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<br /> F�EED �F TRUST
<br /> tGonf[nued} Page 5
<br /> and �lecfivn to cause Trustor's interest in�he Property�o b�soId, which no�ice Trus�ee shatl cause to be
<br /> duIy filed�or�ecord in�he approp�iafe offices af�he County in which the Property is loca�ed; and
<br /> �dy Wifh respec��o al! or-any part af�he PersonaI Property, Lender shaf� ha�e all the righ�s and t�emedies
<br /> o�a secured par-ty under�he Neb�aska Uniform Commercial Code.
<br /> Foreciosure by Power of SaIe. �-�Lender elec�s t❑�a�e�lase by exercise v��he Power o�SaIe herein con�ained,
<br /> Lender shaIl notify Trusfee and sha�i deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trus� and �he Credit Agreement and
<br /> such re�e�pts and e�idence❑f e�penditures mad�and secured by this �eed of T�us�as Trus�ee may requi�e.
<br /> �a} Upan receipt❑f such notice from Lender,Trus�e�shaII cause to be �ecorded, published and deli�ered
<br /> �❑ Trustor su�h No�ice af❑efault and Notice o�Sale as �hen r�quired by faw and by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee shali, wi�thout demand ❑n Trus�or, afte� such �ime as may then �e required hy Iaw and after
<br /> recorda�ion of such Noti�e of DefauIt and after No�ice af 5ale ha�ing been gi�en as required by iaw, seIl
<br /> �he Property at the time and place of sale �ixed by i� in such No�ice ❑� Sale, eithe� as a who�e, or in
<br /> separa�e lots or parceIs❑r i�ems as Tr�ustee shail deem expedien�, and in such order as i�rr�ay de�ermine,
<br /> at pub�ic auction to the highest bidder for cash in law�uf mon�y of�he Unifed States payable at the time
<br /> of sale. Trustee shaIl deli�er �o such purchaser vr purchasers thereof ifs good and sufficien� deed ❑r
<br /> deeds con�eying the praperty so sold, but wi�hau� any co�enant or warranty, expr-ess or implied. Th�
<br /> reci�a�s in such deed of any matters or tacts shaII be conclusi�� p�oo� of the�ruthfulness �hereof. Any
<br /> persanr includ�ng wi�hout limitation Trus�or-,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase a�such sale.
<br /> {b} As �-r-aay b� permit�ed by law, after deduc�ing all costs, fees and expenses of Trusfe� and of �his
<br /> Tr�ust, including costs of e�idence a-F title in cannection with saIe,Trustee sha�i apply�he proceeds af saie
<br /> � �o paymen� of �i) all sums expended unde�the �erms ❑f�his Deed of Trust or under the f�rms a� the
<br /> Credi�Agreemen� no�then �epaid, including hut not Iimited �o accrued interest and late charges, �ii} all
<br /> ❑ther sums then secured herehy, and �iii) �he remaind�r, if any, to the person or persons legally entitled
<br /> �he�eto.
<br /> {c} Trus�ee may in the manner pra�ided by law po��pane sale ❑f all �r any portion of the Proper.ty,
<br /> Remedies Not ExcIusi�e. Trusfee and Lender, and each ❑� �hem, shall be entitied to enforce paymen� and
<br /> per�Formance ofi any indeb�edness vr obIigations secu�ed by this Deed o�Trust and�o exercise all rights and powers
<br /> under�his Deed of Trus�, under the C�edit Agreemenf, under any of fhe Related Dacuments, vr under any other
<br /> agreement o� any laws naw or herea�-ter in force; notwithstanding, same at- all o� such indebtedness and
<br /> �b�igations secured by this Deed o�Trust may now or hereafter be otherwise securedr whether I�y mortgage� deed
<br />� af trus�, p�edge, lien� assignment or❑therwxse. Neither fhe acceptanae o�this Deed ot Trust n��-i�s enfo�cement,
<br /> whether by court ac�ion or pursuant ta the power ot sale ar- other powers contained in this Deed of Trust, shall
<br /> p�-e1udice or in any manner affect Tt'ustee's or Lender'� right to rea�ize upon or enforce any ofher security now or
<br /> hereafter held by Trus�ee or Lender, it being ag�eed that Trus�ee and Lender,,..and each o��hem, sha�� be en�itred to
<br /> enforce �his Deed o�F T�-ust and any other security naw or hereafter he�d �y Lender or Truste� in such ord�r and
<br /> manner� as �hey o� either vf them may in �heir absoIute discretion de�ermine. No remedy conferred upon or
<br />� reserved to Trustee or- L�nde�, is intended to be excIusr�e ❑f any other remedy in �his Deed of Trust ar by law
<br /> pro�ided or permitted, but each shall be cumulati�e and shalI be in addi�ivn to every other remedy gi�en in �his
<br /> ❑eed o�Trust or naw or hereaffet��xis�ing a��aw ot-in equi�y or by sta�u�e. Errery power or �emedy girr�n by, the
<br /> Credit Agreemen� ❑r any of the Related Documen�s �o Trustee or Lender ar �❑ which e��her o� them may be
<br /> o-Cherwise entitied, may be ex�raised, concur�en�ly ❑r independen�iy, frorr� �ime �a time and as ❑ft�n as may be
<br /> deemed expedien� by Trus�ee or- Lender{ and e'rfiher af them may pursue incansis�tent remedies. No�hing in this
<br /> Deed o�Trust shail �e construed as prvhibiting Lender from seeking a de�iciency judgment against the Trustor to
<br /> �he ex�ent such a�tivn is p��mitted by�aw.
