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2� 1 ����41 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Lvan No: ����9�37� ���ntinued� Page � <br /> Trus�vr, tagether wi�h a[[ interes�thereon. <br /> Trustar present[y assigns to Lender {also knovvn as Bene��ciary in this Deed ❑f Trust� all ❑f Trustnr`s right, tit[e, and <br /> interest in and to aI� present and fu�ure leasea of the Prvperty and aI� Rents �r�m the Property. In additian, Trustor <br /> grants ta L�nder a Uniform Commercia� Code security in�erest in the Personal Property and Ren�s. <br /> THIS DEED 4F TRUST. INCLUD�NG THE ASSIC�NMENT �F RENTS AND THE SECIJR�TY INTEREST [N THE RENTS AN❑ <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, 15 G1VEN T� SECURE �A� PAYMENT DF THE 1NDEBTEDNESS AND {6} PERF�RI�J�ANCE �F <br /> ANY AN� ALL OBL�GAT[�NS UNDER THE N(]TE, THE RELATED D�CU1VlENTS, AND TH�S DEED �F TRUST. TH[5 <br /> DEED ❑F TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED�111 THE F�LL�INING TERMS; <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFORlV1ANCE. Ex�ept as otherwise pro�ided in this ❑eed ofi Trust, Trustor shai� pay �a Lender aI� <br /> amaunts secured by this Deed �t Trus� as they become due, and shall stri�tly and in a timely manner perform all of <br /> Trustor's ❑bliga�ions under fihe Not�, this �eed of Trust, and the R�lated Documents. <br /> P�S5E5S1�7N AND MAiNTENANCE �F THE F'R�PERTY. Trusto� agrees that Trustar's possess�on and use af the <br /> Property shall be go�erned by#he fo�lowing pravis�ans: <br /> Possession and Use. Unfiil the ❑ccurrenCe of an E�ent o# ❑efault, Trustor may {1} rema�n in possession and <br /> cantrol ❑f the Property; �2� use, aperate�r manage the Property; and t3} �allect�he Rents�rvm the Property. <br /> Duty #o Maintain. Trustor sha[[ maintain the Praper�y in tenantab[e conditian and promptiy perform a[l repairs, <br /> replacements, and maintenance necessary fin preser�e its value. <br /> CompIiance V�l�th Environmentaf Laws. Trustor represents and warrants fi❑ Lende��hat: {1 y During the period o� <br /> Trustvr's ownership of th� Property,there has �een nv use, g�n�ra�ian, manu�acture, starage, treatment, dispasal, <br /> re[ease ❑r fihreatened release of any Hazardous Subsfiance by any person an, under, about ❑r fram �he Property; <br /> �2} Trustor has no knvw[edge of, �r reas�n ta be[i�v� that there has been, �xcept as previousiy disclosed to and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in `rvritingr �a} any breach ❑r �3v�ation of any En�ironmental Laws, �b} any use� <br /> g�neration, manufacture, sfiorage, tr�atmen�, disposal, re�ease fl�-threatened r�[ease of any Hazardous Substance <br /> on, under, abou� or from the Pr�perty by any priar awners a�r occupants of the Property, or {c} any actual or <br /> threatened �itigation ❑r �[aims of any kind by any person relating tv such mat�ers; and �3� Except as pr��iausly <br /> dis�[ased t❑ and a�knowledg�d by Lender En writing, {a� neither Trustor nar any tenan�, con�ractor� agent vr vther <br /> auth�riz�d user o�the Prvperty shaii use, �enerate, manu�acture. store, treat, dispase at or release any Hazardous <br /> Substanc� on, under, about or frvm the Property; and {by �ny such ��ti�ity shall be C�ndu�ted in compliance wi�h <br /> all app�icable federal, state, and laca[ laws� regula�ions and ardinan�es, including withnut limi�atian aIf <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trus�or au�harize:� Lender and its agents to enter upon the Property to make such <br /> inspections and tests, at Trustar's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate tv determine campliance of the <br /> Prvperty with �his section o� the Deed v� Trust. Any inspections or �es�s made by Lender shall be #ar Lender's <br /> purposes on[y and shall no� b� c�ns#rued ��❑ create any respvnsibifity o�-liability�n the par�of Lender to Trustar or <br /> ta any other person. The representa�ions and warra�ties contained herein are based on Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�estigafiing the Property far Hazardaus �ubstan�es. Trustor hereby �1 y releases and wai�es any future claims <br /> aga�nst Lender for indemnity or contributi�n �n the e�ent Trus�or bec�m�s liable f�r cieanup or other cos�s under <br /> any su�h laws; and {�� agrees�o indemnify, defend, and hvld harmless Lender against any and a[l �faims, losses, <br /> iiabilities, damages, penal�ies, and expenses which Lender may direct[y❑r€ndirectly sustain ❑r suffer resu�ting from <br /> a breach �#this sectian �f the Deed of T��ust ❑r as a consequence of any use, generation, manutacture, storage, <br /> disposal, rel�ase o�fihreatened release❑ccurring prior�o Trustor`s own�rship❑r interest in the Property, whether❑r <br /> nat the same was or should ha�e been known t❑ Trustor. The pra�isions of this section of the Deed af Trust, <br /> including the❑bligation to indemnify and d�efend, shall sur�i�e the payment of the Endebtedness and�he satisfaction <br /> and recan�eyance of the lien of�his Deed of Trust and shall not be af�ected by Lender`s acquisition of any interest <br /> in the Praperty, whe�her by fareclosure or atherwise. <br /> Nu�sance. Waste. Trustor sha[f nofi cau�e, conduct or permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, or su�t�r any <br /> stripping ❑f ❑r was�e on or to the Properi:y or any portian af th� Property. WEthou� limi�ing �he genera[ity vf the <br /> �Fvregoing, Trustor will nvt remv�e, ar granfi to any other party fihe r�ght t❑ rema�e, any tEm�er, minerals �inc(uding <br /> ❑if and gas}, coal, clay, scoria, saif, gra�ei vr rock praducts without Lender's privr written consen�. <br /> Remo�aI of Improvemen�s. Trustvr shalf not demalisf�vr remo�e any Impro�em�nts frvm�he Rea� Proper�y►nri�hout <br /> Lender's pri�r writt�n cvnsent. As a cnnditivn to the remo�al o�any fmprvvemen�s, Lender may require Trusta�t❑ <br /> make arrangemen�s satisfactary ta Lender to replace such lmpro�ements with lmpra�emen�s a� at [east equa[ <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right#v En#er. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter upon fihe Rea� Pr�perty at all <br /> reasanabie times to attend to Lender's interesfis and tv inspect fhe Real Praperty for purposes of Trust�r`s <br /> comp[iance with the terms and conditions ❑f�his �eed of Trust. <br /> CompIiance with Governmentai Requ�rerr�en#s. Trus�or shall p�-amptly comply wi�h all laws, ordinances, and <br /> r�gu[ativns� now ❑r hereafter in �ffect, oi� aIi go�ernmental authvrities appli�ab[e fi❑ the use vr vccupancy ❑f fihe <br /> Property, including w�thout fimitation, the Americans With ❑isabilities Ac�. Trus�ar may contest in good #aith any <br /> such [aw. ordinance, vr regu[at�an and withho[d �omplian�e during any proceeding, including appropriat� appeafsf <br /> s❑ long as Trustar has noti#ied Lender in writing prior to doing so and s� I�ng as, in L�nder's sale❑pinion, Lender's <br /> interests in the Proper�y a�e nat �eopardi�ed. Lender may �equire Trustor fio post adequate s�curi�y �r a surety <br />