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2� 1 ���� 14 <br /> �. t��cupancy.B�rrower sha�l occupy, establ�sh, and u�e th�T'roperty as Borrnwer's principal resid�nce <br /> within 6�days after the executioa�f this Security In.strument and sha11 cantinue t�accupy the Property as <br /> Borrower's principal res�d�nce far at least one year aft�r the date of oceupancy,unless Lender otherwis� <br /> a�rees i.n writin�,�hich��nsent sh�ll not be unreas�nably withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances <br /> exist which ar�beyand Borrower's contr�t. <br /> ?. Preservation,AAaintenanceand Protectivnvf the Property;Inspectivns.�orrotiver sha11 not des�roy, <br /> damage or impair the Praperty,a��aw th�Praper�r to deteriorate or commit waste an the Property, �Vhet�er <br /> or not Borrav�rer is residing i�the Proper�r,Borrower shat�mainta�n the I'roperty in order to pre�en�the <br /> Praperty from deteriorating or decreasing in value due to its condYtion.LTnless�t is d�terrnined pur�uant to <br /> Sectian S that repau or restora���n is not economically feasible,Borrower s�al�pramptly repair th�Propearty <br /> �f damaged to av�id further deterioration or damage. If insurance ar coademnat�an proceeds are paid in <br /> connection with dama�e to,or�he taking of,the Property,Borro�ver shatl be r��ponsibl�for or <br /> restor�ng th�Pr4perty only if Lender has released pr�Ge�ds for such purposes.Lender may disburse praceeds <br /> fvr the repairs and re�toration�n a single payment or�n a series af progress payments as the tivork is <br /> comp�eted. If the insu.rance or�ondem�nation proceeds are nat sufficient to repa�r or restore the Property, <br /> �orrower i5 nat relie�ed�f Borrovc�er's�bi�gation for the cvmpletion of such repau or restora.ti�n, <br /> Lender or its agent may mal�e r�asonab�e�ntries upon and inspecti�ns af the Property. If it has reasonable <br /> cau�e,Lender may inspect the inter�or of the im�ravements an the Prop�rty. L,�nder sha11 g�ve Borrovver <br /> notic�at the tim��f or prior ta such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause. <br /> 8, Borroaver's LvanApplicat�on.Borro�uer shal�b��n default if, during the Loan appl��ation pro�ess, <br /> B�rrower or�.ny persons or ent�ties acting at the direction of Borrow�r or�ith Borrower's kno�vtedge ar <br /> consent gave materially false,misleading,or inaccurate information�r sta�ements to Lender(or failed to <br /> pra�ide Lender with m�terial�nformation}in�vnnec�ion with the Loan. Material representations include,but <br /> are not�imited to,representa.tions concerning Borro�v�r's occupancy of the Property as B�notiver's principal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protectionof Lender's Interest in the Pro��rtyand Rights Under�this Security lnstrument.If�a) <br /> Barrower fails to perform the covenan�s a�d a�reements contained in this Security Instrument,(b}there is a <br /> 1ega1 proceeding that might significantl}�affect Lender's interest in the Property andlor rights under this <br /> Se�urity Instrument�such as a praceeding in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forf�iture, for <br /> enforcement of a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument�r to enforce�aws or <br /> regulatians},or�c}�arrower has abandoned the Property,then Lender may do and pay far wha�e�rer is <br /> reasonable or appropriat�to protect Lender's in#eres�in the Property and rights under this Security <br /> Instrument, �n�luding protecting andlor a�sessing the�alue of the Propert}�,and securing andlor repau�i.n.g <br /> �he Froperty. Lend�r's actions can include,but are n���imit�d to: (a)p�ying any sums s�cured by a 1�en <br /> which h�s prior�t�a�er this Security Instrument;tb�appearing in caurt;and�c]pay�ng reasonab�e attorne�s' <br /> fees�o proteet��s interest in the Propert�andlor rights un.der this Security Instrum�nt, including its secured <br /> position in a ban�kruptcy proceed��g. Securing the Property includes,bu�is no���mited to, entering the <br /> Property to make repairs,change�vcks,replace ar baard up doors and windows,drain water fram pip�s, <br /> eliminate bu�lding ar other c�de violations or dangerous conditions,and ha�re uti�ities turned on or�ff. <br /> Alth�ugh Lender may take action under this Section 9,Lender does not hav�to�o so and is not under any <br /> duty or ob�igation to do so.It is agreed that Lender incurs no liabi�ity for n�t tak�ng any or a11 actions <br /> authorized under this Sectian�. <br /> qa33�o��0�1� oz33 ��� os1� <br /> NEBRASI{N-Singie Family-Fan�ie MaelFreddie Mac lJN1FQRl�!fNSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 342811Q1 <br /> VMP� VMPBA[NE}(93fl2}.4� <br /> Wolters 14#�rwer Financiai Services Page 8 of 17 <br />