<br /> Etect�on of Remedies. alI af Lender's r�ghts and remedies wi11 be cumu(a�ive and may k�� exercised alone or i
<br /> tvgether. If Lender decides to spend mone� or to perFarm any ❑f Trus�or's obligations under this Deed of Trust,
<br /> after Trustor's failure to do so, that decision by Lender wiII not affect Lender-'s r�ight to declare Trus�or in de�auIt '
<br /> and fo exercise Lender's remedies. • �
<br /> Reques�for Natice. Trustor, on beha�f of T�us�or and Lender, he�eby requests tha�a copy of any Not;ce of❑efaulf �
<br /> and a �opy of any No�ice of Sale under�his �eed of Trust I�� mailed ta them a�the addr�esses se�for-�h in tC�e#��-st �
<br /> parag�-aph nf this Deed af Trust. �
<br /> At-torneys' Fees: Expenses. ]f Lender instifu�es any suit or act"ron �o en�o�ce any o� the terms af this Deed of
<br /> T�ust, Lender shall be entitIed tv rec��et-such sum as the court may adjudge �easonable as attorneys' fees at�ria! �
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whethe� ❑� nat any caurt action is in'val�ed, and tv the �x��nt not prohibi�ed by lawr alI �
<br /> �
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's ❑pinion are necessary at any �ime for �he prote�tion of its �
<br /> interest or the enfarcement of its righ�s shaII become a parr of�he Indebtedness payable ❑n demand ar�d shall �ear i
<br /> inte�es� at the Credif Agreemen� �ate �rom �he dat� of the expenditure until repaid. Expenses co�er-ed by �his �
<br /> paragraph �ncIude, with�ut limi�atianr how��er-subjec��o any Eimi�s under applicable faw, Lendsr's attorneys' fees
<br /> and Lender's �egal expenses� whether or not the�e is a Iawsuit, incIuding attorneys' fees and expenses fot- �
<br /> bankrup�cy proceedings {inc�uding efFor-�s�o modifiy o��aca�e any autamatic stay or injunctivn�, appeaIs, and any
<br /> ant�cipa�ed post judgment coIIec�ivn services� the cos� o� searching recards, obtaining ti�fe reports �inc�uding �
<br /> foreclosure reports}� surveyors' reportsr and appraisal�ees, fiffe insuran�e� and fees�a�the Trustee�to�he ex�ent :
<br /> perm�tted by applicable law. T�us�or also wiIl pay any caurt costs, in additian�a all ofhe�sums prvuided by jaw.
<br /> Rights of Trustee. Trus�ee sha�I harre all of�he �ights and dut�es ofi Lender as set forth in�his section,
<br /> PDVIlERS AND QBLIGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The foIIawing pr'o�is�ons relating �o the powe�s and obligations af Trus�ee
<br /> are part of this Deed of Trus�;
<br /> Powers of Trustee. In addifian to aII powers a�Trustee arising as a mat�er of�awf Trustee shaCl ha�e the power�o
<br /> take the-Follawing ac�ions wi�h respect�o�he Property upon�he wr�tten request of Lender and Trustor: (a} �oin in
<br /> preparing and filing a map or plaf of�he Real Praperty, including �he dedicafion a� s�ree�s or ofher righ�s to the
<br /> pubjic, �b} join in gran�ing any easement a� crea�ing any res�riction on �Ch� Real Praperty; and �c} join in any
<br /> subordination a�o-�her agreemen�affec�ing this Deed of Trust a�-�he interest ofi Lender under this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet all qualifications required �or Trustee under app�icable law, In addi�ion to the rights
<br /> and remedies se�farth above, wi�h respect to aii or any part of�he PCopet�ty, the Trustee shall ha�e �he right to
<br /> forec�ose by na�ice and sale� and Lender wi1! ha�e the right�v fvrecIose by�udicial foreciosure� in ei�her case in
<br /> � accordanc�with and to the fu!! exfienf p�o�ided by appiicabie law,
<br /> 5uccessar Trustee. Lender� at Lender's option, r�ay from time t❑time appoint a successor Trustee�a any Trustee
<br /> appain�ed under�hss Deed of Trust by an instrument executed and acknowIedged by Lender and r�carded �n the
<br /> office of the recarder of HaII County� S���e of Nebraska. The instrument shall contain, in addition to aI� othe�-
<br /> matters required by state iaw, the names of the origina� Lenderr Trusfiee, and Trus�ar, the book and page �or
<br /> compu�er system r��e�ence} wh�t'e �his Deed af Trus� is recorded, and the name and address o� the successor
<br /> �rus�ee, and the instrumen�shaxI be execu�ed and acknowIedged by a�!�he bene�iciaries under�his I�eed af Trus�or-
<br /> �heir successars in in��res�. The suc�essv�-�rus�ee, wi�haut con�eyance of the Properry, sha!! succeed �v all the
<br /> �i�Ie, power, and duties con�e�red upon the Trus�ee in�his CJeed of Tr-usf and by appIiaabie law. This procedure fa�-
<br /> substi�ution of T�ustee shaI1 go�ern to the exclusion ❑f all ather pro�isions far subs�i�utivn.
<br />