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2� 1 ���� 14 <br /> services and subsequent cha,rges each ti.m�remappings ar similar changes occur which reasonab�y might <br /> affect such determination or certification.Borrower shall alsa be res�on�ible f�r the payment of any fees <br /> imposed b�the Federa�Emergenc�Manag�ment Agenc�in connection with the re�iew of any flood zone <br /> determination resu�ting from an objection by Borro�ver. <br /> If�orrower fails to maintain any of the coverages described above,Lend�r may obtain insurance coverage, <br /> at Lender's option and Borrower's exp�ns�.Lender is under no obligation to purchase an.y partiGular type or <br /> amount�f co�erage.Th�refore,such coverage shal�caver Lenc�er,but might or might nat protect Borrower, <br /> Borrawer's equity in th�Property,or the contents Qf the Property,against any,ha�a�rd or liability and <br /> might provide greater or lesser co�erage than was pre�rious��in effect.�orrower acknowiedges that the cost <br /> of the insurance eoverage so�bt�ined might signifi�ant��exceed the cost�f�nsurance that Borrower could <br /> ha�e obtained.Any amounts disburs�d by Lend�r under this Section S shail becom�additional debt of <br /> $orrv�ver secured by this Security Instr�ment. These am�unts sha11 bear in�erest at the Note rate from the <br /> date of disbursement and shal�be payable,�vith such interest,upon notice fram Lender to Borrower <br /> requ�sting paymen�. <br /> Atl insurance palicies required by Leader and renewals of such po�icies sha11 be subj ect to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove such po�ic�es,sh�ll inctude a standard mortgage ctaus�,and shall name Lender as martgagee <br /> andlor as an loss payee. Lender�hall have the right to h�ld the pol�cies and re�ewa�certificates. <br /> If Lender re�u�re�,Borr��ver shall pramptly giv�ta Lender all receipts of paid premium�and renewa� <br /> natices. If Borrower o�tains a�y form af insuranc�co�erage,not othertivis�r�quired by Lend�r, for damage <br /> to,ar d�st�uction of,the Praperty, such pvlicy sha11�nclude a standard mortgage c�aus�and sha11 name <br /> Lend�r as martgagee andlor as an additionalloss pa}�ee. <br /> In the event af 1oss,Borrower sh�11 gi�e prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> make proaf of lass if not made promptly by Borrower.Untess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in <br /> wr�ting,any insurance proceeds,whether or nat the under�ying insurance w�s reyuired by Lender,shall be <br /> applied to r�storation or repair of the Propert}�, if the restoration or repa�r is econamica�ly feasible and <br /> Lender's security is not lessened. During such repa�r and restaration period,Lender shali have�he right to <br /> hold such insurance proceeds unti�Lender has had an opportunity to inspect sueh Proper�y to ensure the <br /> work has be�n�ompleted to L�nder's satisfacti�n,provided that such inspectian shall be undertaken <br /> pr�mptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repai�rs and restoration in a single payment or in a ser�es of <br /> progress payments as the work is completed.Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law <br /> reyuires interest to b�paid on suGh insurance proceeds�Lender shatl not be requued�o pay B�rro�ver any <br /> interest or earnings on such prac�ec�s. Fees for public adjusters,or vth�r third parties,retained by Barrower <br /> shal�n�t be paid out of the�nsurance proceeds and sha�t be the�a�e abligation of Borro�ver. If the restoration <br /> or repair is not economica�ly f�asible or Lender's security wauld be lessened,the insurance proceeds sha11 be <br /> applied tv the sums secured by this Security Instrurnent,whether or not then due,vvith th�excess, if any, <br /> pa�d to F3onower. 5u�h insurance proceeds sha11 be applied in the order pr�vided for�n 5ecti�n 2. <br /> If Bonower aband�ns the Pr�p�rty}Lender may file,negatia��and settle any available insurance claim and <br /> related matters.If Borro�ver doe�not re�pond w��hin 34 days to a notice from Lender that the insurance <br /> carr�er ha�offered to set�le a claim,then Lender may negotiate and�ettle the claim, The 34-�1ay period u�i�l <br /> begin when the notice�s given.�In eith�r event,flr if Lender acquires the Proper�under Secti�n 2�or <br /> oth�rwi�e,Borra�ver hereby assigns to Lender(a}�orrower's rights to any�nsuranc�proceeds in an amount <br /> not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Note�r this Security Instrument,and(b}any a�her of <br /> Borra�ver's rights[oth�r than the right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by B�rrawer}under a11 <br /> insurance p�licies�overing the Property, insofar as such rights are applicable ta the co�erage of the <br /> �roperty. Lender may us�the insurance proceeds e�ther t�repair or restare th�Praperty or to pay amounts <br /> unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrum�nt,whether or not then due. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�gle Fami�y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RA►I INSTRUNfENT WITH MERS Fo�m 3t32S 1Jn'� <br /> VMR� VMPBA(NE)(13Q2}A4 <br /> Wolters Klwver Finar��ial Senr�ces Page 7 of 1? <br /> q�336487t3512 4�33 2�7 471 <br />