event of Defauit. The wo�ds "E�en�o�Defau��'�` mean any of the events of default set�vrth in this Deed of Trust in <br /> the e�snts o�defiault section ❑f this �eed o�Trust. <br /> Existing �nd�btedness. The wcrrds nExisting lndehtedness" mean the indeb�edness described in the Existing Liens <br /> pro�zsion of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Hazardous Subs�an�es. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean ma�er�aIs that, because o� their quanti�y, <br /> concen�ration �� physica�, chemicaI or in�Fecfiious charaGteristics, may cause or pose a p�esent or� pvten�ia� haza�-d <br /> ` to human health or the environment when improperly us�d, treated� stared, dispased ❑f, generated, manu�actured, <br /> transported or othet-wise handIed. The wards "Hazardous Subs�ances" are used in the�r�ery braadest sense and <br /> inciude without limitation any and all hazardous or toxic substancesr ma�eriais or waste as detined by or iis�ed <br /> under the En�ironmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" also includesr without�imitation, petroIeum and <br /> petroleum by-products or-any f�ac�ion�her�of and asbes�os. . <br /> � lmpravemenfs. The word '�`Imp�arrements" means a�� exis�ing and future imp�o�ements. buildings, structures, <br /> mabile homes af�ixed ❑n the Real P�ope�ty, �acilities, additionsr replacements and o�her construc�ion�on the ReaI <br />