Y:��� _
<br /> — � �
<br /> �. Caed�maaflon. In the even!the Property.or any part thereQf,ah�ll be taken by eminent dom�ln�the Mort��gee
<br /> i�empowend to mlteet�nd t+eceive dl compensatlon whlr.h may be paid far inl'FroPeny taken er tar damages to propetty
<br /> (" not taken,wd Mortjaiee�lsall�ppl}��uch campens�tlon.at its opilon,either to�roductlon of th�indebtedness secun�
<br /> � hereby or to rep�ir rnd mstore thc property to darru�ed.
<br /> �� g• !�'t4'sss�s:'�;�:2L"tsry�1:`.aYgatr;raay,but sh�t: 1►ov�n�oi,iiy�nuuo,iu du�oy xci which the�iort�a�ur
<br /> hn �reed but fall�to do.and Mortp�ee may�1�do any act It deems necessuy to protec!the Uen hereof.Mo�qor
<br /> �eef to repay�upw�demaud,any�ums w expended by the Mortp�ee for the above purpoaaa�and tny�ums to expended
<br /> � by the Mort;atee ada11 be added to the indebtedneas secured henDy and become�uDjeat to the ilen hereof. Mortpjee
<br /> shall aot incur any penona!liability because af�nythins it may do or omit to do hersuader.
<br /> 9. Default;Mq�ntaent oi Renu. T[me ls oi the e:sence Aereof,�nd upon Mort�or's defa�ult in any coveaant
<br /> or�prexnent oi thls Mort�a�e,inrludln�corenants to p�y�vhen due the sunu�ecur�ed by this Mart�a�e,the IKort�qee ahall
<br /> be enNtled,at ib sole optlon and w1t1!ottt notice,to declare�11 zums aecured by thls Mort�a�e to be Immedi�tely due and
<br /> p�yable and may commence foieclomure oi thla Mort�e by Judlcid proceedinp;and,provlekd 11�rther,ttrat upon:uch
<br /> � ckfiult the Mort�a�ee,or a nceiver�ppolnted by a court�may at its option tad wlthout reptd to the atkqu�cy�!the
<br /> �ecurity,enter upon and take paaesrion oi the�perty and coUace the nnts�l�ua and protlta theretrom and apply them
<br /> 8nt to the cat of collection and opeatlon of the Properiy snd then upoa the indebtednes�ucured by thb Mort�a�ee;
<br /> Wd nnts, Wue4 and protlts being wi�aed to the Mort�a�ee �s [urther acurlty tor the p�yrment of tbe indebtedness
<br /> ucui+ed hereby. - •
<br /> 10. 'ISransfer of Property. If all or aay part of the Roperty is sold or tr�nsferred without the express written con-
<br /> aent of the Mortgagee.MortQa�ee may at its aole option,declue all sums secured by this Mort�age to be immedlately due
<br /> �nd payable.
<br /> 11. FLWte Advuues. Upon requsst o! MortQagor, MortgaQee m�y make additlonal and futuie advances to
<br /> Mort.��or.Such advances,wlth lnterest thereon,sh�ll be secured by th�s Mortga�e when evldenced by prom�ory notes
<br /> � �tating Wat sald notes are secund hereby. At no tirae sh�ll the princlp�l ataouat of the lndebtedness secured by thls
<br /> Drlortpre,not includin�sums adv�nced to protect the security o!thia Mort�Ke,ezaed tbe orlginal Note.
<br /> 12. Miscellar�oua Provlsions.
<br /> (�) Any forebearance in exercis9ng any�ight or remedy sh�ll not be a waiver thereof. �
<br /> (b) All remedies provided herein are dlstlnct�nd cumulative to any othes right affatded by law or equtty,
<br /> ' and may 6e exercised�c►ncurrently,independently or successival3•. ,
<br /> �__�
<br /> � � agieements contuned tserein st►�II bind, and the rlghts inute !o, the respective -
<br /> iC �I1C COYCI1i1ILS �1I�
<br /> � .
<br /> successors and aasigns of t6e Mortj�or and the Mort��ee.
<br /> td) All r�v.n�nt,�._n�e�.somPnts nf t,he�N�-!gag�r•*e joint snd severu:. -
<br /> (e) 'I1ie headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience oNy and shall not be used to inter• ' _
<br /> pret or define the provisions hereof. ' � :��
<br /> _ iS. RNwe. Upon payment of ali sums secured by this Mortga�, Mortgagee shall discharge thls MortYage and i.
<br /> shall execute and deliver a satlsfactory release therefor. ' �
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Mortgagor bu executed this Mortgage on the,.2thday of �an��arv ,199.0—.
<br /> }
<br /> C
<br /> - � �-.
<br /> , (W8 L. Boaowes• �
<br /> ;:a�;.
<br /> �nda J Va gaso B,now� `� :� ��
<br /> $tate of Nebrasl«, Ha I I County ss: •
<br /> QA ti�is 12th �y af �anuarY , 19_��before rae,the undersi ed.a No
<br /> gn tary Pubtic
<br /> : diily commissioned and quall5ed torsaid counly,peison�lly came�a�+Pr I _ Vary�� �.+�t Linda ��
<br /> Var acnn huaband anrl wifF+
<br /> 9 � , to me known to be the
<br /> identica! person(a) Mhose name(s) ue cubscribed to the foregoing insttument and acknowled;ed the execution thereof
<br /> �be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand�d notuial seal at Grand I sland, NQhracka in s�id county,the
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> My Comtcdssioi�j��M� ' '�''`� �/��
<br /> � � ^ --- --
<br /> .-- - --
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