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2� 1 ����41 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan I�o: �D'I 29837� {C�ntinued� Page 3 <br /> bvnd, reasonably sa�is�actory�v Lender,tv protect Lender's interest:. <br /> Duty tn Protect. Trustor agr�es n�ither �o abandon or lea�e unat�en�ed the Property. Trustor shal� da all v�her <br /> acts, in add�fiion�v fihvse ac�s set�Forth abave in this section, which from the �haracfier and use of the Prvperty are <br /> reasonably necessary to pratect and preser�e the Praperty. <br /> DUE �IV SALE- G�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's ❑ptior�� de�[are immediatefy due and payab�e afl sums <br /> secured by this Deed of Trust upvn fhe saEe ❑r transfer, without Lender's prior written consen�, of all ❑r any part❑t#he <br /> Real Property, ar any interest in the Real P�-operty. A "sale ar transfer" m�ans the con�eyance vf Rea[ Praperty❑r any <br /> right, title ❑r interest in �he Real Property; whether [egal, beneficial «r equitable; whe�her vo[unfiary o� in�oluntary; <br /> whether by ou��ight sa�e, deed, installment sal� c�ntract. [and cvntraGt, cvn�ract for deed, leasehvld interes� with a <br /> term greater than three �3f years, iease-apti�n cont�-act, or by safe, assignment. ❑r transfer o�any beneficia[ interest in <br /> or tfl any land trust ho[ding �itfe t� fihe Rea! P�operty, �r by any o�her rr�ethod af �fln�eyan�e of an interest En the Reaf <br /> Praper�y. �f any Trustor is a corporation. partnership ❑r limited liabi[ity campany. transfer a�so inc�udes any change in <br /> ownership of more than�wenty-fi�e percent �25°/0� of the�oting stock, partnership interesfis or limi�ed liabi[Ety campany <br /> interests, as the case may be, of such Trustor. Hvwe�er, #his ❑p�tion s�1all not he exercised by Lender if such exercise <br /> is prahibited by federal law ar by Nebraska [aw. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The foI[ow�ng pro�isivns relating to the taxes ancl liens on the Praperty are part of thEs Deed ❑f <br /> T�ust: <br /> Payment. Trustor sha[[ pay when due {and in all e�ents priar to delinquency} al�taxes, special taxes. assessments, <br /> cha�rges tinc�uding water and sewer}, fines and impositivns le�ied G�gainst vr an account ❑f the Praperty, and shal[ <br /> pay when due a[� c[aims far wark done on ar tvr servi�es renderecl or ma�erial furnished fo the Property. Trustar <br /> shal[ ma�ntain the Property free of all liens ha�ing priar�ty o�er or ec�ual to the interesx❑�Lender under th�s Deed ❑� <br /> Trust, except for the �ien vf taxes and assessments nvt du� and except as otherwise pro�ided in this D�ed n� <br /> Trust. <br /> R�yht to Cvntes#. Trustor may withhofd paymen�❑t any tax, assessmen�, or c[aim in connection with a gand �aith <br /> dispu�e o�er the obiiga�ian�a pay, s� long as Lender`s �nterest in tr�e Proper�y is not jeopa�rdiz�d. 1�a lien arises ar <br /> is filed as a result of nonpayment, Trustor sha�1 within fifteen {'15} days after the [ien arises ❑r, if a lien Es filed, <br /> within fifteen {�5} days after Trustar has noti�e af the f�iing, sec�.�re �he discharge of the fien, ❑r if requested by <br /> Lender, depasit with Lender cash ar a suf�FEcient�orporate surety hand ar vther security sa�isfactory ta Lender in an <br /> amvunt su#ficient to d�scharge the lien plus any costs and attorneys' �ees, or❑ther charges �hat cauld accrue as a <br /> resuit of a fore�losure or safe under the fien. ln any cantes�f Trustar sha�� defend Etself and Lender and sha�l satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgmenfi be�are enforcement against the Property. Trustor sha[� name Lender as an additivnal ❑b[igee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contest prviceedings. <br /> EvidenGe of Paymen#. Trus�vr shal[ upon demand �urnish t❑ L�nder satisfactary e�idence af payment o€the taxes <br /> ❑r assessments and shal� authvrize �he appropriate governmental afficial t❑ deliver ta Lende� at any tEme a written <br /> sta�ement of the taxes and assessments against the Prap�rxy. <br /> Noti�e of Const�uc#ian. Trustor shaE! nati�fy Lender afi least �i#�een ��5� days before any work is cammen�ed, any <br /> ser�ices are �urnished, ❑r any materials are supp[ied to the Praper�y, i�any mechanic's 1ien. ma�eriaEmen's fi�n, ❑r <br /> ather lien could b� asser�ed on accaunt ❑�the wQrk, ser�i�es, or materia�s. Trustvr v►rill upon request af Lender <br /> furnish �o Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactory to Lend�r th��t Trus�or can and wi[[ pay the cvst a�f such <br /> impra�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE, The fallawing prv�isians relating t❑ insuring �he Prvperty are a par�af this Deed ❑f <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance of Insurance. Trustor sha[[ procure and maintain pa�icies vf fire insurance w�th sfiandard extended <br /> cv�erage endorsements on a fair �alue basis fvr the full insurabl� �alue co�ering a[[ Impro�ements on the Real <br /> Property in an amaunt suf�ficient tv avoid applicafion af any cvinsurance cEause, and with a standard mor�gagee <br /> clause in favor of Lender. Trus�or shall a!s❑ prvcure and main�ain c:omprehensi�e�en�ra! liability insurance in such <br /> co�erage amounts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lenc[er being named as additiona! �nsureds �n 5L1Ch <br /> liabi[ity insurance policies. Addit�onally, Trustvr sha[I maintain su+�h other insurance, including bu� not limited to <br /> hazardr business interruptian, and boiler insurance, as Lender may reasonably require. Policies shall be wri#ten in <br /> fvrm, amaun�s, cv�erages and hasis reasona�fy acceptable to L�:nder and issued by a company or �ompanies <br /> reasonably acceptable to Lender. Trus�or, upan re�uest o# Lend�r, wifl deli�er to Lender from time �a time �he <br /> policies or certificates a� insurance in �orm satisfactory to Lender, including s#ipufations that co�erages wi�l not be <br /> cancelled vr diminished withnut at Ieast �en t 1�y days prior wr�fiten notice t❑ Lender. Each insuran�e palicy a1s❑ <br /> shall Enclude an endorsement pro�id�ng that co�erage in�avor o�Lender wifl no�be impaired in any way by any act, <br /> omission or default v�Trustvr ar any ❑�her persan. Shauld the Real Praperty be fo�ated in an area designated by <br /> the Administratar of�he Federal Emergency Managemen�Agency cis a specia[ f[ood ha�ard area, Trus�or agr�es to <br /> abtain and maEntain Federal Flovd lnsurance, if a�ailable, fvr #he full unpaid principal ba[ance of the Ioan and any <br /> prior liens vn #he proper�y securing the Ioan, up t❑ fihe maximum pvli�y limi�s s�t under �he Na#iona� Fiood <br /> lnsurance Prog�am, ❑r as atherwise requ�red by Lender, and to mairttain such insurance for the�erm of the Ivan. <br /> Application of Proceeds. Trustor sha�l pramptly notify Lender of ai7y �oss or damag� tv fihe Property. Lende�- may <br /> make prvvf of loss if Trustvr �a�1s to do so wEthin �ifteen {�5} days of the casualty. V�Jhether or not Lender`s <br /> security Es impaired, L�nder may, at Lender's election, recei�e and retain the proceeds v� any insurance and appfy <br />